Augie arrested for DWI and suspended

This is very serious. This type of behavior should be at the top of the list of what gets coaches fired.

What is on the top of your list to get coaches fired? Losing? I'd take losing over a DWI any day.

This is sad for Augie, our team, this University. I'd hate to see the man fired knowing what a teacher he has been over the years. But, leading by example is most important.

There is no excuse for this. He's not 21 anymore. And he can certainly afford the cab. Anyone I know would drive the man anywhere he wanted to go rather see him get a DWI.

This is really disappointing.
The bottom line is that The University of Texas should have a zero tolerance policy in effect regarding DWI/DUI for ALL of their athletic department employees. This includes Mack Brown and Rick Barnes.

These people occupy a lofty perch and with that comes the responsibility to uphold the integrity of the school as role models for the student athletes. Sure it's a tough stance, but it could be much worse - the indiscretion could have killed somebody.
We live in a culture that simply isn't prone to accountability. At all sectors of the society.
So UT has fired every professor or staff that has gotten a DUI?

Now having said that, Pat Murphy of Arizona State is the man to hire *if* Augie decides to leave.
there are so many things that have to be checked out - if there has been a prof. or other UT employee fired for dwi, then he has to go - the damage is done in terms of making himself, school look bad - thank goodness no one was hurt - so what to do? - if he stays - i think he should donate half his salary to an alcohol awareness group and then become a spokesperson for dwi and the negatives it can cause - if guidelines are drawn up for him to keep his job and he feels he can't meet them, then he needs to step down
Fire him. This is completely unacceptable and has brought shame to The University

I don't think he's had control of the team the last 3 years, anyway. After this, he needs to go
Augie has a way of turning negatives into positives. He often speaks about using lessons on the baseball field in real life. I believe he'll feed on this as an extremely regretful event where fortunately people were not physically harmed. A significant donation of time and money should also be made to MADD or other similar organizations.
I'd bet that photo is from his TDL.

I'm very disappointed but will refrain from judging Augie and trust DeLoss to handle this matter in the best interests of the university.
Get fired for this??? Wow talk about over reacting. It was a DUI he could have been at a .09 or a .3 no distinction was made that the article mentions. Even then a DUI isn't something a person should lose their job over. We might get heckled a little this year but 1-2 years from now, no one will care. More so if he wins another title, conference or national.

Someone mentioned Eddie Sutton. His situation was completely different. Eddie wasn't just drinking he was a known alcoholic and his drinking interfered with work - like actually showing up. To the best of my knowledge Augie having a few drinks hasn't interfered with work. Completely night and day.
You fricken whine-bag morons who are calling for his job over a DWI - are rediculous. Sorry, but I'm no fan of MADD. I understand their fight, but we have gone overboard with respect for how we treat people who get a DWI. Everyone may not be as straight edged and holy as thou art. Some people take chances, its part of what made them who they are - and part of what got them where they are. He's a tough old guy and maybe didnt want to seem weak by waiting for a cab or asking for a ride. Yes, he should have done that, but he made a mistake and noone got hurt. Fire him? You're fricken nuts.
"You fricken whine-bag morons who are calling for his job over a DWI - are rediculous. Sorry, but I'm no fan of MADD. I understand their fight, but we have gone overboard with respect for how we treat people who get a DWI. Everyone may not be as straight edged and holy as thou art. Some people take chances, its part of what made them who they are - and part of what got them where they are. He's a tough old guy and maybe didnt want to seem weak by waiting for a cab or asking for a ride. Yes, he should have done that, but he made a mistake and noone got hurt. Fire him? You're fricken nuts."

Agree. No on knows what the circumstances were. No one knows how much he had to drink. If you are taking any type of antihistamine right now for allergies your blood will show drugs and there is a DUI. Back off and let things work themselves out.
What is the greater good -- 1) firing Augie to make an example of an undisputedly horrendous decision; or 2) having him spend the usual allotment of community-service hours, not picking up trash at the roadside but speaking to boys' clubs and such about the perils of drunk driving, the consequences of poor decisionmaking, and the fact that the afflictions of substance abuse endanger all strata of our society, including our sports heros.
CJHorn gets it.

I do hope DeLoss does not feel the need to terminate Augie's job. Augie has done so much good for the University of Texas including molding so many young lives for the better.

I've admired the man for decades. I personally am not going to discredit his entire career (or his time at Texas) because of one poor judgment.

I hope he's allowed to stay and he uses the whole incident to change his and others' lives for the better.

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