
If you are referring to Dickerson, I know some shithead Aggies, but Dickerson remains the single most classless, chickenshit waste of humanity I know of. He is such a pathetic excuse for a human being, I'd be ashamed to introduce him to Dion's dog as a representative of the species.
I am concerned that you are holding back...this is not healthy. Tell us how you REALLY feel ;)

The classic example has and always will be that great Aggie baseball team with the million dollar infield, picked to waltz through the SWC on their way to a dominating performance in winning Omaha.

Problem along the way to the CWS? They dropped 7 games to the Horns.

Were the Aggies more talented? Sure

Was Chandler a better coach? Is this a trick question?

Only explanation - Aggies will invariably Aggie-it

My daughter bet her science teacher (an Aggie) that Texas would win the initial series. The loser had to spend one entire day at school wearing the winning school's shirt. My daughter hand painted him a t-shirt, with the scores of the games, the alltime record against the other school, the number of SWC championships, number of appearances in Omaha. True to his word, he wore that shirt the entire day.


The classic example has and always will be that great Aggie baseball team with the million dollar infield, picked to waltz through the SWC on their way to a dominating performance in winning Omaha.

Problem along the way to the CWS? They dropped 7 games to the Horns.

Were the Aggies more talented? Sure

Was Chandler a better coach? Is this a trick question?

Only explanation - Aggies will invariably Aggie-it

My daughter bet her science teacher (an Aggie) that Texas would win the initial series. The loser had to spend one entire day at school wearing the winning school's shirt. My daughter hand painted him a t-shirt, with the scores of the games, the alltime record against the other school, the number of SWC championships, number of appearances in Omaha. True to his word, he wore that shirt the entire day.

That's a rare aggy. Most of them would have welshed on that bet.
They play these games in business too. It's not just Aggie Logic. It's Aggie Math, Aggie Economics, Aggie Networking. They have there own alternative reality going on.
2010 was another one of those "it's a 3-way tie in the South so we'll automatically give it to Oklahoma" deals.

Like in 2008 where Oklahoma played Missouri for the title despite both teams having lost to Texas and having equal or worse conference records than Texas, in 2010 both Oklahoma and Nebraska had lost to Texas A&M and had equal or worse conference records. In neither case did it make any sense.
Time for this jewel:

Aggy is the black hole of high school talent. Talent goes in and is never seen or heard from again....unless it transfers out.

It's also a coaches graveyard... a blackhole of sorts. Outside of Bear Bryant, think of coaches that have gone there and struggled, fizzeled or failed....

Say hello to Gene Stalling, which gives the Aggies two in one century.


Gene Stalling...that’s a blast from the past. Didn’t he have a season or two of 0 wins but also a SWC championship in ‘66 or ‘67 while at aggy? I think it was 1992, he won an MNC at Bama.

Say hello to Gene Stalling, which gives the Aggies two in one century.


Some aggy coaches had a good season or two but many had a lackluster to a very poor report card:

Sumlin, Franchione, Sherman, former UT coach Emory Bellard, Stallings, Tom Wilson, Jackie Sherrill. Only Sumlin & Sherrill had significant winning records.

Going way back had to look up some other ag coach names with short terms and or poor records: Harry Stitler, Raymond George, James Myers, Henry Foldberg.

Ol' RC Slocum has prolly been the most successful coach at aggy since DX Bible.
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