Baylor.... here we go again

As a Christian, Texan, supporter of the Big12, and Human...
I am glad that some people and groups are starting to be seen for who/what they really are.(I say this with great humility as I strive to be someone I'd be comfortable being exposed as)
Very unfortunate and disturbing that it is through circumstances like these for Baylor...but it is good for darkness to be brought to light nonetheless.
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As a Baptist and a former member of a "Baylor controlled church", I have tried to discuss with members of the BOR, as well as big supporters, the problems at Baylor since the early 90s. Always got the "your just jealous that we are winning" reply.

I have advocated and posted my thoughts that the entire BOR, the administration, and specific people be relieved of their responsibility. Instead, we got token firings and a group of Pharisee regents creating a "defense video", which was beyond hypocritical.

Baylor needs to bring Daniel Vestal in as Chancellor. I've never known a preacher as principled as Daniel.

Baylor needs to bring Randall O'Brien to be President. He was the favorite professor of over 90% of the students for years, and is a good ol boy from Southern Mississippi who left Waco to escape the filth.

Baylor needs to make Joel "The Voice" Gregory the Provost.

No one who has served on the BOR in the last 25 years should be allowed to serve, other than to write restitution checks.

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Reading through the most recent revelations about the "spy," it sure seemed like both "sides" knew that he was communicating with either party. It was his job description. If he was trying to whitewash the sexual assault victims group's messaging, they had the ability to ignore him. This story kind of seems like piling on at this point.

When Cleve Bryant was in trouble here, I'm sure the athletics department did everything they could to make it seem less sinister than it was.

Southern Miss reportedly interviewing Art Briles as offensive coordinator. Unbelievable.
Say what you want about Stewart Mandel but he absolutely nails it.
My point was simply where and how Ken Starr had earned his bona fides with a certain segment of society. In the process becoming a multi-millionaire through speaking engagements and his books, including his "tribute" to Baylor where he had "the honor to serve".

Did it represent my personal views? Yes. Every word that everyone writes on this site represents their personal views, regardles of the thread. Was it used as a point of reference that was the dumpster fire **** storm on the Brazos? Again, yes.

Was it used as a point of reference that was the dumpster fire **** storm on the Brazos? Again, yes.


Aerial view of Baylor U. after the Briles fire/**** storm.

That can't be Baylor. Where is the ivory tower all the real culprits were hiding in? Or maybe it is a bunker since none of them suffered any fallout.

So. Miss just announced Briles is (now) not a candidate for the OC position.

Trial balloon flown. Not taken well. Going a different direction.
So. Miss just announced Briles is (now) not a candidate for the OC position.

Trial balloon flown. Not taken well. Going a different direction.

I suspect that alumi, administrators, and perhaps students expressed significant disgust to the S. Miss AD and blowback shot down the Briles trial balloon.
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The trial balloon went up, exploded and excrement went everywhere.
Even if Southern Miss was just testing the idea, its going to be hard to get the stink out.
Let that be a lesson to any athletic department or any NFL front office, anywhere.
As noted, Briles out before in at SoMiss:

Southern Miss nixes Briles; Eagles' coach upset

From the link:

"Briles, whose record-setting offenses helped Baylor to a co-Big 12 championship in 2014 and 51 wins in his final five seasons with the Bears, was hired in August as head coach of the Guelfi Firenze team in the Italian Federation of American Football. Guelfi Firenze is set to begin its season next month."

So looks like Briles is still in line to be HC of the Italian Fed of AmerFootball's team Guelfi Firenze.

My Italian is weak, but isn't "Guelfi Firenze" Italian for "Dumpster Fire"?
Statement from Southern Miss:

"We have met with Art Briles regarding a position with the Southern Miss football program. Following that meeting, we informed him that he is not a candidate. The University will have no further comment on this matter."

No job for Art the Fart at Southern Miss! They told him right after the interview!
Hmmm. Perhaps he demonstrated a total lack of responsibility or remorse for the rape culture he seemed to condone?

Yeah, probably all of the above. May also have been merely a courtesy interview. I believe Art is done being a coach at any level for the remainder of his life. Choices all have consequences. Bad choices have bad consequences.
105.3 reported this afternoon the head coach interviewed briles, told him he was their new OC. The athletic dept found out shortly thereafter and said no way this is happening.

The head coach put out a statement saying everyone deserves a second chance (religion card was played hard) and he was very disappointed briles isn't coaching on his staff.
Ghosts of Bobby Collins still at Southern Miss, even after he left for SMU (I know, he didn't start Pony Excess, but he continued it after he got there).
Art Briles is a mercenary, win-at-all-costs, sack of **** and Golden Eagles head coach Jay Hopson doesn't seem to be too far behind. Shameful the balloon even went up but thankful the Southern Miss admin promptly popped it. If I'm the AD I'm looking real hard at Hopson right about now... how long until this guy starts emptying the jail onto campus in the name of winning games?

If Briles is ever to coach again it needs to be somewhere that he can have the unrepentant thugs he wants while having little to no accountability for their actions off field. He belongs in the NFL.
The head coach put out a statement saying everyone deserves a second chance (religion card was played hard) and he was very disappointed briles isn't coaching on his staff

I agree, after the guilty admit the problem and authentically attempt to rehabilitate. This sack of $hit still plays the innocent card. Rot in He!! a$$hole!

While USM & Collins created new standards in NCAA violations, which carried over to Highland Park (first school to buy a house for a mother), don't forget Jeff Bowers' roll at SMU before doing a great job at USM.

There is a large gray area around Hattiesburg.

Sidebar, for years USM had a larger enrollment than either Ole Miss or the cotton Aggies.
I agree, after the guilty admit the problem and authentically attempt to rehabilitate. This sack of $hit still plays the innocent card. Rot in He!! a$$hole!

There are all kinds of second chances.... a second chance at life, a second chance in a career, a second chance in a relationship, etc.

IMO, Briles' second chance is him not going to prison (as an accomplice or even accessory to multiple felonies, as well as obstruction of justice and failure to report a sex crime). He's gotten his second chance at life.... beyond a prison cell. And he should be extremely thankful. Instead he's defiant and unremorseful. Does this person DESERVE a second chance at a priviledged position of coaching, leading, and shaping young men while making millions of dollars doing it? HELL NO. That is a second chance he does not deserve. There are consequences with everything in life. And when you engage in or become complicit to the degree of heinous crimes that Briles allowed under his supervision, those consequences include no second chance at a priviledged life that most of us are never given a first chance at. This whole "everyone deserves a second chance" mentality needs context. He should be banished from a career in sports for life. He can go bus tables or dig ditches for all I care. I hear Trump needs help building a wall.
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