Bushco made false statements??

If and it's still a big IF there is success in Iraq it will be... hold your breath here..... because of the Democratic President likely to be elected this year. Either the Iraqi's will realize the end of the line to endless next year, next month next week argruments regarding progess and actually act and come to a political solution. It won't be because Bush kept us there and did such a crappy job in so many ways in Iraq. It will be because the pressure was applied by the election of a Democratic President.
Sure ag, but as I've said twice on this thread, the lasting legacy won't be the basis for the decision to invade, the legacy will be the failure to plan and execute.
And besides, it doesn't matter what Gore said: Gore wasn't president.
Gore's statements proved wrong. What policy of his proved wrong?

As for lying, where does Gore indicate Iraq was involved in 9/11? Where does he say he knows the location of the WMDs? Where does he invoke a "mushroom cloud?"

Please, distract me again by comparing quotes to policy and ignoring the falsehoods in the principle arguments used to get the American people behind the invasion. Circles are fun!

There was no shame in being duped into supporting the invasion based on the false statements of the administration. To stand by them after the false statements are proved false......

I know, you'll invoke Clinton. I know the drill. Go back to my first post on this thread.
What a lot of you Bush haters are missing is something my dad told me about how to deal with people early

Never ascribe to malice what can instead be chalked up to incompetance.

This Bush lied stuff is getting old. A lie involves a certain mens rea which nobody on this thead- or any of the millions of others, has come close to showing.
Yall think it's everyone's fault, ie bad intel, but this shows it's their fault and now our fualt for not understanding that. Every time we realize the truth like this and don't do anything about it, we are accepting fascism as the middle ground, as a compromise. We are accepting this dictator power over us and the middle east. A never ending war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Africa. It's war economics. Yall do know there was a 15 year old boy sent to gitmo 5 years ago?

wake up
But that's what I don't get, Wulaw- where are all the Bush haters?

If you'll see my first post on this thread, what I was responding to was the invocation of "Bush hate" as a way to invalidate legitimate criticism of this administration.

I don't pretend that Bush haters don't exist, but using this thread as an example, people who believe the administration to be historically incompetent and can reasonably articulate the reasons for that belief (whether you agree or not) seem to outnumber the actual "bush haters". Also Administration apologists crying "Bush hate" also seem to outnumber actual Bush haters.

So I ask you again: even using this thread as an example, could you please make it clear who "you Bush haters" are and how you separate them from mere critics?

those comments were not particularly directed at you- I find your point on the war to be imminently sensible and wish more shared it.

It isn't even so much this thead as all the BUSH LIED threads clumped together from the past 3-5 years. The orignal poster also used

"made false statemetns" which I read to mean- Lies. Otherwise- write Bush found to be wrong or something like that if that's what you are going for.
It's more honest and conveys your point better. but from the title of the thread throughout the post I think he meant to call him a liar.
Once again, wash, you fail to address the issue at hand.

Who gave the go order to pre-emptively invade Iraq under the pretext that he in fact had WMD and, in fact, had material ties to AQ?

How is it that claim of "Bush hatred" being thrown around provides the pretext for discounting any and all criticisms of Bush being the result of this so-called hatred?

I noticed further up this thread that someone commented that there's no way the claim of lying can be used given that no one is privy to Bush's mens rea. Well, two can feed at that trough....given that you all have no clue whether one's opinion is based upon this self-perceived hatred or the facts, the burden falls on you all to prove that hatred is the motivation and not the actual facts themselves.

Which means that you've got to completely ignore the FACTS as we know them (since you don't seem to know what facts are, there those pesky little claims that can be verified with independent, objective evidence).

Go to it.
Are you going to send me a nasty PM if I don't restate the same argument you and I have had for 4 1/2 years now?

Why don't you restate my argument (since you will do it anyway).

Get to it tough guy.
Your reply makes zero sense.

But I'll interpret that to mean that you admit that you're wholly unable to determine whether one's criticism is based on facts or "Bush-hatred."


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