Brave UT Lineman Faces Illness

My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer about two months ago, so I know what a shock this is on a family. I can only imagine what a shock it is when someone as young as Lance gets cancer.

You can beat it Lance!


You are in my prayers and I will continue to pray that God help you find the strength to beat this. Believe in your doctors -- they are the best!

Psalms 9:10 and 18:2 always gave me strength when I thought I had none. And of course, the Psalm in my signature says it all...
I know a 24 year old who has beat this same disease, he just got married and on with his life! Be strong, and you can beat it too...we're all behind you on this one.
Be strong Lance, your Longhorn family will always be there for you.

My dad is going thru his cancer treatment right now, and all I can say is stay strong and never give up! Hook'em LANCE!
God works all things to His will and for good. A few years from now you can tell your kids that the power of prayer beat this thing. God bless and keep you strong.
Beating this cancer will require no less than every ounce of energy he can muster--its THAT serious; it will take absolutely everything he has inside him to beat it.

good luck to this young man
Best wishes Lance and a full recovery. Keeping your head up and your sprits high will help to give you the best chance to beat this. Let us know if there is something we can do to help.
Prayers for a speedy and full recovery by Lance and prayers of strength for Lance, his family and friends.

UT is my second favorite school/team and news like this hits too close to home. I remember Lance's recruitment because I have some friends of the family from Jefferson and just hate to hear this news.

Get well Lance!


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