after hearing austin's own words and the way he said them, i don't think there is any question that he sees texas as the best all around fit for him. the question now is can his mother feel comfortable about it. i have to guess that she agrees that we represent the best thing out there for him. i'm sure she has kept involved in the process throughout and knows the ins and outs of it all. it's just that when you get close to the door, the realities of it all come home, and i think she really wants austin to be sure that the close-by school isn't just as good a situation. or close enough.
i certainly have personal reasons for hoping austin comes to austin, and they range beyond my hopes and dreams for our success out there on the chalk stripes, as large as they are. i've done a personal no-no and have gotten to know him better than i allow myself on most kids. maybe its the kinship i feel through my experience up there, but i've paid a lot more attention to him, and i see austin as the kind of kid the acho boys have proven to be, and you can't have enough of them.
moreover, i don't want him in any pac-10 program for the same reasons i wasn't comfortable with us going that direction. any conference that can be ok with what usc and oregon have been up to is no place for us. especially usc. i'm sure the pac-10 has had ample opportunity to exert influence over usc and appears to have chosen to ignore the situation, assuming, as many have, that the toothless ncaa would do the same. so usc felt utterly without restraint and went so far that even the morally corrupt ncaa felt compelled to act.
and as much as i like uw as a school, i cannot ignore their athletic program bringing in new-weasel after that slime act he deposited on colorado's rocky soil. forget the betting incident, how about his documented recruiting parties and such? can you see texas bringing in a guy after such a display? i was horrified when the dub hired him. couldn't believe it. i could see slimy colorado (who belongs in the pac-10 in my humble, as does new-weasel) hiring such a creep and holding dear to him, but not uw.
so what about the big 12-2? isn't it just as bad? not even close. if it were, several schools would be right up there with usc right now. i don't know if the league office has any sack or whether texas as sheriff has been the limiting element (i think i know how nebraska would vote on that question), but big 12 schools have been pretty quiet, at least compared to the two big conferences that flank us east and west.
i don't know what to think. after hearing austin, i cannot believe that texas isn't his choice, but the questions are complicated. if he and his mom were able to settle it yesterday, i certainly hope for varied reasons that we were the one left standing. we'll see tomorrow.