The fans I spoke with about the post 2009 years produced varying opinions on Mack. Some were ready to have his head after the NC loss, others wanted the same following the 2010 disaster, many took a wait and see position, others saw no reason to get rid of Mack.
I still hold a belief that in the 2010 NCG, Gilbert was ill prepared to step into the role of having to lead the team on a moment's notice. I also believe his performance going forward was affected negatively, particularly since his first full game was a loss on College Football's most important game of the season. This may be true and then again, it may not hold water.
The ensuing years, Gilbert was injured and transferred out, new coaches came and went, Case McCoy did as best he could, but seemed to be the weak link in the offense. David Ash showed promise, but the concussion issue ended his tenure at QB. Blow-out losses were more frequent. The D was fair at best. The O could look good one game and non-existent the next.
Many believed that if Mack had won the 2009 NC, he would (probably) step down at some point, and Muschamp would be anointed the new HC. Neither happened and Will left for greener pastures (may not have been a bad thing). Recruiting had fallen off, we suffered the first NFL draft without a single Horn being selected since the late 1930's, and only had free agent contract guys. Mack, as I recall, stated once the Bama loss negatively affected him, such that his ability to snare and develop top talent in recruiting, and his coaching fell off.
We had the "Saban coming to Texas as HC" issues. Saban signed a new K with Bama and Mack shortly after, announced his retirement. Deloss retired and Patterson, a terrible AD, came in and hired Strong, who would post 3 sub .500 seasons.
Now we have Tom Herman. The first regular season showed some promise, but we let too many games slip away that should have been won. Marland should have been a win as should have USC, Tech, and OSU and most likely OU. Herman did have a nice, bowl win over an SEC opponent to cap off a 7-6 season.
Since I've been a Texas fan, I've seen great years, '63, '69, '70 and 2005, good years and some real stinkers. I've noticed these go in cycles. Following DKR, came Ackers started strong had 2 shots at an NC but missed on both. Starting in '85 and '86 were not good. Then McWilliams only one good season ending in a blowout loss to Miami. Mackovic had 6 years, a couple of Conference titles then 1997 and then 66-3 killed him off. Then came Mack and 12 really good years followed by 1 losing season and 3 ok years with no conference championships, 1 of 3 in bowls. CS three bad years 1 bowl loss which was the ugliest I've seen a Texas team play.
Looking at back, there seems to be a pattern to the good and bad years. We tend to have 10-12 good years followed by 10-12 years of mediocrity. Since 2010 we've been mediocre, followed by one 9 win season, one bowl win with Mack and one bowl win under Herman. We are about due for some solid good years. I think that if Herman continues to build with top talent and develop that talent including depth on both sides of the ball, then 2019 may be really good and 2020 might be stellar. But, production in terms of wins will be a crucial to attract the talent needed.
Just my view and take. I hope we get there...soon!