AM vs. Texas Regional Champs Game Do Or Die

Schlottman stays on for the bottom half of the inning.

Gurwitz leads off for the Horns

Gideon goes to third for Nottebrok for A&M.

Gurwitz steps in righty and after fouling off multiple pitches
he pop out to first for one away.

Marlow brings back the top of the order one last time you hope.
He steps in from the left side with one down.
He walks to put a runner on.

Johnson bats with one down and one on.
More runs would be not unappreciated.
Marlow is picked off and more base running blunders kill another potential rally.

Johnson bats now with two down now and the bases empty.
A liner up the middle is speared on a dive by the shortstop to retire the side.

Three outs to a title as the ninth comes and Texas leads 4-1.
Hollingsworth comes out for a potential complete game as Aggy does what they do in the stands.

McLendon leads off batting right handed.
He walks to put a man on.

Statum bats lefty with one on and no outs.
A ground ball goes to second and a 4-3 first out as the runner goes to second.

Bratsen bats righty with one on and one down.
A 3-1 count brings out Skip.
He says get this guy out or your out no doubt.
The count runs full and a ground ball to short is a second big out as the runner goes to third.

Allemand at the top of the order bats lefty with two outs and one on.
A high pop foul on the third base side is caught by Gurwitz and it's over.

Texas wins the game 4-1 and the Regional.

What a wonderful and whatever good adjective you can use about Hollingsworth. A complete game win.

I must get up and jump around awhile and will be back for wrap up in a bit.
Caught the last at bats for both team on the radio. Great win by the Horns!
Texas does gut out a win on a very gutsy outing by Hollingsworth.

He gets the Horns to what looks to be a Super Regional against Houston now in a upset and who will host?
Either way it's better than Baton Rouge.

It was frustrating as usual for a long time and errors and base running mistakes again kept us from running away with this game.

In the end we did enough with the effort by Hollingsworth.

So we keep going and now you can say yes, it's a successful season.

It's always a successful day when you keep "those people" from winning anything. Bye bye Aggy, see you never I hope.
Hi NBHorn7,

Excellent narration of this amazing victory!

Thank you so very much for all your incredible narrations throughout this season! We've been on several trips during this baseball season and didn't have access to LHN on a few of them, so we are so appreciate of your posts on Katy and Robert's amazingly giving web site.

We're in Anguilla, but would have traded this Caribbean trip for being in Houston to watch this regional.

Now, on to the Super Regional wherever it is . . . .


As a Coog alumnus, I'd love to have UH last past LSU tonight. I'd pull for UT, but it'd be nice to know tonight I'll have a team make it to Omaha.
Screw the ags. Screw their outlaw conference. Screw their piss ant fans. Four Big 12 teams in Super Regionals out of five bids. With Cougar High ***** slapping LSU that mighty sec, now the scramble as to Super hosts. ESPN saying both the Horns and OSU could host. In the SR era, the host team has advanced 85% of the time. Three SR sites to be determined. Four weeks ago we were DOOMED and Augie needed to join Mack. Did I mention screw the ags?

Great job by this TEAM and STAFF!
Thanks NB. I bet aggy has been reading your posts during the game. I appreciate your play by play. Keep up the great work. We will wait for your input this weekend, hopefully in Austin. Now, one final thing:
While reading this post I was listening to the Cougars-LSU game and heard something like "the 7 run 3rd contributed to that"
NBHorn7 - great HF play-by-play as usual. Credit Hollingsworth - pitched an outstanding game tonight!

Looks like it will be Cougar High versus UT - Go Horns!
Thanks NB for all the games. I never go to the Aggy site or any other schools but I will bet the aggy says the got screwed some way.
Oh, and those of you old enough, tomorrow is June 3rd:

It was the third of June, another sleepy, dusty, delta day
I was out choppin' cotton and my brother was balin' hay
And at dinner time we stopped and walked back to the house to eat
And Mama hollered out the back door, "Y'all remember to wipe your feet"
Then she said, "I got some news this mornin' from Choctaw Ridge
Today Billie Joe McAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge"

Hook'm Baby.
So, what should the over/under be on the number of years it takes for aggy to add another title to the wall at Olsen Field (assuming there is one) for winning the loser's bracket at the 2014 Houston regional?

Oh, I remember when Bobbie Gentry released that song.

Ok, so it dates me . . . .

I'm in a Caribbean paradise and I'm high because The University of Texas put their little brothers in their rightful place.

We won't be back in time for the Super Regional, but I'll be in Omaha if Texas makes it there.

Oh, yeah.... HOW BOUT DAT BIG 12 !!!!

And if UH holds up.... FOUR TEAMS FROM TEXAS...

Next weekend, the eyes of the nation will be all about Texas. TEXAS. The State of Texas. All things Texas.

When do X-Games start? That's in AUSTIN!!.. .Right?!

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