Anyone read CS Lewis Adult works?

Interesting thread, and I don't want to derail it, but Just Bob brought up A. E. Wilder-Smith as somehow relevant to this subject and that should be addressed. Wilder-Smith is a chemist and a young-earth-creationist who is best know for his support of the idea that dinosaur tracks & human tracks had been found together on the Paluxy River. Obviously that was a creationist fraud (see:The Link )

Wilder-Smith is a quack and doesn't belong in a discussion of C. S. Lewis or other intelligent Christian writers.

GT - Many of Richard Dawkins thesis have proven to be false. That doesn't mean I'll call him a 'Quack' though just because I disagree with him philosophically. However, it is true that he's not on par with the others on this thread.
GT - good idea. Just saying that calling him a quack based on ONE mistake is going over the line. The bulk of his work might be great.

I have seen thorough critiques over the Blind Watchmaker... but haven't read God Delusion yet. If I do, I'll surely start a thread.
I next have up (this is a collection of 6 or 7 books in 1 compilation) the pain and greif ones.

I read aboltion of man (short one) right before I started mere christianity and I think it's helpful for his perspective in mere christianity.
Golly gee, GT. Neither of these writers is 100% what I believe, but I enjoyed reading both. I enjoy reading lots of different stuff, but I suppose I will have to defer to your obviously superior intellect and no longer enjoy Wilder-Smith. Thanks for enlightening me on what I should read. I'll just burn the Wilder-Smith books.
when plantinga critiques your logic this harshly (he is a gentle man who is not prone to harshness or overstatement):
The Link

you have some problems.

from the little i have read of Dawkins, i can't figure out why anyone gets excited about him (unless they are Christians who find it amusing that this is considered some of the best the Atheists have to offer). he is a philosophical hack. typical case of someone with a PhD assuming they have much to say in every area of knowledge. a few are capable of such crossovers but Dawkins is not one of them.

of course, as long as you are raking in millions of dollars on the naivete of gullible atheists......might as well go for it right?
GT - You should read "The Dawkins Delusion" for a critique of "The God Delusion." I confess I have not read either; but from skimming McGrath's book (while at the book store), it appears that The God Delusion was not Dawkins' best work -- and is actually an embarassingly shallow and unsupported work praised only in "pop media" circles and not by serious academicians (check The Dawkins Delusion for citations to critiques, etc).
orange and white has it about right from what i have heard. when even other atheists are embarrassed by a book that supposedly supports their position, you know there is a problem. Dawkins doesn't seem to have any business writing books against God as he is philosophically unsophisticated at best but just flat out poor at logic it would seem. he is like an embittered child raging against his father with no real sense of what is going on in the world around him.

I only wish Lewis were alive to respond to him.....not because it would take someone with the mind of Lewis (it certainly does not) but because it would be fun to have someone with such authority in these matters respond to Dawkins rubbish.
Arrogance and condescension get my goat, I admit it. What also gets my goat is the use of marginalization to completely rule out one side of a debate. Yeah, Wilder-Smith sort of lost me with the dinosaur business, and I’m not a big fan of the young earth theory. However, Wilder-Smith has many ideas that are thought provoking. What we are talking about with these authors is, essentially, Christian “philosophy.” To marginalize/rule out a strong thinker like Wilder-Smith dilutes the debate. "The Seat of The Soul", by Gary Zukav also "changed my life", but I don't spend a great deal of time thinking about my thoughts "bending light" which, IIRC, was one of his main points. New ways of thinking "change my life." That okay with you, bro?

All in all, and back on subject, C. S. Lewis is my favorite author.
Orange Chipper,

In the preface to 'The God Delusion' Dawkins says that he doesn't expect to convert theists to atheists with this book. His target was the uncommitted. I doubt he changed many of those minds either.

As I said earlier, I disagree with the tone of 'The God Delusion'. It is confrontational and, worse, it uses a shotgun approach on the faithful. I admire Ken Miller and Francis Collins. Good scientists and devoted Christians, I want to be on their side in opposing the Richard Ahmansons and Phillip Johnsons of our world.

As for dismissing Young-Earth-Creationists out of hand, that depends on wheter we're discussing their religion or their pretensions to science. If the latter, then certainly they should be dismissed. Pseudo-science should not be tolerated. The dangers are too great.

GT, i guess Dawkins target is the unintelligent uncommitted because his logic is atrocious by all reports. that seems a strange thing. so the goal is to get all of the uneducated people who don't recognize poor argumentation to agree with you?

i guess that is one approach and it has certainly proved lucrative. but contrary to all of Dawkin's bluster, it won't win the culture ultimately.

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