Mexico is simply facilitating illegal immigration through their country, but we are expected to foot the bill. There is no way all these "kids" are getting across Mexico without Mexico's knowlege and blessing.
Why the F are we spending trillions of dollars and sacrificing untold numbers of lives fighting wars in the Middle East, and then we blatantly turn our heads and let people stroll right on into this country and say its all about "the children."
Every president weve had has looked the other way, given lip service, and allowed for this to happen. All there is is talk. Can the US technically take in 50,000 illegals a year? Right now, perhaps. But where does it stop? Where is the line, Paso? Is it indefinite? Does anyone really have any real reason to believe that the border will not perpetually into eternity be a sieve that will facilitate thousands of illegals crossing here monthly till the end of time?
Its always about the children, but these arent all little kids. Where is the accountability for Mexico? There is none. And no one wants there to be.
Anyone who signs up for the military in this day and age needs to be shaken violently and asked why they believe that their government has anything noble or good for them to do besides fight and die for some offshore banker or political war hawk who stands to profit over their death.
This isnt about the kids. That is simply an excuse. Nothing will change, the idiots will vote for Hillary in 2016 because shes a woman, and other idiots will vote for whatever dumbass the Republicans trot out because he will be a middle aged white man that goes to church, combs his hair nice, and acts "tough."
The sad thing is, there really isnt anywhere on Earth one can go anymore and be safe. We are on a sinking ship, its just a matter of time.