Austin S-J to Announce on Aug 16

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# TE D.J. Grant (knee) has not yet been released to practice. OL Tray Allen (foot) will be limited. TE Blaine Irby (knee) is out.
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Jeff Howe on Twitter...

"Cal, Florida and UCLA are among the schools Seferian-Jenkins eliminated. Longhorns appear to lead but Huskies will push until the end."

"The decision for TE Austin Seferian-Jenkins on Aug. 16 will be between Texas and Washington. Both have offered him as a TE."

Nothing earth shattering here...
I seriously wonder whether distance could be the deciding factor. It may be.
I don't mean this as a political statement, a guess of where his politics lie or anything like that. I wonder how much if at all the fact that Obama will be on campus tomorrow to speak affects him? It's kinda cool to be at a school that the Pres, no matter who it is, comes to speak at. Especially a day after you leave and you get to see the hype that comes before it. The buzz of people talking about it, the commotion, it has to be cool to see on a visit from out of state.

Then you take into consideration the facilities here, the campus and the hipness of Austin and you are looking at a lot of things (not even including the academics) that can get the attention of a kid.

The Obama thing is just a plus, imho. It's all a part of the BOMC in full effect.
Not sure how to take this. I prefer to think that it means he has decided on Texas and now it is just a matter of finding the cheapest tickets to Austin.
I'm a little confused by the research of airplane tickets as well... I mean I would have all ready done the research if I was telling a school that i want an offer to come to school there!

I hate to be the eternal pessimist, but my feeling this whole time was that if he didn't accept on his UOV, then he'd probably end up at UW. Only a gut instinct - nothing more.
He also wants to mull it all over again too and I am all for that. It gives a better chance to his decision sticking rather than being wowed and then just reacting. He seems like a great young man and even if he chooses to stay closer to home I wish him the best.
I would love to have him come to UT but if the financial situation is that he is best attending Washington I wish him nothing but the best except when it adversely affects UT of course.
It seemed like the visit went very well, which is all to the good.

Ultimately, for a young man like this (and many of the others we're recruiting, of course), there must be a serious consideration of his future as a professional athlete. In the context of the current situation at Texas (and without being up on UW's), it seems to me like he would/should be looking at Texas' clear superiority to showcase his abilities on a bigger stage than UW can and with a considerably better supporting cast. If he's who we think he is, he'll get that, and we'll see his sig on a LOI when the time comes.
folks, this is coming to a head. i've been pretty bummed about this situation and this has been a particularly bad time for me to be bummed about anything, so i've actively avoided the various conversations about austin until this a.m.

i can't remember when reports have been so widely divergent about a prospect. i suspect austin's potential importance to our next few years is reason for that. lot riding on this.

i just listened to the first interview i've allowed myself to hear. it was recorded yesterday (fri) for a seattle radio station, and austin speaks at length regarding his final two and his thoughts about each.

thanks to a poster on shaggy for the link. also thanks to gerry hamilton for posting a clarification:
In reply to:

oh, i think he is perfectly reasonable on that. i don't know but i bet the uw staff has said much the same to him. i bet many programs have not and is part of why they are no longer under consideration.

funny. i once got a job in similar circumstance. i was recommended to the boss there but my resume didn't support that i could do the work. in the phone interview with the boss man, he asked a couple of questions that i had no idea how to answer. i badly needed and wanted that job and my heart sank. made a weak stab at both but told him i just really didn't know. the interview ended pretty quickly after that, and i was in a huge funk the rest of the day. that night i awoke with that bad feeling foremost in my mind, and i went through my memory of the interview, trying to think how i might have done better, might have tipped the scales the good way. given my background, i really couldn't see how i could have improved over what i did, and a surprising calm came over me. i thought 'ok, i did my best. if it wasn't good enough then i really shouldn't go there anyway.' i immediately fell back asleep, and that next morning about mid-morning the job shop called and wanted to know when i could start. after some rocky moments at the outset, that job went great, and some of the guys there said i got on there because the boss was impressed with me, not my background. funny how that sometimes works out.

anyway, i agree with someone who said the size issue is no longer the issue. other matters are going to decide this.

by the way, austin's coach has said that he doesn't think austin will grow all that much at the next level. thanks to scip posting on recruitocosm for that link.

knuckle down time.
I really want this kid and hope his mother is able to make accommodating travel arrangements to see her son play. They definitely sound like they would fit in well with the Mack Brown family.
after hearing austin's own words and the way he said them, i don't think there is any question that he sees texas as the best all around fit for him. the question now is can his mother feel comfortable about it. i have to guess that she agrees that we represent the best thing out there for him. i'm sure she has kept involved in the process throughout and knows the ins and outs of it all. it's just that when you get close to the door, the realities of it all come home, and i think she really wants austin to be sure that the close-by school isn't just as good a situation. or close enough.

i certainly have personal reasons for hoping austin comes to austin, and they range beyond my hopes and dreams for our success out there on the chalk stripes, as large as they are. i've done a personal no-no and have gotten to know him better than i allow myself on most kids. maybe its the kinship i feel through my experience up there, but i've paid a lot more attention to him, and i see austin as the kind of kid the acho boys have proven to be, and you can't have enough of them.

moreover, i don't want him in any pac-10 program for the same reasons i wasn't comfortable with us going that direction. any conference that can be ok with what usc and oregon have been up to is no place for us. especially usc. i'm sure the pac-10 has had ample opportunity to exert influence over usc and appears to have chosen to ignore the situation, assuming, as many have, that the toothless ncaa would do the same. so usc felt utterly without restraint and went so far that even the morally corrupt ncaa felt compelled to act.

and as much as i like uw as a school, i cannot ignore their athletic program bringing in new-weasel after that slime act he deposited on colorado's rocky soil. forget the betting incident, how about his documented recruiting parties and such? can you see texas bringing in a guy after such a display? i was horrified when the dub hired him. couldn't believe it. i could see slimy colorado (who belongs in the pac-10 in my humble, as does new-weasel) hiring such a creep and holding dear to him, but not uw.

so what about the big 12-2? isn't it just as bad? not even close. if it were, several schools would be right up there with usc right now. i don't know if the league office has any sack or whether texas as sheriff has been the limiting element (i think i know how nebraska would vote on that question), but big 12 schools have been pretty quiet, at least compared to the two big conferences that flank us east and west.

i don't know what to think. after hearing austin, i cannot believe that texas isn't his choice, but the questions are complicated. if he and his mom were able to settle it yesterday, i certainly hope for varied reasons that we were the one left standing. we'll see tomorrow.
Another great example of how Mack and staff won't lie to a prospect.

I saw Eric Winton on the sidelines of the Texans game last night. Also Tony Hills is another example of TEs who were offered in Mack's era where he thought they could grow out of the position.
Both of course are playing in The League as OTs.
baz, i see tony hills mentioned occasionally in reference to as-j. the thing people forget is his horrendous knee injury in hs. do you remember that the word was that he had terrible nerve damage and couldn't control that foot and that he would likely never play again? i doubt very seriously if he had the athleticism to play in a receiver role. i think we can all be thankful - i certainly was at the time - that he could blossom as a tackle. i have no doubt his checkbook would agree.

sa, that's an odd question. i can't tell you whether i'd like ham and eggs for breakfast tomorrow. i do have a lot of admiration for austin regardless of playing talent, and from seeing his film, i can envision him playing in a number of roles besides receiver, if that doesn't work out. he's big, fast for his size, and athletic. and heady. watch that film where the kick-off team bunches right in his face, obviously expecting it to panic him. kid's a player and will be valuable however this shakes out.
in no way can i see austin letting his size totally get away from him and become a big, old puff ball. that would be the only way i could see him become lacking in value on the field.
eric winston.

mack's honesty had nothing to do with that situation. eric's home problem was such that he could never wear burnt orange. some insiders have said that eric would love to have played for us, but his aggie stepdad would have had a stroke. especially after guaranteeing him to the ags. the word is that his going to the 'canes was his way out of an impossible situation. that way he sort of got what he wanted and his stepdad didn't. his growing into a stellar offensive tackle for the 'canes and now in the league had nothing to do mack and his honesty, though i'm sure mack was square with him regarding all the issues in his recruitment. mack clearly really does care about the kids whether they can play for him or not.
Having a father in law who is a U-Dub grad and a Mom who lives north of Seattle I have heard a little more about this one than normal when it comes to recruiting. It really sounds like the kid has a good head on his shoulders and whatever decision he makes he will be successful. Sarkisian is a good fit at UW and if he goes there then good luck to him. I still think he ends up at Texas (as does my FIL btw) and that Austin is the best place for him, but he is in a good position where whichever decision he makes it should work out for him.
well, obviously i hope you and your f-i-l are right, fw. like i say, though, this situation has more ups and downs than a runaway ferris wheel.

i agree that austin will make hay wherever he goes, but i'm nothing like as sanguine as you are regarding sarkisian until i see more. i mean, if names like 'southern cal' and 'lane kiffin' give you the creeps, sarkisian has a hole to climb out of. my hugely great hope is that sarkisian straightens that situation around in more than one way, but i'm gonna have to see some of it before i salute. and lemme see now, where does his mentor, norm chow, coach these days and for whom? hmmm . . .

for my good friends up there, especially the uw grads, i hope steve is another darrell royal. we'll have to see.

[incidentally, when i read 'uw' i say 'u-dub'. i guess 'uw' for me has become a shorthand. : ) ]

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