Black Lives Matter; The Cerebral Warlords of Our Time

Note she was given a lite sentence to be to begin with:

Yeah, if you're used to having a nice office job and making good money, it's a real ***** to get thrown in the slammer. Maybe throwing that Molotov cocktail into a police car was a bad idea.

I get being drunk. Most of us have done stupid things while drunk, but even drunk, we have to have boundaries especially when cops are nearby. A buddy of mine once took a piss on a cop car while drunk, but he was smart enough to be on the roof of the Doubletree by the Texas Capitol at the time. If he had been standing next to the car, he would have gone to jail. It's all about boundaries and having good judgment.
Yeah, if you're used to having a nice office job and making good money, it's a real ***** to get thrown in the slammer. Maybe throwing that Molotov cocktail into a police car was a bad idea.

I get being drunk. Most of us have done stupid things while drunk, but even drunk, we have to have boundaries especially when cops are nearby. A buddy of mine once took a piss on a cop car while drunk, but he was smart enough to be on the roof of the Doubletree by the Texas Capitol at the time. If he had been standing next to the car, he would have gone to jail. It's all about boundaries and having good judgment.
There was a great COPS episode from the 90s, I think, in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. Some guy from Pittsburgh couldn't understand that laws like the one prohibiting public urination were not relaxed during Mardi Gras. He was relaxed enough to publicly urinate until he got arrested. Then he was stressed.
There was a great COPS episode from the 90s, I think, in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. Some guy from Pittsburgh couldn't understand that laws like the one prohibiting public urination were not relaxed during Mardi Gras. He was relaxed enough to publicly urinate until he got arrested. Then he was stressed.
Your reminded me of a slogan that I use whenever I am in NOLA: Never walk in a puddle.
There was a great COPS episode from the 90s, I think, in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. Some guy from Pittsburgh couldn't understand that laws like the one prohibiting public urination were not relaxed during Mardi Gras. He was relaxed enough to publicly urinate until he got arrested. Then he was stressed.

I would imagine he would be, but in his defense, if you take a piss on the street in New Orleans, are you really making that city any dirtier?

She was on "The Five" recently crying about how she is being canceled for something, I don't remember what. Now, I see that this waste of space donated to that fascist group. What a moron. Like the people who cry about being ripped off when sending money to a televangelist and not being healed.
Remember when we had posters on here who said the right has shifted more than the left?

Remember when we had posters on here who said the right has shifted more than the left?

It's also interesting that blacks have moved Right on that question by about ten points. It's nowhere near as stark as the movement of white liberals, but in terms of electoral politics, it's significant.

As for the white liberals, their religiosity has dropped dramatically in the last 20 years. They've substituted Christianity with woke social justice causes, so their movement is pretty predictable and obvious.
A woke idiot ended up being a hypocrite. What a shock.
The funny thing is that she insulted whites, blacks, and, indirectly, gays all at once. The trifecta!

She said they were raising the black kid to be white. Fill in the blank:
Instead of ____________ ,I am raising my child to ________________.

The funny thing is that she insulted whites, blacks, and, indirectly, gays all at once. The trifecta!

She said they were raising the black kid to be white. Fill in the blank:
Instead of ____________ ,I am raising my child to ________________.

So, in other words...she CANNOT be a racist...she hates ALL other demographics.
And I am guessing that of those 18, about 16 were deservedly shot despite not having a gun.

The "unarmed black man" narrative was always stupid for the big reason that it presumes that the cop knows or should know that the guy is unarmed. It also assumes that openly carrying a weapon is the only way a human being can be dangerous. What if he's threatening the cop? What if he's assaulting the cop, especially if he's bigger than the cop? What if he's acting like he's armed? What if he's trying to get at the cop's gun or his vehicle?

Those obvious considerations were always just ignored by our crap media, and yet tens of millions of dumbasses just followed the outrage anyway.

For those one or two that truly are killed unjustly, my sympathy is with them. Punish, and if appropriate, criminally charge the cop. Pay out a cash settlement to the family. A free country doesn't tolerate that. However, of the countless cases hyped by the media in the last ten years, at most one or two actually fits that mold (Philando Castille and maybe Walter Scott, though even he was being a dumbass running from the cop). Most are more like the Jacob Blake or Michael Brown shootings - very, obviously justifiable with even a brief look at the facts.
I don't think that comparison is very relevant. The amount of black people vs cops and interactions between them is way way higher for blacks than cops. The graph could show who black people should be careful around though.

A great comparison would be black men killed by cops vs cops killed by black men. That would tell which group should really be afraid of the other.

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