I know Deez is a big supporter of vouchers, and it will work for some. Kids who will not behave in a regular school environment are not going to all of a sudden change their ways because they have been moved into a charter, private, parochial school environment. Students who will change will see success in their academics, but what will we do with those who will not change? There will be students who are not causing problems and are looking for a way to improve and they will also be affected positively, but what do we do with those who will not? Deez is so correct in his statements about schools/teachers being expected to teach morals, values, manners etc., and it is not their job. Those things should be taught at home, but when the home is just plain ignorant someone has to fill that gap. It becomes an ideological game at that point and we have seen problems, on both sides, when those views clash with mainstream media types with their own agendas. It is going to take a huge effort to stem the tide, and I am not sure I will see it in my lifetime.