Aggy Just Went Full Aggy




I thought Hooter Junction always looked like that.
aggy co-worker admitted to me this morning he was celebrating and gloating Sat. about MD upset win over the "sips".

He said doing so created bad Karma as aggy turned around the next day and lost in a most embarrassing way, while gaining great notoriety for the biggest comeback loss in NCAA history.

Ahhhhhhhh.... aggy misery always makes me feel a little better... :smile1:
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Colin Cowherd had a great bit on the Aggies today:

COLIN COWHERD: When Josh Rosen had no time, no receivers were open, was completely baffled by Texas A&M's defense. When Kevin Sumlin created an offensive game plan that ran for 380 yards, was he a bad coach then? Hey, regent guy. You had two quarterbacks transfer out, they were both good. You were left with two quarterbacks who weren't very good, and one of them got hurt. So you were relying on a true freshman backup on the road against arguably the best quarterback in the country.

See, what happened with Texas A&M happens to a lot of people-- a false sense of achievement. Johnny Manziel gave A&M fans a false sense of, wow, we're really special. And no, you're not. You are a slightly better than average college football program. TCU and Baylor, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State have been better programs. In your own region, the last 10 years. Since 1998, do the math, you've had one 10-win season. That was Kevin Sumlin's.

By the way, without Johnny Manziel, since 1990, 27 years, your biggest bowl win is the Holiday Bowl. Texas A&M fans joined the SEC, and for a couple of years, due to a wildly dynamic and exhilarating quarterback named Johnny Manziel, you competed with Alabama. Hey, we're special. We're elite. No, you're completely average.

Regents should worry about fundraising, and legal matters, and construction projects. Leave the game planning to the coach. In your own region, you're not special. Oklahoma is. TCU has been. Oklahoma state's on fire. But I love when regents, lawyers, jump in and start defining what a good football coach is.

This was a story of a team that got a massive lead, had a great game plan, completely suffocated Josh Rosen-- I've never seen him that perplexed for a half-- and then had to go to a true freshman backup quarterback who's not very good. On the road, a team at a massive lead and UCLA playing against more of a prevent defense got really, really hot and won the game. Texas A&M sees itself as Hollywood royalty, or Hanks, Denzel, Clooney, Robert Downey, Matthew McConaughey, Brad Pitt, Jamie Foxx. That's not what you are. You're Brendan Frazier.

You are a slightly better than average program, and the most success you've had recently is due to Kevin Sumlin's great recruiting and offensive wizardry. The fact they could get almost 400 yards rushing when UCLA, who's got a good defense, knew that was the only thing you could do is not bad coaching.
Colin Cowherd had a great bit on the Aggies today:

COLIN COWHERD: When Josh Rosen had no time, no receivers were open, was completely baffled by Texas A&M's defense. When Kevin Sumlin created an offensive game plan that ran for 380 yards, was he a bad coach then? Hey, regent guy. You had two quarterbacks transfer out, they were both good. You were left with two quarterbacks who weren't very good, and one of them got hurt. So you were relying on a true freshman backup on the road against arguably the best quarterback in the country.

See, what happened with Texas A&M happens to a lot of people-- a false sense of achievement. Johnny Manziel gave A&M fans a false sense of, wow, we're really special. And no, you're not. You are a slightly better than average college football program. TCU and Baylor, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State have been better programs. In your own region, the last 10 years. Since 1998, do the math, you've had one 10-win season. That was Kevin Sumlin's.

By the way, without Johnny Manziel, since 1990, 27 years, your biggest bowl win is the Holiday Bowl. Texas A&M fans joined the SEC, and for a couple of years, due to a wildly dynamic and exhilarating quarterback named Johnny Manziel, you competed with Alabama. Hey, we're special. We're elite. No, you're completely average.

Regents should worry about fundraising, and legal matters, and construction projects. Leave the game planning to the coach. In your own region, you're not special. Oklahoma is. TCU has been. Oklahoma state's on fire. But I love when regents, lawyers, jump in and start defining what a good football coach is.

This was a story of a team that got a massive lead, had a great game plan, completely suffocated Josh Rosen-- I've never seen him that perplexed for a half-- and then had to go to a true freshman backup quarterback who's not very good. On the road, a team at a massive lead and UCLA playing against more of a prevent defense got really, really hot and won the game. Texas A&M sees itself as Hollywood royalty, or Hanks, Denzel, Clooney, Robert Downey, Matthew McConaughey, Brad Pitt, Jamie Foxx. That's not what you are. You're Brendan Frazier.

You are a slightly better than average program, and the most success you've had recently is due to Kevin Sumlin's great recruiting and offensive wizardry. The fact they could get almost 400 yards rushing when UCLA, who's got a good defense, knew that was the only thing you could do is not bad coaching.
Shhhsh! Let Aggie screw up hiring a new coach.
Is it just me or is it slightly spooky that Texas, Texas Tech, and Texas A&M have all lost games by the score of 44-45 at some point since the start of the 2015 season?
Was that freshman back up playing defense?
Cowherd is an *** hat.

There is no excuse for aggy losing that game ahead by 34 points with basically a quarter to go.
Cowturd is indeed an asshat.

With that said, there is ALWAYS an excuse for yet another aggy loss. You know how they always claim "we didn't lose, we just ran out of time"?

Well this week it was "we didn't lose, we just didn't run out of time soon enough".
The fact they could get almost 400 yards rushing when UCLA, who's got a good defense, knew that was the only thing you could do is not bad coaching.

But snapping the ball with 15+ seconds on the play clock while supposedly trying to burn clock is bad coaching.
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There's no doubt about their Texas obsession. I think Mack once said that the Aggie team that showed up to play Texas never resembled the one they saw on film playing other teams. The heightened effort was very pronounced.
Plorant, I saw the Cowherd rant as it was delivered (DirecTV Ch 219).
You got it word for word. Was great to read it after hearing it.
Cowherd nailed it.
Plorant, I saw the Cowherd rant as it was delivered (DirecTV Ch 219).
You got it word for word. Was great to read it after hearing it.
Cowherd nailed it.

I heard it live on the air. On the spot it sounded to me like he was saying what we have all said for years: "You guys are delusional."

Aggie has no cause for it's own arrogance because they have no legacy to protect other than their self-image which is manufactured.

What is the old joke? "If I could buy you for what you're worth and sell you for what you think you're worth I'd make a fortune."
Prop Joe,

What do you think? The return address is Houston Country Club. Anyone stupid enough to send it doesn't know that there is a Potomac in Houston, much less the zip code for HCC. Looks like an inside job.
Prop Joe,

What do you think? The return address is Houston Country Club. Anyone stupid enough to send it doesn't know that there is a Potomac in Houston, much less the zip code for HCC. Looks like an inside job.

occams razor.

we have racists in our fanbase. one of those ******** decided to fire off a note to the head coach and insult/threaten him in the most personal way possible.

breaks my heart for his family and i loathe how personal firing a coach has become. absolutely hate it.
I don't think they would stage this wouldn't that give them reason for termination and void his contract without pay? Not a smart move for a guy with a big buyout which has to be paid in full within 60 days
That letter is just dumb. Why would someone even tweet that? It's pretty obvious that the intent of the letter was bigger than simply insulting KS since the return address is the HCC and the intent of the tweet was more than just calling out racism.


Back to football please.
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The letter was probably a UH or LSU fan trying to besmear the A&M fanbase. Hopefully not UT fan. Bad deal no matter what.

However, we should keep this thread alive for years.
I'm glad we don't have the Colonels on our schedule...they are holding aggy of the mighty SEC-SEC-SEC in check after a couple of early touchdowns.