Love these discussions – here’s my list. Going from top of the head here, so I’ll probably look back and maybe have to make some adjustments.
• GW – the founding father who led the Revolution and kept a fragile country together during establishment of the Constitution and then gracefully handed it over to a successor.
• Abe – I could put him number one based on at that time he was basically single-handedly holding the country together without the benefit of the genius of other founding fathers. I wish he’d been around for Reconstruction – we may not have needed a 1960’s civil rights movement.
• TR – bigger than life, began the establishment of the US as a world power. Hell, the badass finished a campaign speech after being shot in the chest.
• FDR – artfully led the nation out of the depression and through WWII.
• Reagan – rebuilt the military, won the cold war without firing a shot by outspending the Russians, rallied the US economy after the disaster that was the 70’s
• Truman – had the guts to drop the bomb and save $1M+ casualties (including my Grandfather – US Marine) that would have resulted from an invasion of Japan.
• LBJ – his power over the legislature enabled him to push through more of his own policies than any other president, unfortunately they mostly sucked. Great Society firmly established a welfare state. Micro-managed the Vietnam war and left a big mess for his successor to clean up.
• Carter – energy “crisis”, iran hostage cluster, retarded Olympic boycott, horrible economy… I liked his brother better.
• Eisenhower – did less with most opportunity: roaring economy and optimism following WWII. Asleep at the watch as civil rights issues festered. I wonder how the sixties would have been different if we had a Mt Rushmore type in this slot.
• My memory on others not quite as good, but you can include all the post Civil War presidents up until TR.