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I have no expertise in this field whatsoever, but in light of the last two years, its a subject most everyone cares about. Biolab interest intersects with the serious interest of the war between Russia and the West now being fought in Ukraine. So I thought I'd begin a thread and post anything I run across that may be of interest.

The following was copied from I believe Telegram, and posted on The Saker website. It's just hearsay now, but I thought I'd put it up in case there is a follow up.

  • The facts of the emergency cleansing by the Kiev regime of the traces of the military biological program being implemented in Ukraine, funded by the US Department of Defense, have been revealed – Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
  • The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation published an instruction of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on the destruction of pathogens and acts of destruction in the Poltava and Kharkiv biological laboratories
  • The received documents confirm that in the Ukrainian biological laboratories, in the immediate vicinity of the territory of Russia, the development of biological weapons components was carried out. In order to prevent disclosure of the facts of violation by the United States and Ukraine of Article 1 of the UN Convention on the Prohibition of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons, the Ukrainian Ministry of Health sent an instruction to all biological laboratories to urgently eliminate stored stocks of dangerous pathogens.
  • In the near future, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation intends to present the results of the analysis of the received documents
There are some links to articles dating back to 2018 that discuss US funded biolabs throughout the world. When I try to link them, this sight won't let me post the URL. But in all honesty, the majority of the reports are long, complicated, and out of my scope. As far as I can tell, there's never been any serious investigation or reporting about these labs.
Found the Russian broadcast on YouTube (see post 1). Beginning at the 2:00 mark, is the relevant talking points to the biolabs. You'll have to hit CC for closed caption and then under options choose translate to English.
First AC was a communist, what are y’all gonna label Musberger a communist now? What about Monahorns? Somebody had to be first. I took one for the team. Team CTS. Critical Thinking Skills.
First AC was a communist, what are y’all gonna label Musberger a communist now? What about Monahorns? Somebody had to be first. I took one for the team. Team CTS. Critical Thinking Skills.
I think I'm a Putin apologist. If you believe this, then it is dangerous to read or even think about anything I put out because it is misinformation, and could be harmful to consume. But...I haven't been banned so I'm not complaining too much.
You are each special in your own ways. One of you is pro Putin only when it aligns with the satanist child molesting lunacy.
Yeah, was going to post the same thing.

This story went from "Foolish Russian conspiracy theory to lie their way into an invasion"


"yes there are biolabs in Ukraine, but if anything every happens from them it's totally Russia's fault"

pretty quick.

As other's have said - all the same people in the ruling class who told you 101 lies about the Wuhan, or that the Burn Loot Movement was wonderful and totally justified, now is all on board with Ukraine/wonderful Russia/meanie.

Gotta say, the ruling class has used up all their credibility the past two years.
It’s pretty clear that Putin has to put something out there for the Russian people to justify what is clearly a big **** up on his part (the invasion). Before the invasion, Mus kept telling us that it was all about NATO overstepping and bro-Nazis in Ukraine and “like peoples”. Now he needs more justification so he’s peddling this ****.
We are seeing many articles and theories posted. I try to keep it simple. I don't know anything except that Russia attacked Ukraine and innocent people are dying.

We claimed Hussein had WMD. We established a pre-emptive strike policy.

That was us. That's all I know.
It’s pretty clear that Putin has to put something out there for the Russian people to justify what is clearly a big f**khead up on his part (the invasion). Before the invasion, Mus kept telling us that it was all about NATO overstepping and bro-Nazis in Ukraine and “like peoples”. Now he needs more justification so he’s peddling this ****.
I think it speaks for itself.

So we set up these biolabs?
And now Putin is covering his ineptness by saying he is trying to save the world?
Is that it?
“Biological research facilities” to “bio weapons lab” is a leap. “Biological research facilities” to “preparing to attack Russia with bio weapons” is a ******* lunatic rocket launch.

It’s like you’re proud of spouting this retarded nonsense.
“Biological research facilities” to “bio weapons lab” is a leap. “Biological research facilities” to “preparing to attack Russia with bio weapons” is a ******* lunatic rocket launch.

It’s like you’re proud of spouting this retarded nonsense.
Welcome to the nutjob party!

Ironically, we could almost track what is coming out of Moscow with some posters.
Welcome to the nutjob party!

Ironically, we could almost track what is coming out of Moscow with some posters.
These labs are illegal in the US. So we clandestinely outsourced them. They are in many countries, primarily in Africa and the former Soviet states. You can bet they are dual use facilities or the Pentagon wouldn’t be involved with funding. You would think after Wuhan and the past two years the press would have been all over this the past two years. But they weren’t. And aren’t.
It is clear now that there are biolabs in Ukraine that the US had a hand in funding. The question is what are they researching? Viruses? Bioweapons? Something else?

I don't think this justifies Russia's attack any more than otherwise thought. But assets like this are important NOT to destroy and unleash diseases on the world. Can we all agree to that?

It also shows just how integrated the US has been with Ukraine over the last 8 years. Why is Ukraine all of a sudden so important to US interests? Ukraine is in Eastern Europe sitting right next to Russia. Is it that important that they do all these things with the US? In my view point. No.

It also shows the dishonesty of our elite managerial class and their media lackeys. Anyone who believes the narrative coming from the mainstream media is actively brainwashing themselves to be government drones.
Why is Ukraine all of a sudden so important to US interests? Ukraine is in Eastern Europe sitting right next to Russia.

Ukraine was developing into a bit of a technology development hub for Eastern Europe. Aside from the commercial software development capabilities (my company is trying to relocate 450 Ukrainian developers) they have been integral in China's military ascendance. Reuters had an article this morning that claimed China wouldn't have a single aircraft carrier without Ukraine technology. Here is another that details Ukraine's involvement in their air power.

China's reliance on Ukraine for technology might be why they are beginning to take a more demonstrative stance against Russia. That and the risk of collateral damage from Russian sanctions.

Notice that none of this has to do with "Biolabs". Are there likely "Biolabs" in Ukraine? Yes, because cancer exists there too. Lab work to test any number of diseases that Ukrainian citizens might have must exist. It's part of a more evolved healthcare system.

"Biolabs" are the new "denazification". Take something small, tie it into a conspiracy and overamplify it's importance.
I would neither be surprised to honestly learn the US has biolabs in Ukraine doing something immortal or nothing immoral. Still wouldn't make me feel Russia is justified.
The Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova, told the United States on Wednesday, “We have found your biological weapons!”

“There was statement made by the Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, leave no doubt, will not give Washington to be silent this time. Their attempts, while spilling blood, to find biological and chemical weapons throughout the world. We have found your own products. We have found your biological material. As it turns out it was all happening in Ukraine,” RT, Russia state-affiliated media reported."

No doubt a lie BUT the US needs to answer this accusation.
Much like Honkey Supremacy!!!, which is the boggie man for the Democrat party, the supply of Weapons of Mass Destruction!!! Is much less than the demand.

Still, it’s interesting how the biolabs have gone from
Crazy conspiracy theory


cancer research labs

in a day.

Probably still nothing. The US seemed to have outsourced its bio weapon research to Wuhan, China. Unless you’re one of the dumb asses who still believes the Wuhan was from someone eating a bat.

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