Best BBQ in Texas?

Coopers is always better during hunting season, when they are pushing a lot of food through there. Kruez is probably the best overall. Joel's in Flatonia is great, but the amount of flies there is amazing. The sausage in Elgin is the best, but if you get up to go to the bathroom it will get cold and all the grease will congeal. Flies get stuck in it like the mosquitoes in amber. My favorite was Bongos on 24th, not the best, but right there and the sauce was great. I ate there every day the week it closed down.
overall it has to be city market in luling.

a couple places that haven't been mentioned.

the "place up on the hill with banners advertising smoked turkey" in llano that someone disparaged earlier has rurkey sausage that is great to take home in a huge coil and eat cold for a week.

there's a little meat market in giddings that has the best sausage of any place i can think of.

zimmerhansel's in smithville is pretty excellent as well.
May I suggest a bit of a shorter drive to Pantego to David's. I will say that not only is the BBQ great, but I need to mention the beans. I do like beans as a side dish to BBQ and I know that some differ even on that. These beans are not just pintos. They are BBQed beans. They cook the beans in their sauce and I can hardly get enough.
I really only know centex bbq (My vote: Kreutz, esp the pork chop).

my brother wants bbq in Houston. I've never had good bbq there. Not a huge fan of Goode Co. Never heard of hickory hollow (mentioned by a poster above).

Any other suggestions?
I've been to David's in Pantego (near Arlington) and can vouch for them as well.

If you are ever out near Meridian, the norwegian town of Clifton has a lil' jewel called Bunkhouse BBQ, off hwy 6.

In Dallas, I go with Sammy's, Baker's and a lil' place I can't remember near Harry Hines & Butler (hospital district).

For those with negative comments towards Cooper's in Llano, give the Cooper's in Mason a try. They're separate, but I always get the feeling that Llano is coasting off of rep alone.
I'm with THEU's father-in-law. Maurice's in Harker Heights. The brisket is tender and moist, the crust is smoky and spicy, and the hot sauce will cure a cold--maybe double pneumonia.

I've had the chicken and it was good, but it is just chicken after all. Ribs are also good, but I am trying to recall exactly what one of the defenders said in Wayne's version of "The Alamo." "Pork never did count much for meat, but BEEF...." Although I never pay much attention to sides, I will drink a Big Red or two.

Maurice's is in it's second location since the '50's and just expanded to about ten tables. They serve the chopped brisket on buns now, and trim off too much of the fat-- both of which are mistakes. Get the killer white bread, hot sauce, and onion. You will never have had anything so delicious. Hold the pickles.
Thinking about going down to Bastrop for some John Mueller barbecue today. Called the number and got the message " Sorry the number you have called is not a working phone number." 512-308-9818
me living in Belton and never trying this Maurice's place seems to be a grave error on my part. Mayube IU'll find out if they're open on Sundays (hope so).
Everyone who had a bad experience at Cooper's needs to go back on a weekday before 11:30 am. I have never had bad anything at Cooper's probably because I've always beaten the lunch rush.
just got back from Maurice's in Harker Heights.

I really like that place. it's got all the "feel" that you want. maurice is dead now, but his daughter gladly points out the picture of him that overlooks the ordering area. it';s like out of a movie or something.

it is dirty. the chairs are cheap, etc. in other words...allsome.

the food kicks serious ***. I had to pick up my rib 3 times to put it on my plate, since it kept falling apart. that "hot sauce" is 100% unique to that place. cobbler was good (never have sides like that, but it's my b-day tomorrow).

they also ofer smoked pork by the way, which was nice. their "mild sauce" is the good vinegary stuff, with lots of fat dripped into it.

anyway, for my area, i'll be driving out there from now on, as opposed to Oxbow, Schoepf's, or Clem Mikeska's.

* i mentioned that hornfans is kinda pimping the place lately, so it'd be cool to mention it.

** part of the entertainment is watching maurice's daughter watch television and comment on **** while doing so. it's like ghetto Mystery Science Theater 3000.
Al's is still open in temple.

It's pretty good, and def. better than Clem's.

However, I'm really thinking that maurice's may have just earned my business exclusively. it was that good.
i probably wouldn't judge a place on one visit alone, as many folks seem to do, especially if its going to be a condemnation of a legendary place like cooper's. actually, i wouldn't ever make a definitive statement on the quality of a que place (especially a bad review) without going several times.

but, i guess thats just me. who hasn't had a bad day every once in a while?

i've been to cooper's in llano several dozens of times and it varies from excellent to great.
Here's a list of my favorites:
~City Market-Luling
~Some small BBQ joint in Halletsville right off the town square
~Hard 8-Stephenvile (although, my last two trips have been very so/so)
~Rudy's-Austin--always solid
~Salt Lick-Driftwood

Been to County LIne numerous times and i've NEVER been impressed..
I have been to Louie Muellers in Taylor, John Muellers (before it closed), Blacks in Lockhart, Schmittys in Lockhart, Coopers in Llano, Salt Lick (good or bad it is famous), City Market in Luling, ....

And the best I have been to is Kreutz Market. I have been there before and after the move and it is just the best I have ever had.
Thanks for trying Maurice's scottsins; glad you liked it. The last clause is a serious understatement. Pleased that a real sophisticated palate such as yours finds it to be pretty good.

My sister sent us some of his hot sauce in a plastic jar for Christmas and we will make it last.
I went through Llano at the end of December and went to Cooper's. It was the best BBQ I had ever eaten. I was seriously in heaven.

I've eaten there many times before and it has always been good, bit it was amazing this last time.

I had the ribs, brisket and pork tenderloin. Everything was moist and perfect. The beans were also very good.

Saying that, it is still my favorite place and I've eaten at all the mentioned places.

I'm just happy to live in Texas to have such good BBQ.
If you look to the NNW this evening you may see a greenish glow in the night sky. That is my envy. I guess I am the head pimp for Maurice's.
I am thinking we will do a 20 hour brisket in the Big Green Egg next weekend and use up some of the hot sauce my sister sent for Christmas (belated).
I ate at Coopers yesterday and reaffirmed it as the absolute best BBQ in Texas. Three of us went and I personally tasted the jalapeno sausage, Pork chop, beef short rib, brisket, chicken and pork tenderloin. All of it was excellent but the pork chop, brisket and beef rib were the best food I've ever put in my mouth. The setup is great, the sides are delicious, the drive is good. We topped off our BBQ with a slice of pie at the Bluebonnet in Marble Falls and grabbed some foldover pies from Attwoods in Marble Falls to eat today.
I grew up in, and currently live in Copperas Cove. My dad used to take me to Maurice's as a kid, and we always loved it, but I haven't been there in years. Not sure why we quit going.

I still like Clem Mikeska's. I have always liked their sauce and bread, and their sirloin and sausage are generally good. I have never liked their ribs.

I have had good and bad cue at Cooper's in Llano, and I enjoy Louie Mueller's. I am constantly on the quest for perfect BBQ.
Back to Maurice's. The old fellow died in the '80's (maybe early 90's) and the family sold the place to some white guy. He fouled thngs up for a year and I guess the family had financed him, because they came back. It is now easily as good as it was when Maurice was there.

Tex Pete, you may have given it up during the year after Maurice's passing. It is great again--give it a shot. Hold the pickles.