Bru McCoy back to USC?

As great a prospect as McCoy is some guys are more trouble than they're worth. We'll be fine without him. Doesn't mean I want him to leave.
I agree, depending on the circumstances sometimes it can be better to part ways.

I don’t know the origin of the rumor but some have posted that he was entering the transfer portal. We’ll know soon enough.
Makes one think there were reasons his release to play hadn't been official yet. I for one don't like this whole back and forth crap. They'll make a lot of hay out of this.
I agree, depending on the circumstances sometimes it can be better to part ways.

I don’t know the origin of the rumor but some have posted that he was entering the transfer portal. We’ll know soon enough.
The origin is the USC 247 site. They identify his dad as a source.
Some one posted on another platform that it has to do with "Urban Myer drama".

Not sure if true or what that means. Maybe the Zach stuff about Herman?
Could simply be a backup plan if the waiver fails. Who knows? The parents have acted rationally so far.
But wouldn’t he still have to sit even if he went back to usc since he technically did transfer. And if I’m USC would I even want him back?
I wonder if he felt ok coming because Floyd was coming over with him. Floyd's injury makes him feel lonely for home.
Disappointing to learn this morning. First thing I thought: kid is homesick. If true, like LC said, he gone. Hope I'm wrong...
Homesickness is not an incurable ailment. Let’s hope the parents and such talk some sense into him.
If true, this will make Aggy incredibly happy....I'm with most on this board that say you don't want someone on the team that's not happy here.....and really, that's the end game, the player needs to be happy wherever he's going.....
If true, this will make Aggy incredibly happy....I'm with most on this board that say you don't want someone on the team that's not happy here.....and really, that's the end game, the player needs to be happy wherever he's going.....
I'm totally with that but you shouldn't be able to come here, learn our play book, then before season ask out...sigh. That window should be closed till at least season end. NCAA should have protection in place.

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