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Ag- do you tell you children they did a good job whn they come home with a low grade? Do you priase them for getting the problems wrong in math because they didn't read the question? My guess is probably not. I don't need to say Bush sucks in every thread, it's just really, really hard to find stuff he does well. If you can do math, and you look at what bush is proposing in his budget and don't understand it's full of ******** assumptions, ******** analysis and ******** pipe dream premises relating to the cost side of the equation then I really can't help you out.... anymore than I can say the sky is maroon...
it's hard to face the facts Ag with Kids but the President you have stood shoulder to shoulder with on most issues is a very bad decision maker. PERHAPS it is because he lies to himself regarding the basic premises he uses to reach his conclusions? Or we can say... "George W. Bush presented a budget that any CEO in the country would be wise to use in forecasting the future of their company.... Funny Ag- I didn't hear you say any such thing... so I assume the lack of saying anything positive about Bush's silliness of a budget ,means that you too think his premises and forecasts are ********...
I certainly do not want to put words into your mouth Ag nor create a strawman as is your habit, so please let us know how your analysis differs from my own regarding the premises and substance of Bush's budget proposal. Let's see if you can do something other than attack strawmen relating to the subject at hand, which is the Bush Administration budget proposal?

it's hard to face the facts Ag with Kids but the President you have stood shoulder to shoulder with on most issues is a very bad decision maker. PERHAPS it is because he lies to himself regarding the basic premises he uses to reach his conclusions? Or we can say... "George W. Bush presented a budget that any CEO in the country would be wise to use in forecasting the future of their company.... Funny Ag- I didn't hear you say any such thing... so I assume the lack of saying anything positive about Bush's silliness of a budget ,means that you too think his premises and forecasts are ********...
I certainly do not want to put words into your mouth Ag nor create a strawman as is your habit, so please let us know how your analysis differs from my own regarding the premises and substance of Bush's budget proposal. Let's see if you can do something other than attack strawmen relating to the subject at hand, which is the Bush Administration budget proposal?