Bushco made false statements??

Anyone who didn't realize both my posts were sarcastic, due to the hyperbole in the OP need to have their

Why do you think I even used the term "DemoRats" in my link to the freerepublic????


we simply disagree. I see this line of inquiry relevant, just as the other issues you mention are, regardless of partisanship, and the issue of whether or not a partisan appeal may be enhanced by that inquiry is immaterial to me.

Bush IS unique, because he is the one and only President, and the buck stops with him. I'm not interested in the anthill- I'm interested in the queen, and that's why we focus there.

As for the veering towards partisan rhetoric, take heart: in the biofuels thread today I found myself in agreement with horn6721 up and down the line, because the issue was real, and everybody knows it, and despite political leanings there has to be enough room in the solution for everybody, because if not we're all ******.

Maybe that's the appeal of "Bush lied!", when it comes down to it: it's a low-stakes way to talk about a question with the highest stakes possible: how do we approach the next war, with the next set of leaders??
Pretty much everybody thought Saddam had WMDs, so I do not know how the Bush administration can be faulted for stating that. Now, just because one thinks Saddam had WMDs does not mean that individual thinks we should invade Iraq. Read Gore's speech given in September 2002, he clearly thought Iraq had WMDs, and he was not against military action against Iraq, he was just against the way the Bush administration was taking us to war.

The two biggest things the Bush administration did wrong in the lead up to the war was to push for the vote before the midterms and push the Saddam/Al Qaeda connection, which the administration knew was a very weak connection at best. Now, I do not give the people in Congress a pass for voting for the Resolution, but the Bush administration politicized it, so they are in the wrong. And the people that voted for it showed that they were more concerned about keeping their job than doing the right thing, so they are also in the wrong.

Obviously, the Bush administration mismanaged the war, did not build a proper international coalition, and can be faulted for many other things with regard to the war, but I do not think the administration can be faulted for making that case that Saddam had WMDs.
Democratic statements in 1998, 2002 and 2003 are irrelevant Cotton Eye. Their statements don't support the conclusion that it is Bush's fault and therefore should be ignored.


Nice link; they won't acknowledge the truth because it doesn't fit their agenda or narrative.
I'm not sure what parts of your post are actually light hearted past the first amusing line. I've said many times that I despise the Dems that voted to support the invasion out of political cowardliness rather than voting what they thought was best for the country.

I've also said that I am surprised at the Bush supporters who can't do what other GOPs have done and repudiated this administration.

I don't like to be humorless in response to a lighthearted post, but these issues burn in me because of all the dead and waste. I'm not off the hook because I never voted for the guy. I'm an American and some of that blood is on my hands by association. And I hate it.

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