
I'm honestly beginning to think if an aggie RB broke Barry Sanders records for yards and TD's in a season some here would come up with multiple reasons why it wasn't all that impressive.

eventually we'd respect them again like we do ou. but we're just fine belittling some of the ou successes. of course, assface mayfield earned it.
Aggy has sucked or been average since 1996 except for maybe 1 or 2 years. But virtually every program will have a good year or 2 every 22 years.
They went 6-12 in bowls in that span. Most of those bowls were also garbage bowls.
The reason they went to the SEC is because Texas, OU and Tech kicked their butt repeatedly in the Big 12.
Both teams weren't that good from 2013-2016, we sucked more but that was the Strong debacle.
I'm honestly beginning to think if an aggie RB broke Barry Sanders records for yards and TD's in a season some here would come up with multiple reasons why it wasn't all that impressive.

Wow, great, you figured out how fansites work. Good on you.
I'm honestly beginning to think if an aggie RB broke Barry Sanders records for yards and TD's in a season some here would come up with multiple reasons why it wasn't all that impressive.
I think for the most part, people on this board love football, even if it is aggie football. Johnny football won the Heisman and deserved it. Fun to watch, just a **** show off the field (sad). I don't think anyone wished the stupid things Johnny wished upon himself. Regardless, the reason people make fun of aggie is because they are a cult and exhibit cult like behavior i.e. do things because it is a tradition even if any other normal human being would pause and avoid it. The only other school that I can think of that has a "culture" rather than math and science etc is BYU.
But to answer your statement/question, if aggie rb breaks all the records we will know if Hornfans doesn't give them their due, but don't hold your breath. It won't happen anytime soon.
eventually we'd respect them again like we do ou.

Exactly. If aggy was to back up some of their talk we'd respect them too.
Simply shouting from every rooftop about how you are an elite program does not make it so.

Just like the dumb blond in the video, who is just convinced that the rest of the world is wrong, and could only make statements of opinion like "No, sorry, you're all just wrong! We are as great as UT!" with absolutely no argument to make from there other than she just really believes it to be true. That is why we laugh.
I'm honestly beginning to think if an aggie RB broke Barry Sanders records for yards and TD's in a season some here would come up with multiple reasons why it wasn't all that impressive.

You mean like when Texas won the national title with Vince Young and aggsy everywhere would call him Radio?

Or when Texas played for the BCS title and our quarterback was referred to as Cart McCry?

Get out of here with your BS, go back to and get back to your SEC circle Jerk. I'm sure Bama is going to win you another national title soon.
You mean like when Texas won the national title with Vince Young and aggsy everywhere would call him Radio?

Or when Texas played for the BCS title and our quarterback was referred to as Cart McCry?

Get out of here with your BS, go back to and get back to your SEC circle Jerk. I'm sure Bama is going to win you another national title soon.
Your first two paragraphs are nothing like my post you quoted. The third makes you sound like an 8-year-old.
And as I think I have posted before with regards to the other sec-sec-sec schools, reaction to their first exposure to aggy: I had a client, very wealty, prominent donor at Ole Miss. He is everything that you have ever heard about how visitors are treated at The Grove. Gracious, welcoming, invites you to come back to their tail gate after the game etc, will help you find a ticket if you don't have one, kind of guy.

After the ags first appearance at Ole Miss, I asked him what was the general opinion of the Hotty Toddy Nation with regards to maroon invaders. His response was gold:

"They appear to be Mississippi State with a higher FICO score".

mic drop

State is a lot different than Aggie on a lot of levels. But that's one huge rivalry, egg bowl is probably the fiercest I've seen. I generally prefer a State alum over an Old Miss alum but to each his own.
State is a lot different than Aggie on a lot of levels. But that's one huge rivalry, egg bowl is probably the fiercest I've seen. I generally prefer a State alum over an Old Miss alum but to each his own.
Until the catfish crash due to China dumping in the catfish market, State was on track to overtake Ole Miss.

aggy's 2019 schedule has a minimum of 4 losses (and probably 6) built in so I am confused over what they think they are going to win in 2019.
I'm honestly beginning to think if an aggie RB broke Barry Sanders records for yards and TD's in a season some here would come up with multiple reasons why it wasn't all that impressive.
I give credit where credit's due. Their OLs were good to very good under Sherman, their DLs have been quite good the last few years, and of course Johnny Football was a superstar at the college level (and a major league muff on our recruiting staff).

For me, the reason aggies generally tend to be so annoying is that they have a massively overinflated, and frankly delusional, view of themselves, their school, and their sports teams, and they won't ever shut up about it. When our teams suck, most Longhorns know it and, if anything, are too hard on our team.* As a group, we're definitely not delusional about it.

*in that way, as a group we're closer to NY sports fans than to aggies.
Until the catfish crash due to China dumping in the catfish market, State was on track to overtake Ole Miss.
When your state economy heavily depends on the catfish market, you know you're one of the poorest states in the union. As other Southern states' politicians like to say: "thank God for Mississippi, we'll never be last in poverty, education, or health rankings."

The bright side of the story is that their state (Mississippi) has massive amounts of undeveloped and undiscovered oil and gas resources.
aggy delusion counts that as three wins. One for the white team, one for the dried blood team, and another for the date change.
but the telephone string to the White officials broke, and they didn't get the message so they showed up Saturday afternoon wondering where everyone was.
I give credit where credit's due. Their OLs were good to very good under Sherman, their DLs have been quite good the last few years, and of course Johnny Football was a superstar at the college level (and a major league muff on our recruiting staff).

For me, the reason aggies generally tend to be so annoying is that they have a massively overinflated, and frankly delusional, view of themselves, their school, and their sports teams, and they won't ever shut up about it. When our teams suck, most Longhorns know it and, if anything, are too hard on our team.* As a group, we're definitely not delusional about it.

*in that way, as a group we're closer to NY sports fans than to aggies.
Never heard that explanation but I agree on all points. I don't particularly dislike aggie but I hate it when the Longhorns lose.

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