You seem like you decided to make your point and will twist and distort to the end.
You mentioned several statements in her piece YOU see as racist> I don't know what definition you have made up for racist but none of those statements suggest she thinks one race is superior or inferior to the other.
She did take what might be called dramatic license IF you read that when she said said rioting was blacks favorite past time. It is of course NOT all blacks favorite past
there is still knock out games ( jk)
And she was using the broad brush to say Black America will excuse the rioting.
However Some of black America will as it has done in the past..
she does not say or even come close to saying "the third was that any support for Al Sharpton would support future riots
But history does show some black will defend the rioting and looting and for sue Al Sharpton has ginned up people to riot .
I wonder why even as you call her racist and offensive you don't mention these statements from her
' But while I sit here, thinking what Michael Brown would have done with his life, the story goes on.
Black people took to the streets to protest the death of Michael Brown. They broke car windows, looted stores, stole ATM machines, and set a gas station on fire—all in the name of justice for Michael Brown. Al Sharpton was quickly notified and is on his way to Missouri to get paid. Thirty-two people were arrested.
Would it be too obvious to state that very little about the Sunday night in Ferguson, MO, had anything to do with Michael Brown? There was a vigil held at the shooting site, where people prayed and placed love on Michael Brown's parents. About 100 people stayed in front of the Ferguson police station, completely blocking traffic. These people are patriots, using their 1st Amendment right to protest."
What is racist and offensive about that?
or this
'On the other hand, the rioters and looters are the lowest form of disease in America. If their anger was genuine, the police station, police cars, and the Mayor's office would have been the targets of their ire. Wal-Mart, QuikTrip, the cell phone store, and Up N Up Fashion had nothing to do with Michael Brown's death. It was just their opportunity to get something for nothing, and they took it."
I think this writer has skin in the game. I still wonder that you can see her as a racist.