BIG UT vs little ut - Barnes Returns

Despite the massive choke at end of game (16-0 run by Tenn), this was exactly like a March game that the team needs to experience.
Hey, even though its 3rd behind football and baseball I've always said there's enough basketball talent in Texas to win a championship if we could get all the top talent.
There certainly is. What if Gonzaga’s Timme played for us? He’s from one of those suburbs N of Dallas. Duke and other top National programs have raided Texas for years.
Just my personal opinions of some of the top states for recruiting—based on little more than tribal knowledge in the back of my head.

Football recruiting states:

1. Texas
2. California
3. Florida
4. Georgia
5. Ohio
6. Pennsylvania

Hon mention:
South Carolina
New Jersey

Baseball recruiting states:

1. Florida
2. California
3. Texas
4. Arizona

Hon mention:
South Carolina

Basketball recruiting states

1. New York
2. Texas
3. Illinois
4. California
5. Michigan
6. Florida

Hon mention:
North Carolina
New Jersey
Basketball recruiting states

1. New York
2. Texas
3. Illinois
4. California
5. Michigan
6. Florida

5 of the 29 five star recruits are from Texas this year.
8 of the top 50
13 of the top 100 and all are either 4 or 5 star recruits. We got one in 5 star PG Arterio Morris out of Dallas.

We usually only sign 4 or 5 players each year so if we could get a couple 5 stars and two or three of the 4 stars we would be rocking it every year.

Easier said than done, but I believe Beard could change the trend.

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