Berkeley City Council

Whether they are dishonest are not, Code Pink isn't coercing people into a binding contract through fraud. Military recruiters are.

Although I think some of the practices of the millitary are not providing and/or requesting payback for bonuses given to soldiers wounded and disabled in Iraq...a reprehensible practice imo... the people signing up are grown-ups and should know what they are getting themselves into. I realize nobody wants to take responsibility for anything they do anymore and most prefer to use the government as a crutch but the people signing up are doing so under their sole free will. Nobody is forcing them into the recruiting stations. Frankly, I wouldnt think Berkeley would be a hotbed for military recruitment being as it is probably the most liberal local in the country.

Between private parties, its not binding in either case. There is more of a gray area here though. I don't know if anyone's ever sued. I imagine most don't even know they could.
Didnt a bunch of liberal colleges try this? Then they were forced to back down once the fed said they were stripping all of their federal funds.

Funny how that got them to change their tune. They are so addicted to govt money that their "principles" go away very quickly
Sorry what rights is the military safe guarding for me in Iraq? Being a marine is a job, to pretend it is more noble or moral than any other civil service job is dishonest.

To paraphrase "No Iraqi ever called me nigger"
You have a very jingoistic view of the world if you think that our enemies are our enemies for any other reason than "our fleet of Marines is stationed strategically around the globe, containing our enemies".

In reply to:

Damn that American military, what good has it done anyone?

Hitler was an all around decent guy until American imperialism forced his hand. Japan would have been BFF with us if only our stupid military would have just let them have all the oil and steel they wanted. The Brits were our pals and protectors. Who are we to complain about taxes and unfair burdens? And it isn't like the Soviet Union ever did anything to threaten anyone. If we didn't have military forces everywhere, they would never have contemplated sweeping through Western Europe. Hell, if it weren't for the American military, Israel and its neighbors would be at peace, North Korea would be the new Babel, and Michael Knight would be a happy man.

I have no problem backing the City Council if their complaint is unfair employment practices. The government should be exposed wherever it is being deceitful. That being said, to seriously argue that our military serves no purpose in protecting the American Constitution and by extension our rights under that Constitution, is misguided and irrational. It is an overly narrow and paranoid view of reality. I'd be angry, but the argument is so intellectually dishonest and so devoid of anything resembling rational thought, that I can't help be overcome by pity. You think the military causes wars, I have the more empirically proven view that the military was created because wars happen. People are violent, territorial, and crave power. That wouldn't change if the Marines did not exist.

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