Brietbart is so impressive

The Washington Post quit carrying the offending cartoonist back in 2004.

And yes a black person can be racist towards blacks. You can read a few of the comments to see exactly how the article was taken by the target audience.

The article is racist and offensive. Brietbart is shameful.
And the article is on the "main" Brietbart page just above the ad for Mad magazine about half way down.

Do you people actually look?
You think her opinion piece is racist simply for the first paragraph.
What about the rest of the piece? did you read it?
what in the rest of her piece is racists?
is it possible, after reading the entire piece that you might realize she wrote the first as sarcasm?
If you aren't black maybe you wouldn't get it.

did you read her entire piece?

and yes You are right, it was shown on the first page, much like most media provide snippets.I was wrong, You were right on that.
Paso, are you allowed to call her an uncle tom? Are you African American? I am not able to comment on her opinion but it is not my own.
Your first link was not to the main page. Maybe it was getting so much controversy traffic that they moved it up to the main page, even as an opinion piece, to get more traffic? WWW sites are like that, click whores. DMN sports writers are/were infamous for that ****.

What is your opinion on the actual topic instead of the BS opinion piece? Maybe her saying the outlandish tripe will get the people to actually defend against it and start to believe that doing the right thing is important. AKA not rioting/stealing, even in the face of perceived injustice, is always the thing to do.
I hope you read her entire piece
and then tell me how she is a racist.

and I want to tell you again. You were right, a lead in to her piece is now linked on the main page of BB.

You were correct. BO did promise the American people he would forego leisure and vacation time if he was elected POTUS.
That is so hilarious and sad it deserves its own thread.
I read the entire piece along with the comments.

It was racist and was taken that way by the intended audience.

Her "point" is obscured by inflammatory language and is blaming the victim anyway. The first part is not "sarcasm".
Sidebar from the RFK speech:

It felt odd to me to hear a white guy telling black people what to do. Not in a racist way but it seems so out of place now, which might lead to a greater discussion...
What is the ethnicity of the author of the opinion piece cited in the OP? Can one be racist towards your own race?
of course you can be

if you single out an entire race as being "bad", you are racist

this is the definition

you do not get a pass because you may be a part of that race
she made several racist statements about blacks

the first was the inflammatory opening about rioting being their favorite pastime

the second was the claim that blacks would excuse the rioting

the third was that any support for Al Sharpton would support future riots

these claims are all inexcusable

I might give her the benefit of the doubt on the first statement being just an inflammatory lead in, but the later two claims erase this in my mind
Personally I'm not as offended by breitbart as by these degenerates:

If Obama had a few dozen sons

These are the same yokels who support killing abortion providers, para militaries intimidate federal officials, and so on.
You seem like you decided to make your point and will twist and distort to the end.
You mentioned several statements in her piece YOU see as racist> I don't know what definition you have made up for racist but none of those statements suggest she thinks one race is superior or inferior to the other.

She did take what might be called dramatic license IF you read that when she said said rioting was blacks favorite past time. It is of course NOT all blacks favorite past
there is still knock out games ( jk)
And she was using the broad brush to say Black America will excuse the rioting.
However Some of black America will as it has done in the past..
she does not say or even come close to saying "the third was that any support for Al Sharpton would support future riots

But history does show some black will defend the rioting and looting and for sue Al Sharpton has ginned up people to riot .
I wonder why even as you call her racist and offensive you don't mention these statements from her
' But while I sit here, thinking what Michael Brown would have done with his life, the story goes on.

Black people took to the streets to protest the death of Michael Brown. They broke car windows, looted stores, stole ATM machines, and set a gas station on fire—all in the name of justice for Michael Brown. Al Sharpton was quickly notified and is on his way to Missouri to get paid. Thirty-two people were arrested.

Would it be too obvious to state that very little about the Sunday night in Ferguson, MO, had anything to do with Michael Brown? There was a vigil held at the shooting site, where people prayed and placed love on Michael Brown's parents. About 100 people stayed in front of the Ferguson police station, completely blocking traffic. These people are patriots, using their 1st Amendment right to protest."

What is racist and offensive about that?
or this
'On the other hand, the rioters and looters are the lowest form of disease in America. If their anger was genuine, the police station, police cars, and the Mayor's office would have been the targets of their ire. Wal-Mart, QuikTrip, the cell phone store, and Up N Up Fashion had nothing to do with Michael Brown's death. It was just their opportunity to get something for nothing, and they took it."

I think this writer has skin in the game. I still wonder that you can see her as a racist.
As was just pointed out, saying it was a favorite pastime was over the top, but written to get attention. I am not aware of any other racial incident where whites, Asians, Hispanics or any other ethnic group looted a city. Again, I am simply just not aware.

The other points by Paso are laughable. Just google the reverend and you can easily find recordings of his racist views on crackers and other slurs.

Someone else posted the tweets encouraging blacks to attacks whites in the area. So again, your baiting is not working...
As an addendum: Whenever I see the aforementioned acts, I consider the entire group of TP'ers/Birchers as racist thugs. Am I prejudiced?
'I am not aware of any other racial incident where whites, Asians, Hispanics or any other ethnic group looted a city."

did those anarchist break into stores loot and destroy them?
The point the poster made was looting not protesting.
for sure those anarchists were idiots but did they loot and steal?

On the Brown shooting incident his family is asking people to not riot loot and shoot saying it does not honor their son.
I admire them for that.
Peaceful protests are I think completely warranted. The facts should come out on this no matter which way the truth points.
I did a search on that WTO event. Wow those anarchist planed for months and came from all over the world. They did indeed destroy and loot. .
That was back in 1999.I don't remember a riot/ looting even half the size of what is going on now in Ferguson by any particular groups other than blacks.
I am not sure though that the 99 protest should be lumped into the riots we see all too frequently over a police incident.
The black community for the largest part condemns these riots, looting and destruction. So many black people hvae spoken out against this behavior.
I bet the vast majority of looters are young black males with no jobs and /or are part of gangs.
If there could be jobs for them perhaps the wouldn't have the energy to riot.

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