AM vs. Texas Regional Champs Game Do Or Die

I think the 3rd of June date has been stuck in my head for a long time. The "Ode to Billie Joe" song came out in 1967. What's really strange, it does not seem that long ago. Just like Clark Field (see how I linked this to the baseball forum)?
Houston beat LSU 12-2. Did Craig Way say that the NCAA will make a decision on hosting by 7 a.m. on Tuesday?
Do you realize that if a Texas (as in State of) team was in a regional, then that regional was won by a Texas team?

I once question the racist origins of the term "Cougar High" or why that was considered racist. I was told that it was originated by Ags as in the statement "it must be a high school, cause

don't go to college."I kind of quit using that term "Cougar High" after that. Not that I am PC or anything.
Arbfarkle - I always thought the reference to UH as "Cougar High" was more of a way of some making fun of a junior - college like commuter school that had delusions of sports grandeur on a national scale... at least in a prior era, nothing more.
The term "Cougar High" had no racist connotations. It referred to the fact that back in the day, UH classes were held at actual high school campuses, prior to completion of on-campus buildings. I believe this was in the sixties.
They may have improved somewhat since that time in facilities and quality of education, but in some circles, the term Cougar High still can be heard.
You need to be careful using that moniker because it can be taken very negatively. UH is on the rise and does not deserve to be referred to as a high school from an academic standpoint.

In regards to it being a commuter school, UH actually has a higher percentage of international and out-of-state students than UT. And if the bulk of in-state students do live at home and save money by doing so, more power to them.

The term "Cougar High" makes it sound like the school has terrible academics. At least that's what it sounds like to me. I'm not suggesting that this is what anyone here means when they refer to it as such, but that's the perception I'm left with. There are very smart and capable people that go to school there and have graduated from there.

I would also bear in mind that it is getting increasingly difficult to get into UT. Would you rather have people you care for that aren't necessarily your children go to A&M or UH as their alternate school after not getting into UT? If you degrade UH academics, like many ags I know certainly do, they'll be less likely to choose UH. I see the school as a quality option for those unwilling or unable to get into UT due to cost, location, academic qualification, etc.

If it is a term used only in reference to their sports programs, is it really necessary?
I understand the program and the campus have dramatically upgraded, but I was just relating from where the term derived. It had nothing to do with race. Back then, Cougar High was commonly used, even by my good friend who took classes there in Houston. It was because a lot of the classes were conducted at night at local high schools.
Now that I know the term is so negatively viewed, I will refrain from using it, unless it happens to slip out, like at a baseball game.
The term Cougar High comes from the fact that UofH was actually created by HISD. That being said, it's becoming a very good school.
Btw, no need to be good sports and say hats off to Aggies for good competition. They lost that right when the douchbag pticher threw the horns down at our dugout AFTER a win. What a clown. Nice way to wake a rival who appeared unfocused and asleep through your victory.

Last I saw Texas outscored the Gomers 14-5 in runs in 3 games. We held them to 1, 2, and 1 runs. That's shutting *** down at plate, period. Couldn't have ended a better bunch of dipshits' season. **** A&M, **** the SEC...Horns and Big 12 kicked *** and took names this weekend. Hook 'Em
There actually is a difference when a player does it. Poor aggy is from the fans. I like when opposing teams do the horns down because of the outcome. What's amazing is that we won the regional without one of our best pitchers.
Here's the deal...he clearly won the game and dominated his's over, cheer and be excited by all means. But you don't basically shoot the middle finger at the team you just beat. Or grab your dong and tell them to suck it. That's exactly what it means to us. We weren't overly talking smack or being disrespectful in either game. Hell, we were having a good healthy competition between each other to that point.

Yes, something like that does motivate a team further than the norm. It sets a burning fire beyond the fire just to win. It's the fire to defend your honor. And yes, it does matter. The players couldn't wait to get on the field when it was over and throw Horns Up at Ags to show them who's boss. Trust me, it helps a ton to be disrespected before a sporting event. The players spoke on it specifically after game.

It was classless, uncalled for, and Aggy without a doubt. And your season is over. Suck those Horns! I'd say Thumbs Down...but then I'd have to kick my own *** for being a total ******* like anyone who does the classless Horns Down.
Also, I always get even more upset when fans of schools other than OU use the horns down sign.

From what I was told, the reason OU invented the horns down sign was because they didn't have a hand sign like the rest of the old Southwest Conference. Hence they did that whenever they would play the Longhorns.

So they in essence are the school that is allowed to do that. It's a thing between OU and Texas. So when another school does it, it makes my blood boil. Find your own traditions.
Again RC, Poor aggy is from the fans. It's different when players do the horns down. I didn't see Texas players doing thumbs down after the win.
Many of us do think it is and discourage it's usage. As a matter of fact, two people near me started it Friday afternoon and I shut them down.
I don't discourage it because it's after the win and is a fan tradition. aggy does their childish cheers and jeers before, during, and after the game.

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