
When was the last time you found anybody (or any organization) that constantly proclaimed their own greatness, to actually live up to the self generated hype?

In my experience it is a pretty rare thing. The truly great ones don't have to constantly self promote.

The Trump administration?
OUCH -- New dude seen enough, bailed out

--- bad word warning below ---


His phone call to his agent was probably something like “a skinhead dude wearing painted overalls just approached me and asked me to help him saw something off. GET ME OUT OF HERE!”
His phone call to his agent was probably something like “a skinhead dude wearing painted overalls just approached me and asked me to help him saw something off. GET ME OUT OF HERE!

Help I'm surrounded by a bunch of jack booted booger eaters (to steal a phrase from Ivan Diablo that makes me LOL)
The only winning record he had was with VY at QB
All other starting QBs he combined with gave a losing record
Naturally he benched Vince
Thanks Joe Fan--knew we could count on you in making this even more relevant in re: Jeff Fisher bashing!!
While I shall not negate Fisher's role in shortening VY's career, a great deal of that was Norm Chow "showing" Bud Adams who was right.
Thanks Joe Fan--knew we could count on you in making this even more relevant in re: Jeff Fisher bashing!!

Jeff Fisher's overall record as a head coach is 173-165
VY went 30-17 in games he started in Tenn under Fisher
Which leaves Fisher's record as a head coach without Vince as his starter at 143-148
Charlie Strong, Chuck Long, John Blake, Mike Locksley, Mike London, Ron Prince, Gerry Faust say "hello" and want to like your post multiple times.

No these coaches you mentioned aren't overrated. Everyone knows they are bad to average coaches. I'd put Fisher in this group that says "hello" back at you. If you wouldn't proves my point that he is indeed overrated.
Little Billie Powers needed your help, as did Craig Littlepage, the Catholics, Bob Stoops & Turner Gil. Anyone that gets paid three plus times what they are worth is overrated. I shall give you the fact that Ron Prince & Chuck Long are cancers, so that may slightly diminish their "overrated" status. The rest on that list are grossly overrated.

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