Briles Apologizes

I think the BMD's at TAMU would band together to reject a Briles hire. It'll be tempting if Sumlin gets blown out two or three times this year. But in reality-land, there's still a sizable contingent of guys who are pissed off that they gave so much cash to rebuild Kyle Field in the Johnny Football aftermath without realizing how damaging his reputation would be for building the program in his absence. Sumlin lost control of handling QBs, as guys like Allen and Murray have publicly stated. A&M would be up **** creek without Knight's grad transfer. Briles could bring his system and assistants to A&M, but I think the damage has already been done for the short-term.
Briles recognizes that there are several attractive openings coming soon. A&M will target Herman, but they are not his buyout exemption, plus I they will be his fourth choice or lower.

LSU may or may not be able to grab Herman. If not, Briles' resume is already in the law firm in Baton Rouge.

Auburn is not a good job. You cannot win there without bigtime cheating, but then we are talking about Briles and Auburn fat checkbook. Malzahn has already been fired, will m move back to Washington County and wait for Johnny Tyson to drive around the corner and offer.

He will be the first choice in the Third Ward if Herman leaves. Think about it - Tillman and Art.

Arkansas is an outside possibility. Art is Baptist, which is a prerequisite in Washington County. Tyson, Hunt, the Murphy boys, Smith, and the mattress guys won't allow Briles to be offered.

He truly believes that he will have a major job next year, and is counting on Baylor to help make that happen.
Art Briles told ESPN on Wednesday that he is sorry for what happened under his watch at the university and vowed to be better in the future.

"I made mistakes. I did wrong, but I'm not doing this trying to make myself feel better for apologizing," Briles told ESPN's Tom Rinaldi. "I understand I made some mistakes. There was some bad things that went on under my watch. I was the captain of this ship. The captain of the ship goes down with it.

"Better in the future".......what does that mean? "Better" meaning so he doesn't get caught? His popularity is pretty far down in the gutter, close to Charles Manson and Jeffery Dahmer. The sum'***** is just trying to be considered for any HC openings that pop up at season's end. Don't know who would want him. Aggy might, to keep them in the running for the Fulmer Cup championship.
Art the fart hired Jimmy Sexton to be his agent. Every word of that apology was filtered through him, if not written by directly. You can bet your sweet *** that is a lawyer-driven, focus group tested first step in image rehabilitation, not a sincere apology.
Proof that the "apology" is ingenious - he does not say what he is apologizing for since he is on record saying he did nothing wrong.
It takes a big man in search of a big payday to apologize for doing nothing wrong. Poor guy was just captaining the wrong ship in the wrong place when the darn thing sunk. I hope Briles is getting some counseling from Chris Carter so he won't again be victimized by circumstances next time players he's protecting rape somebody.

What is wrong with you? That ship didn't sink, but rather a large number of Texas fans emptied their freezers to put all that ice together and forge a never before identified iceberg to sink the SS Baylor. It was all planned, manipulated, and orchestrated from The Forty Acres because Texas couldn't beat Baylor, don't cha kno.

Wait, we did beat Baylor in Waco last year, and own a 74-26 all time advantage in the series. Nevermind.
Why would his lawyers allow him to do this

He doesn't strike me as the type to follow advice from lawyers. If he thinks this somehow helps his future coaching prospects, I see him thumbing his nose at the lawyers just like he thumbed his nose at the rape victims, etc.
Remember when we wanted Briles so bad? The story I heard was that we wanted him to divulge what was going on in his program and he refused. If it was the morality clause or politics, either way we dodged a bullet.
I don't remember ever wanting Briles as anything other than QB coach or OC. I don't believe that he was contacted about the job when Brown was fired. Powers was a "one trick pony" to establish "Powers Painful Legacy", which will take a couple of decades to overcome. Bill Powers, our very own Ken Starr.
I don't remember ever wanting Briles as anything other than QB coach or OC. I don't believe that he was contacted about the job when Brown was fired. Powers was a "one trick pony" to establish "Powers Painful Legacy", which will take a couple of decades to overcome. Bill Powers, our very own Ken Starr.
I tracked the rumor down to Chip Brown so take it FWIW. Also I'm not too upset with Powers. I think Strong will be good and Smart seems to have potential too. Alcohol in stadium is good. He also downsized some probably useless jobs in the department. He did his main job and moved on. Then I guess someone finally got the message about abusing Godzillatron and now game day at DKR is pretty good.
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GameDay, especially the guy who used to pay for Georgia, ripped Briles a new one on the apology.....basically calling b.s. and saying you don't get fired for not knowing. You get fired for knowing and not doing anything about it.
I watched this morning with an open mind on Briles. Until.

Until, when asked, "What would you say to those who were victims, and claim you are responsible for having a program that had a number of sexual assaults during your coaching tenure at Baylor?"

Or something like that.

I guess I was expecting something like: "To those who were victims, I cannot apologize enough for what happened to them by players who were in my program. Though I certainly did not know at the time of each incident, I was informed by the legal process of what was going on and I did not act to make sure that this would stop, and stop immediately, and nevermore. I do not condone violence against innocents, but I was certainly responsible to try to prevent any such acts by those people under my direction. Again, I apologize to those who were abused, for not doing the right thing, not quickly enough, not strongly enough."

Instead, his response was, the non-apology apology: "To those who feel that way, I would just like to say I'm sorry that they feel that way about me."

W O W.