It was unjustified because she was unarmed... You up to speed now?
The killer is no different than Chauvin. He needs to go to court, then prison. Period
The cop, Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd, used deadly force against a person who was not using deadly force, had no visible weapons with them, and also had other police officers to the side and behind the victim, who were far better positioned to affect an arrest than someone shooting through a window with reduced visibility.
We were told all summer long that large protesting crowds were mostly peaceful, that the actions of a very few should not in any way impinge the motives of the majority of them, and that certainly a large crowd in and of itself did not rise to the level of threat to justify the use of deadly force.
In Omaha, a crowd broke into a guy's restaurant, threatened to burn it down, and in response to the display of a gun by the owner, one crowd member then assaulted the owner, as he knew that the police and DA would have his back. Now he was shot by the owner after a physical struggle, but he was right - the owner was charged with murder by the DA.
Different story for the DC ruling class, and a non-approved protest. Since these protesters are hated by the ruling class, any violence against them is allowed, and celebrated.
And it was always going to end up that way. The right doesn't have the infrastructure that the left does - we've been busy building companies and raising our families, while the left has taken over the entirely of the media / entertainment complex, as well as all facets of the government.
The right doesn't have media outlets saying what a wonderful, people's protest it is. How it's mostly peaceful, and to say otherwise is a smear and lie.
They don't have elected officials who will lead the crowd into the halls of Congress, or give them access passes like the Democrats do (ever wonder how protesters always manage to be in the secure hallways to yell at Republicans like Jeff Flake in an elevator - they are given hall passes by Democrats to act as their shock troops).
They don't have celebrities to lead the crowd - if the tables were turned on Jan 6th, LeJoke James and other leftist would have been in the front of the crowd, serenaded by Lady Gaga and other singers.
They don't have white shoe lawyers who'll step in pro-bono and work to have all charges dropped, using all their contacts and connections - which won't be a hard sell, as the prosecutors and judges will all be on the side of the protestors anyway.
Certainly the FBI/KGB won't bother to hunt through Facebook pages looking for people who committed the heinous crime of, checks notes, walking into a public building to protest and not breaking anything, then leaving.
DC is entirely owned and controlled by the Ruling Class. They run ever facet of it, and would comprise all 12 members of any jury. It's just not where you are ever going to be allowed to protest against what they want.
Now you can try to burn down a church next to the White House - that's OK. You can tear down as many statues as your side had judged to be guilty of WrongThink!, that's OK too.
Hell, you can even try to tear down the fence surrounding the White House so that the First Family has to leave for a safe room. All that's OK if it goes along with what the Ruling Class wants. But you can't do anything they don't want. It's just the way modern America is. Protest is only allowed by those in power.