ix ag is a hoot.
First, the claim that aggy was a military school until the 1970s is patently false.
At least as the mid 1960s it went coed with the elimination of corp membership:
The Link
The excuse that it was hindered because it was a "military institution", again laughable, seeing as how a REAL miliitary institution, West Point has won 4 MNCs:
The Link
And comments regarding Texas not being in the MNC hunt post Royal and pre-Mack don't hold up.
Texas went 11-0 in 1977, ranked No. 1 most of the year, losing in essentially an MNC game to No. 5 Notre Dame. That was a title game, from the perspective that had Texas won, it would have been a consensus national champion.
Similarly, the 1983 season Texas was ranked #2 most of the season, went 11-0, beating #5 Auburn, #8 OU, and #9 SMU, before losing to #7 Georgia (had Texas won that Cotton Bowl it would have been MNC, since #1 NU lost later that day).
Texas HAS been in the MNC hunt more frequently than ix ag implies.
Certainly not as frequently as some others, but snapshots over a selected timefram don't give a good picture of the whole.
Over the long run, Texas is a national title contender.
Not every year.
Not every decade.
But certainly there off and on, and more frequently than most, save Alabama, Notre Dame, OU, and USC.
We're not THAT far off from those programs.
And without a doubt FAR above such bottom dwellers as aggy.
Hook 'em