Belichick.....what a complete ***......

I will play the class card.

He did not shake Coughlin's hand with the traditional post-game handshake, BECAUSE THE GAME WAS NOT OVER.

Arrogant fool that he is.
If Bill was that sore over the loss, he should've just gone back to the locker room to watch earlier film of his first team unit throwing the ball while up by 38 in the fourth versus the Redskins. Or against the Bills. Or against the Dolphins.
Depends if you are a Cowboy fan or not.
^ Or using a third string back to punch in a touchdown with less than a minute to go while up by double digits already against the Cowboys.
I think no less (or more) of him than I did before the game, but it certainly looked like he looked up and saw the reset clock before he was more than a couple of steps on the field. Looked like he figured if he just kept going and left they would just call the game over. I can't think of another coach that I have seen that wouldn't have at least stood on the sidelines, even if very near the tunnel, until the last play was run.
So to add fuel to the fire....

The clock was dead with a few seconds left in the 1st half and the officials let it run--why not the 2nd half as well?
His team took the field and played while he was in the locker room.

What's the point of contention?

That he didn't realize he was the only one leaving the game? Please......

He went on the field with time left because he was done and wanted everyone to know he was done. He knew there was regulation time to play and did not care.

After all he's who he is...........
I don't see how his actions can be defended. His defensive players had to suck it up and go out there for another meaningless play and he ran off the field. Players get lambasted for this on a fairly regular basis. It boggles my mind that a coach did it.
I'm an athlete and i coach athletes in several sports, including wrestling. Wrestlers always shake hands when the match is over, then go shake the opposing coaches hands as well. Anything less is a show of disrespect for the opponent that may have just whipped your *** on the mat in front of everyone.
If kids can learn to show respect, than MULTI-MILLIONAIRE COACHES can remember to do so as well, and LAY DOWN A GOOD EXAMPLE FOR OTHER PEOPLE WATCHING.

I was astonished last night that he walked onto the field. The commentators mentioned that the NFL states that you have to finish the clock. He looked back a couple of times and knew he wasn't through, at least not technically.

However, he was acting selfishly and defiantly in going over and shaking the hand before it was over. He shook hands and buried himself in his own arrogance and walked down the tunnel knowing full well he left his team on the field.


I was surprised to hear how articulate and respectful Randy Moss was in the post game. I mean, he is only paid to catch balls, right?

The cool thing about competition is it's never too late to show class, and Randy Moss earned my respect after severely damaging it early in his career.

Bye Belicheck. Good Riddance.
Good grief-the clock expired, and it appeared the game was over. They decided to put one second back on, for no apparent reason. By then, the traditional and classy handshake was taking place.
Did you want them to do it again? Silly reason to bash someone. I don't care about the coach or the Patriots, BTW.
Bash him at will for the spying fiasco, or any other valid reasons.
I've only been watching football for about 20 years, and I only played for 4. Even I know that at the end of a game, they might add a few seconds on the clock if it is necessary. This is his job, and he should act accordingly. A complete punk move, and I agree with whomever said it was a tantrum. I mean he was just ignoring the officials, and had to do things his way. When you are a professional you should conduct yourself in a professional manner. Some athletes showboat, but that is kind of what they are paid for. This was a grown *** man acting like a little kid throwing a fit who didn't get his way. What a douche. I nominate him for the biggest douche in the universe award.
He left his team out on the field. There is absolutely no justification whatsoever for that. No way you can rationalize it with "the game was basically over". He had players out on the field, the game was not over, and he left. Not even Bob Stoops would do that.
If Mack Brown did this while UT was losing a close one in a big game, on the grounds that there was only a kneel-down left and so the game was "already over", I'd be really pissed.

So what if the game was already over? Plenty of games are decided before the final possession, but the coach generally doesn't say "screw it, I'm 100% sure we're going to lose, so now I can head to the lockerroom to beat the traffic"

In reply to:

In the 1976 Rose Bowl, UCLA upset #1 and undefeated Ohio State coached by Woody Hayes. Ohio State had soundly beaten UCLA earlier in the year 41-20. UCLA coached by Dick Vermeil was a big underdog but ended up upsetting Ohio State 23-10.

Before the game was over, Woody Hayes walked across the field during a time out late in the game to shake Vermeil's hand. He went all the way to the sideline. He of course did it again after the game but he went over there to show Vermeil respect. That was a classy move by a guy who just lost the national title to a team they had thoroughly beaten earlier in the year.

Belichick knew what he was doing. He was told the game wasn't over. He didn't want to stick around b/c he was simply pouting. He could have waited but didn't want to. Hell Hayes did it twice after losing just as much as Belichick lost.
For anyone to think what Belichick did was even remotely okay (even with the clock issues and all), has absolutely lost their mind or is smoking crack. This guy is a baby, plain and simple, and was throwing a fit. People like that need to have their *** kicked physically every once and a while. If they'd a had a camera in his office (no pund intended), it would've showed him picking his nose and eating his boogers. That's the type of assclown he is.
Ditto. He's such a *****. Take the loss like a man!!!

Now, I've jetted from a horns blowout before (certain past OU games), and I know it was a ****** thing to do, but I am not a head coach, nor do I make millions of dollars a year.
I honestly don't understand how any of you can defend this. What he did wasn't the worst thing in the world by a long shot, but it was a punk move. It was completely unprofessional from a man who touts professionalism. It was a pouty ***** move by a man that espouses mental strength. It was a totally individualistic, attention hoarding, anti-team move from a guy who is supposed to be all about the team. Bailing on the game and his team like that showed everyone not only that he is an *******, everyone already knew that, it showed everyone that he is a hypocrite and baby.
much ado about nothing. Clock was running down and the game was over for all intents and purposes. I just saw an NBA game where with about 5 seconds left in the game, the entire team gets up and walks to the locker room as time expires, not even looking at the court even though 5 teammates are running out the last seconds. Yeah, all nba coaches are a-holes.