Pimp Daddy
Schlottman stays on for the bottom half of the inning.
Gurwitz leads off for the Horns
Gideon goes to third for Nottebrok for A&M.
Gurwitz steps in righty and after fouling off multiple pitches
he pop out to first for one away.
Marlow brings back the top of the order one last time you hope.
He steps in from the left side with one down.
He walks to put a runner on.
Johnson bats with one down and one on.
More runs would be not unappreciated.
Marlow is picked off and more base running blunders kill another potential rally.
Johnson bats now with two down now and the bases empty.
A liner up the middle is speared on a dive by the shortstop to retire the side.
Three outs to a title as the ninth comes and Texas leads 4-1.
Gurwitz leads off for the Horns
Gideon goes to third for Nottebrok for A&M.
Gurwitz steps in righty and after fouling off multiple pitches
he pop out to first for one away.
Marlow brings back the top of the order one last time you hope.
He steps in from the left side with one down.
He walks to put a runner on.
Johnson bats with one down and one on.
More runs would be not unappreciated.
Marlow is picked off and more base running blunders kill another potential rally.
Johnson bats now with two down now and the bases empty.
A liner up the middle is speared on a dive by the shortstop to retire the side.
Three outs to a title as the ninth comes and Texas leads 4-1.