Austin S-J to Announce on Aug 16

We have the top tight end in Texas already verbally committed so, my focus remains on Brown and Green in that order !!
Don't discount us yet boys and girls. This is more of a "down-to-the-wire" decision than most realize. I wish AS-J all the best which ever decision he makes but to think that with this predetermined time line that MB, Coach Boom and staff are simply laying down at this time is pure folly.

I'd love to see this young man wearing the burnt orange and my thoughts are that, in the very deepest of his heart, he does too.

Who reported Wa as the leader midweek???

Normally, I would understand that choice, but Austin isn't any farther from Gig Harbor than it was 2 months ago when he was publicly soliciting an offer that he was indicating he would basically jump on to some of our other recruits. I would have to frown upon distance being the reason he chose not to become a Longhorn if that were to be annonced.

Hopefully that is more media hype than a real problem for him. My hopes are still up.

Guess I don't have a problem with a kid staying home. Wish him well up there. Something tells me we will be fine, after all we average more wins per year than Wash has won over the last 3 years combined.

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