Calm, Rational, Realistic Post Game Thoughts


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O-Line got exposed on the edge.
Ewers is a statue in the pocket. Poor to non-existent pocket awareness. No fire, no sense of urgency.
Tre Wisner is a solid, serviceable RB, but he's not explosive. To beat teams like Georgia you need explosive talent.
Huge drop off at DT when Broughton and Collins rotate out. The DT portal transfers are a bust.
Trey Moore has produced zero QB pressure and is a liability vs. the run. All his snaps should be going to Simmons.
How the F does Texas not have a decent punter?
Right now, Texas feels like a three loss team.
O-Line got exposed on the edge.
Ewers is a statue in the pocket. Poor to non-existent pocket awareness. No fire, no sense of urgency.
Tre Wisner is a solid, serviceable RB, but he's not explosive. To beat teams like Georgia you need explosive talent.
Huge drop off at DT when Broughton and Collins rotate out. The DT portal transfers are a bust.
Trey Moore has produced zero QB pressure and is a liability vs. the run. All his snaps should be going to Simmons.
How the F does Texas not have a decent punter?
Right now, Texas feels like a three loss team.
That’s the fastest opposing defense I’ve seen since the early days of Stoops at OU. I truly think that they are the best Texas will face this season. Made it too easy for Ga to score 17 points over 50 yards.

Also may be time to make the change at QB. Ewers missed too many wide open receivers, two on 3rd downs that would have led to TD’s. He seems to still be hurt and very hesitant.
That’s the fastest opposing defense I’ve seen since the early days of Stoops at OU. I truly think that they are the best Texas will face this season. Made it too easy for Ga to score 17 points over 50 yards.

Also may be time to make the change at QB. Ewers missed too many wide open receivers, two on 3rd downs that would have led to TD’s. He seems to still be hurt and very hesitant.
Ewers definitely does not have the it. Has ability but not it
Go back and watch Ewers last game at Southlake. Todd Dodge had him so confused he didn’t know whether to **** or go blind. This was a repeat of that. Watching live in MemorialStadium, he NEVER looked over the defense before the snap. He NEVER read the defense. (Can you say “Chris Sims”, boys & girls?)

Georgia telegraphed 75% of their plays. That’s all I will say about what some people call the “defense”. Piss poor tackling and being constantly out of position.

I will congratulate Smart on having a superiorly prepared team in every phase of the game. I don’t like him, and it appeared they played dirty in spots., but he got the job done.

Still they came into our house, beat the crap out of us in every phase of the game. I was too pissed to notice, but shall rely on one of the HornFans statistical gurus to correct my guess - it appears this group representing The University played about 10 minutes of quality football against a quality opponent.
It wasn't any better from the other end of the stadium. The first two series there were receivers open dow the field, bit UGa knew they didn't have to cover.
O-Line got exposed on the edge.
Ewers is a statue in the pocket. Poor to non-existent pocket awareness. No fire, no sense of urgency.
Tre Wisner is a solid, serviceable RB, but he's not explosive. To beat teams like Georgia you need explosive talent.
Huge drop off at DT when Broughton and Collins rotate out. The DT portal transfers are a bust.
Trey Moore has produced zero QB pressure and is a liability vs. the run. All his snaps should be going to Simmons.
How the F does Texas not have a decent punter?
Right now, Texas feels like a three loss team.
Quick throws and deep throws were the answer to Georgia’s violent offensive line attaching the QBs . The fumbles and side passes did not help.
Go back and watch Ewers last game at Southlake. Todd Dodge had him so confused he didn’t know whether to **** or go blind. This was a repeat of that. Watching live in MemorialStadium, he NEVER looked over the defense before the snap. He NEVER read the defense. (Can you say “Chris Sims”, boys & girls?)

Georgia telegraphed 75% of their plays. That’s all I will say about what some people call the “defense”. Piss poor tackling and being constantly out of position.

I will congratulate Smart on having a superiorly prepared team in every phase of the game. I don’t like him, and it appeared they played dirty in spots., but he got the job done.

Still they came into our house, beat the crap out of us in every phase of the game. I was too pissed to notice, but shall rely on one of the HornFans statistical gurus to correct my guess - it appears this group representing The University played about 10 minutes of quality football against a quality opponent.
I don’t think Sark had Ewers confused. I think a well thought out GA defense with badass, hair on fire Dline (esp D ends) had him confused and less able to e execute.
Also think the difference in the punting game was stark. The repeated short field we gave them was a killer combined with us being pinned deep repeatedly.
Quick throws and deep throws were the answer to Georgia’s violent offensive line attaching the QBs
Deep throws require time that our QBs rarely had.

Georgia’s defense was at another level, just outstanding. Their offense was not very impressive (due partly to a strong Texas D) but it didn’t need to be.
I don’t think Sark had Ewers confused. I think a well thought out GA defense with badass, hair on fire Dline (esp D ends) had him confused and less able to e execute.
Also think the difference in the punting game was stark. The repeated short field we gave them was a killer combined with us being pinned deep repeatedly.
The good news is that this happened during the regular season and not the playoffs.
All is not lost, just a rough spot on the road to a national championship.
Georgia’s pass rush made Ewers very uncomfortable and unsettled. Not having the option to tuck it and run is a huge disadvantage in the elite college level.

Defense played well enough for us to win that game.

17 points off 4 turnovers - that usually means you lost the game, regardless of who you are.

Missing a decisive run game hurts big time against teams like Georgia, where they just tee off on the pass rush.

1 for 11 3rd down conversions - typically point to you lost the game.

All fixable. Change the turnovers. Adjust the pass scheme. Things get better. Really good wake up call and input for adjustments for the rest of the season.

Hard to do - but elite coaches and players rise to the challenge and adversity. All is not lost…still have all goals in front of them. Learn. Grow. Execute. The future is still bright.

BTW: don’t think any team goes undefeated this year. Good to get it out of the way. Just don’t make it 2+ L’s.
I don’t think Sark had Ewers confused. I think a well thought out GA defense with badass, hair on fire Dline (esp D ends) had him confused and less able to e execute.
Also think the difference in the punting game was stark. The repeated short field we gave them was a killer combined with us being pinned deep repeatedly.
"Deep throws require time that our QBs rarely had.
Georgia’s defense was at another level, just outstanding. Their offense was not very impressive (due partly to a strong Texas D) but it didn’t need to be."
These ^^^are both decent, rational, not knee-jerk responses. Thank you.
My take is this:
First, Georgia was by far the most physically tough team we will play all season. The two ejections for targeting could have easily doubled. They hit us in the mouth and we did not respond until the 2nd half.
If we had played the first half as we did the second half we win the game.
If we had not played from so far behind, we kick two field goals instead of failing on two fourth downs. That gives us 20+ points at least. Then if we had not tuned it over more in this game than all season thus far, we win the game.

This game, believe it or not, was closer than the weird first half looked. It was closer than the final score indicated.

We obviously were surprised by the speed of the Georgia defense. Sark did not have our QB's moving. He thought our O line would handle the Georgia rush. They did not in the first half. Should we face Georgia again we need to move the pocket occasionally and try a few screens and trick plays. Something to confuse the defense and slow them down.

Our receivers in the middle of the field were open consistently. Ewers saw them and mostly hit them. Arch did not. Neither had time to go through their progressions. Perhaps a draw play and/or screens and misdirection/reverses would slow down their rushing defense.

If we play them again in the SEC championship, I like our chances.
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Excellent assessment @caryhorn - This was a tough loss, but GA is the best team in the SEC currently and we still have a great shot at the SEC Championship game. QB question is there but really OLine takes most heat here for failing to give our QBs enough time to throw.
Good morning! How’s everyone feeling today?
Now that I've come off the ledge, I'll add my two cents, which admittedly is all my opinion is worth.

First of all, let me say, FVCK Kirby Smart. His comment that somehow we "tried to rob him with the calls in this place" was low class. I'll be the first to admit that over turning the PI or holding call was pretty much without precedence, but it was the correct call. But I'd be pissed about it too if I was Georgia. But after the game, I'd hope to show more class than that after winning the game.

Now, my assessment. I believe in the prediction thread I was one of the few (only) who said I thought Georgia would win, even though I was too chicken to predict them winning. Karma and all.

However, until yesterday, we had played NOBODY that was a good/great team. No team that we played had a good QB. I was pretty sure our OL was overhyped. It seems everyone thinks they're great just because they've been around so long. So effing what? They pure and simple sucked last night.

As a team, we didn't show up with the same intensity or killer instinct that Georgia had. Kinda reminded me of last year's OU game. Look guys, other teams hate our guts. They want to demolish us. Be ready from the opening kickoff. Don't wait to see how the game unfolds.

Finally, if Wisner doesn't drop that pass in the first quarter, does the game unfold differently? I don't think he would have scored. But it would have been close.

Sane me says it's only one game. Someone had to lose. Regroup, get your act together, take advantage that now you are flying under the radar and let's go! Hook 'em!!
The OL lacked intensity against Georgia that it had against OU , which has a nasty defensive line .
Allowing Georgia this many sacks and penetration is something sark needs to address , quick.
Some of the OL troubles were getting beaten one on one. A lot of the first half pressure came from rushers who took off after all 5 OL were engaged.
Give Georgia due credit. They came into DKR with a terrific game plan from their coaching staff. And they played with their hair on fire all night. IMO, there's not much difference in the talent level between Georgia and Texas - but the difference in preparation and intensity drove the final result.
Watch the film, analyze what happened, make an effective game plan for Vanderbilt - and put this Georgia game in the rear-view mirror. You must play games one at a time - and the most important game is the next one. Total focus on Vanderbilt!
Go back and watch Ewers last game at Southlake. Todd Dodge had him so confused he didn’t know whether to **** or go blind. This was a repeat of that. Watching live in MemorialStadium, he NEVER looked over the defense before the snap.

If my memory is any good, you've never been real high on Quinn. You know more about him than I do, that's for sure. Here's my take on him.

First of all I like him. He seems to be a good kid, likable. So I'm not slamming him. But to me, he's always reminded me a little bit of Sam Bradford. By that I mean, a pocket passer, but not really a football player, a baller, a la Colt or Sam. Sort of a flag football kind of QB. I do think Quinn many times decides before the snap where he is going with the ball even though I've on occasion seen him pick out what appears to be his second or even third option. I think all of that would be fine if we had a superior OL or a superior running game. It's my opinion we have neither. Our OL has sprung leaks this season against several inferior opponents but our better talent carried us. I am sorry to say, last night, while disappointing, did not surprise me. Our #1 ranking was achieved by beating Michigan in week 2. Hell, everybody beats Michigan now. Not that much of an accomplishment.

By no means does this mean we can't win the SEC, or make the playoffs, or even win the whole enchilada. Last night should have told Sark and the players, we have a long way to go to be elite.

And I will say this: if we make the SEC championship game and our opponent is Georgia, I think I'll be glad they beat us the first time. It's a cliche, and maybe not even backed by any data, but conventional wisdom says it's difficult to beat a team twice in the same season.
- Georgia showed up to play. Texas didn’t.
- Quinn was throwing bullets and hitting receivers in stride before his injury. He’s back to lobbing his throws and looks at only one receiver. Too statue-ish. Still injured?
- Probably should have stuck with Arch since he can move his feet.
- How does an OL that averages about 315 lbs get pushed around like that?
- What happened to our punter pipeline? No chance to flip the field with this guy.
- Throwing crap on the field was stupid.
- I trust Sark will fix the issues.
- Don’t let one loss become two. Got to show up against Vandy.
- Kirby Smart sounds like a high school coach. A well paid high school coach.

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Sat, Oct 26 • 3:15 PM on SECN

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