
I have yet to talk to an Aggie that isn't appalled by the stupidity of their decision makers. I tell the young ones, "you would have loved Bum Bright".
The reality of Malfunction Junction continues... a few aggys I have talked to seem to think Jimbo will bring meaningful change & more wins.... but that is the same thing many thought when Fran, Sherman & Stumblin were just getting started.

The jury is out on Jimbo....
The reality of Malfunction Junction continues... a few aggys I have talked to seem to think Jimbo will bring meaningful change & more wins.... but that is the same thing many thought when Fran, Sherman & Stumblin were just getting started.

The jury is out on Jimbo....
aggy has to win the $EC West before they can win anything meaningful. Jimbo has yet to face LSU and Alabama season after season (and still has not beaten Alabama).

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