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(2500+ posts)
02/10/15 08:56 AM
Re: BO :"Well Crusaders did it too"
How I feel about this thread
Seattle Husker
(5000+ posts)
02/10/15 09:45 AM
Re: BO :"Well Crusaders did it too"
LOL Crock! That's very appropriate.
(10,000+ posts)
02/10/15 10:38 AM
Re: BO :"Well Crusaders did it too"
How cute.
I think you should send that to the parents of the 26 y o female murdered by ISIS
and see if they think it is funny.
No one has answered this question in any rational way. What was BO trying to accomplish by linking the Crusades to what is going on today? If it was for historical context should he not, to be factual, also mention the hundreds of years of muslim atrocities before the Crusades?
By not mentioning the prior atrocities his agenda is suspect.
(2500+ posts)
02/10/15 11:10 AM
Re: BO :
That woman was acting with courage and love. I have tremendous admiration and respect for her.
I can tolerate you misunderstanding something beyond your reasoning skills 6721, but I'll not tolerate you suggesting I condone, approve or somehow enable ISIS violence or any way disrespect this beautiful American who lost her life.
Wrap your brain around this 6721. The religion of the people she went so courageously to help was mostly Muslim. The people whose gratitude so touched her that she risked personal danger to continue helping were mostly Muslims.
It's beyond pathetic that you somehow place yourself as the defender of one who looked at Muslims with campassion, understanding,courage and intelligence. So far as I can tell, if you have a cogent thought on this topic, it is that we should be more hostile and judgemental our language towards all Muslims and you are irritated that our President didn't take the opportunity to more effectively do that.
(10,000+ posts)
02/10/15 01:02 PM
Re: BO :"Well Crusaders did it too"
Get down off your high horse. No where did I suggest anything like that.
(2500+ posts)
02/10/15 01:28 PM
Re: BO :"Well Crusaders did it too"
In reply to:
How cute
I think you should send that to the parents of the 26 y o female murdered by ISIS
So what, outside indignation, would be a rational response?
Bevo Incognito
(1000+ Posts)
02/10/15 02:56 PM
Re: BO :"Well Crusaders did it too"
It's pointless. He believes that Obama was trying to "excuse this barbarism." He's a partisan shill who will only and can only see the world through partisan blinders.
(2500+ posts)
02/10/15 03:37 PM
Re: BO :"Well Crusaders did it too"
Though I frequently disagree with 6721, I don't dislike him. I found a comment more personally hurtful than usual and, in the fashion of people with healthy relationships, I wanted to let him know about it in no uncertain terms.
Seattle Husker
(5000+ posts)
02/10/15 03:56 PM
Re: BO :"Well Crusaders did it too"
That's my issue on many of these threads. The stances that are being placed on others actions are so inflammatory and twisted to be patently absurd. For anyone to think Obama's comments or those of some of us on this board are any indication that we
support barbarism or ISIS is pure lunacy. Simply put, its illogical to believe that any rational person believes beheading and burning alive other human beings is acceptable, in any context yet that's exactly what is being inferred on this thread.
To bring this back to the initial Horn6721 question:
In reply to:
Yes it was considered a Christian campaign but is there a difference between doing something in the name of a religion and committing deeds based on the actions of their prophet?
No. The Roman Catholic church
claims to be a direct conduit to God. I haven't researched this directly but I'd wager my house that the Pope cited to be acting on behalf of God or Jesus in church doctrine during the crusades.
(10,000+ posts)
02/10/15 04:36 PM
Re: BO :"Well Crusaders did it too"
Crock I did not intend anything to be hurtful to you as I am sure you did not intend anything insulting.
I am still trying to see which group BO intended his incomplete casting of the Crusades as an equivalency point.Toward whom was his remark directed and for what purpose? It was said here at a National Prayer Breakfast, usually a time to bring people together.
If a world leader is trying to make a point, especially THIS leader at a time when unspeakable acts are being committed daily by islamists
surely that leader would think it is important to mention all relevant facts as he tries to draw equivalencies.
If muslims hadn't spent hundreds of years prior to the Crusades murdering and conquering all over the middle east and into Europe would the Crusades have happened?
if BO is not exactly excusing the barbarism by today's islamists he isn't being complete about what happened nearly a thousand years ago
(2500+ posts)
02/10/15 08:22 PM
Re: BO :"Well Crusaders did it too"
He wasn't casting an equivalency. He was making a point that a lot of bad things are done in the name of religion (and for North American's we sure as hell don't have to go back 1,000 years for Christian examples.) He wasn't in the space of two sentences going to tell this history of the battles between Muslims and Christian nations. Hell, I've been fascinated with the crusades and loved to read both scholarly and fanciful accounts of the battles and struggles of Bohemund, Tancrid, the Knights Templar, Knights Hospitalers, Richard the Lion-Hearted, the Knights of Malta, etc.....I couldn't summarize them in a meaningful way. Obama shouldn't have gone there because he and his press folks would have known FOX and Friends would take this debate where it's gone.
(5000+ posts)
02/12/15 02:00 PM
Re: BO :"Well Crusaders did it too"
The few the proud the Obama Protectors, you guys snicker amongst yourselves like you are so superior to people, it is your veil of ignorance that is so little common sense that is shown by your comments are too funny. Numerous of my liberal democratic friends are aghast at Obama's true colors. You still have the die hard in the wool and that's what you three are.......laughable.....
Seattle Husker
(5000+ posts)
02/12/15 05:14 PM
Re: BO :
(2500+ posts)
02/13/15 07:37 AM
Re: BO :"Well Crusaders did it too"
By the way, I endorse the link 6721 provided earlier as a good read on the topic. It's from a Catholic point of view. But the writer is an expert on the Crusades, unlike most of the commentators, left and right, we're hearing from on this topic.