Bob Costas Goes Off On Gun Control

Its bizarre that the same folks who favor prohibition of guns oppose prohibition of weed even though the arguments against are very similar for both. Too many American's no longer care about liberty - they just only seem to care about their liberty.
While you're at it, get rid of Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty X-Box games, and all the rest of the violent/killer video games.
Also, turn prime time tv into something else besides NCIS, NCIS Los Angeles, CSI NY, CSI Miami, CSI-Crime Scene Investigation, Criminal Minds, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, and Law & Order: Criminal Intent.

Also, Breaking Bad, Covert Affairs, Blue Bloods.

Did I leave anything out?

Know how many violent crimes, insane people, murders, serial murderers, and basically screws-loose characters are depicted in those shows?

If this country had ZERO VIOLENT content allowed in any commerical media --- would that do it, also? Hey, NBC, you willing to cut the violent **** off the airwaves and encourage all the other programming to do the same?? Uh? Uh?

This country is OBSESSED with crime and criminal behavior.

Hey, watched any local television news lately at 6 o'clock and 10 o'clock? I'm talking just in Austin. The Crime-A-Day local newscast.

Here's a quick statistic I just pulled up on drunken driving deaths... this is from 2010.
In reply to:

Guns and families/boyfriends-girlfriends in the throes of emotional duress do cause some problems. I lived in a small town where an obsese woman was abandoned by her husband for a pretty young thing. Traded her diamond ring in on a pistol, shot her children as they slept and then smoked a couple of cigarettes and killed herself. She was out of her mind with grief and depression . Happens in relationships. The kids -- middle school age I think -- were probably too big to smother and I don't think a mom could use a knife on her kids. Not saying no one should be alllowed to have guns -- but getting guns into the hands of people when they are at less than their best can have tragic outcomes. Not sure how government can help, but a waiting period makes sense here. Time can let the depressed mind consider options and find hope. There are a few homicidal sociopaths, but most folks who kill somebody aren't in their right mind. I wish there were a way we could put guns only in the hands of the mentally healthy -- but I can't imagine a way for that to happen.
Being free means bad things can happen. But at least you are free. The fat woman didnt have to kill her kids. She could have shot the husband, or she could have just shot herself. Unfortunately, her state of mind is what lead to the deaths of her and her children. The gun was just the method she chose to carry it out.
You want to eliminate a massive chunk of senseless deaths??? senseless violence???

Prohibit alcohol. According to the WHO, alcohol has killed more people than AIDS, TB, and general violence worldwide. In the US alone, alcohol abuse kills 75k and shortens a lifespan by 30 years (MSNBC citing a government study). Of that 75k, 41k died in automobile mishaps related to alcohol. People are dying senselessly, needlessly, people are in abusive situations with alcoholics, peoples' lives are ruined...why? Not because we have constitutional rights protecting sovereignty of individuals. But because we need to get buzzed. What a petty petty reason to die for.

Gun related homicides in 2010 were 9k.
Another 28 lives lost, 20 of them little children. I'm not huge on religion but I do believe in a higher power. I pray to that power today: "Let all those who, in the face of unspeakable gun tragedies refuse to support assault gun laws burn in eternal flames! Let them go through hell here on earth and in the after life. Let their souls be condemned by being born as the lowest forms of life; and then die and then be reborn in a lower form of life and repeat that cycle until time ends!!!"
May God bless and change the idiocy and hatred that is Roger35. Please teach him a small bit of wisdom or control not to be an awful troll. He is reaching new lows of humanity simply because he has no skills to be a productive member of society.
The shooter was only 20 and couldn't own guns himself. They were registered to his mother, reportedly a school teacher. Since most women don't own "M4 type assault rifles" (which Lanza took, but left in the trunk of his car) or Glock/Sig Sauer semi-automatic 9mms, it won't surprise me to find out that she bought them for her son to use, but that is speculation.

The point is that I'm certain his mother would have passed any background check you could put her through. In fact, Connecticut has some of the toughest gun control laws in the U..S.

Most of these American mass murderers (James Holmes, Adam Lanza, the Va Tech shooter, etc.) are young males of high school or college age. They're usually described as "socially awkward" or perhaps as "loners".

There were plenty of socially awkward loners around when I was growing up and plenty of guns too, but you didn't have this problem.

There's something wrong in our culture, whether it be violent movies or violent video games, or whatever, that causes these boys to decide that since their lives aren't good, they're going to go out in a blaze of gunfire and take as many people as possible with them.
All of the "don't blame the guns" people are willing to allow unrestricted access to them in spite of overwhelming evidence related to the escalation of violence when there's a gun around.

They compare it to drunk driving or terrorism because it's convenient to compare traffic fatalities with no malicious intent to the relatively small number of gun-related deaths. Look, ma, one number is bigger than the other!

I'm not an advocate against a ban on guns, but Costas was correct about the gun culture and how it never seems to de-escalate problems. Only makes them worse. Magnified. Perhaps the CT shooting was unavoidable, but those who support gun rights have to concede that **** happens in order for their arguments to be valid. However inanimate a gun might be, it sure as hell is no club, knife, Chinese throwing star, blunt object, or the like. When the purpose of an inanimate object is to make it easier to kill something, it adds another dimension.

Thank God no one is advocating arming the teachers or administrators at the school.
I had a response and hit reply, but the server said there was a problem. Here's the gist:

1. Perhaps when I say "unrestricted access," I'm just referring to the overall legal ability to easily get guns. It doesn't even have to be an assault rifle.

2. I'm not advocating a repeal of the 2nd amendment, but if it were, there are 75K people in the industry with jobs at stake. And some of them would have to remain at work because of police and military.

3. I was referring more to the culture of guns, not state-by-state gun control laws. People who support legal weapons to make things easier to kill have to concede that innocent people will die because of their availability. It just angers the far left or gun control nuts because it always becomes an asinine "cars kill people too" thing. At least own up to the explicit purpose of guns and admit there's nothing we can do to stop future CT shootings from happening. Be honest.

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