
Little Billie Powers needed your help, as did Craig Littlepage, the Catholics, Bob Stoops & Turner Gil. Anyone that gets paid three plus times what they are worth is overrated. I shall give you the fact that Ron Prince & Chuck Long are cancers, so that may slightly diminish their "overrated" status. The rest on that list are grossly overrated.

Uh NO! You are getting high expectations mixed up with being overrated. Just because an Admin hire's a guy doesn't make him overrated. That means they had high expectations that he would be a good coach and missed. It happens every year and will continue every year. Being overrated is seeing bad results and still giving them credit for being good. It's like a myth that Fisher is a good coach.

I didn't say Fisher was the worst coach of all times. I said he is the most overrated coach of all times. Do you think Blake, Strong, or any of the other coaches you named were more overrated that Fisher?


I hope Sumlin's "smart" lawyers specified either an ACH or wire transfer (with aggy picking up the fees on both ends) and not a check (which will not clear today and thus aggy missed the payment).
I hope Sumlin's "smart" lawyers specified either an ACH or wire transfer (with aggy picking up the fees on both ends) and not a check (which will not clear today and thus aggy missed the payment).
Do you wire $10M to a checking account or what? :idk:

I’m asking so I’ll know what to do when this happens.
Do you wire $10M to a checking account or what?

Yes, to a non US bank in Bermuda, then to different banks around the islands, avoiding the ***** banks that grab their ankles every time the US government calls. His idiot lawyer should have the settlement directed to an offshore LLC.
Do you wire $10M to a checking account or what? :idk:

I’m asking so I’ll know what to do when this happens.
We get license payments a few times a year that are in the $500k-$5m range. All done by wire. The charge is typically $20. It is deposited into a bank account.
Always ask them to do "code 10", then watch them scratch their heads and say, "we don't do that". It's particularly fun to do with those idiots stupid enough to work for Wells Fargo. It disrupts Wells entire system of screwing the customer, and forces them to explain to their employees the way things are done in real financial institutions. "Code 10" should cost an extra $10, but forces them to give you confirmation while you wait that the wire has been sent, as well as provide it to the receiving institution.
Your bank said you did not need the money so they returned it, but I did wire $49 million to Paul McCartney once.

Due to an email I got, I once wired $2500 to a man in Nigeria that was distributing money for a wealthy Prince in Rwanda. I never got any money from that man.

Was I foolish or unwise?

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