ACA basics

If the information provided is correct WE, pay the subsidies directly to the insurance company every month.So the subsidies will be paid upfront, directly to the insurer.

As to whether it will affect all the other tax credits many get the answer for most is no. Most people eligible for a subsidy will still also get their EITC if they usually get one.

One other thing to consider is the maximum percentage a family can pay out is 9.5% of annual income
so for instance even a family of 4 earning 94,200 that buys a silver level premium in most states would qualify for a subsidy of $3550.00

HOW will WE pay for this?

edit to add
This site/link tries to explain how the tax credits work.It does say that the tax credits will be available through jan 2014
but I think that will be changed
it also says you can have the credit applied monthly or yearly.
This link does not explain where the money will come from to pay these sibsidies
The Link
Good catch!
It spears the 9.5% is based on "Modified adjusted gross income" which seems to be the total of your house hold's Adjusted Gross Income and any tax-exempt interest income you may have (these are the amounts on lines 37 and 8b of IRS from 1040).
It looks like a complicated formula where you add back in certain monies you took out for your AGI

so yes that makes a big difference
and this does not include the deduction will is pretty steep for people making over 400% of poverty level.

so young people over 30 will pay many times more than they are now plus have big deductions. Think they will actually sign up?

and now the rest of the people making over 400% of poverty level will pay many times more than they are now.

wonder if those who thought it was a good idea until they see how many thousands it will cost them will still be for it?

For the ones who it will help we could have helped them without this train wreck
I just find it amazing that folks believe this incompetent administration to tackle something as complex as health care when they cannot even manage a friggin website!
That would have been a good start. The final product would have been better and I suspect it would have cost less than 1 billion dollars.
Of the 115,000 who have actually enrolled, more than 70% opted for Medicaid. ACA is nothing more than a massive expansion of government and a redistribution of wealth.

isn't the problem that without 'regular' ( healthy non subsidy recipients) signing up the whole thing craters?
of course that means we taxpayers are on the hook and taxes will have to rise as well as more monry borrowed.

How is it possible that so many supporters do not understand this?
You are absolutely correct. It is also why Obama does not want to delay. If they delay the mandate, nothing but the sickest patients will come on board. The cost gap will explode quicker.

I have no answer for the idiocy of people who believe this is a good thing for America.
Did you really post
"Where does this come from? I think it is pretty much a commonly accepted and understood part of the law from both sides. ?

The Link

Did he lie?
Bubba is not enrolling in a smoking cessation program now that Obama is footing the bill. Is it your expectation that ACA is going to eliminate alcoholism, smoking and obesity? Again, ACA just penalizes the healthy people by making them foot Bubba's bad habits.
Would this law have even gotten through the dem controlled Congress if people were told the truth.
1. It will not lower your cost by 2500 want get to keep your doc or insurance
3 I don't think so
I guess I missed your question. ACA does not invent smoking cessation programs or any other program to improve Bubba's health. It simply offers these programs to Bubba at somebody else's expense. Let Bubba pay for better health if he wants it.

OMB places the cost at over $3 trillion over the next ten years. This is the government's portion. Our taxes and premiums will go up on a personal level. Please provide one source that this will result in decreased cost for everyone, not just Bubba.
Regardless of my dislike of ACA, it is simply nonsense that it decreases healthcare costs in America. If it truly decreases costs, why does the government need so many healthy people to enroll? It is because they need someone else to pay for Bubba's healthcare. Bubba's cost goes down while Joe's goes up to pay for Bubba.

The average smoker spends $3,400 per year. They know it is unhealthy and leads to cancer and heart disease. However, they continue to plunk down $7 for a pack of smokes each day. You are naive if you think they are all going to enroll in a cessation program and those programs have a success rate of less than 30%. I suppose he plans to give up fried food and his six pack of beer as well?

The Congressional Budget Office now estimates the government will spend $4 trillion over the next 20 years as a result of ACA. Where is your decreased cost in that estimate?
I am not confused at all. If you add 30 million people, you will see a huge increase in costs. You will also see people go to the doctor when they do not need to go, demand pharmaceuticals they do not necessarily need and fraud associated with the reimbursement. Trying to count costs that might not ever occur is math only the government can love.

I think you just buy the sales pitch. I am sure you also believed everyone could keep their current insurance plan. 16 million people will lose their current coverage.
You could have the opposite effect with Bubba. Now that he can't be turned away for a pre-existing condition, he might not even consider to stop smoking. This could make for many like Bubba to have more cancer treatments than normal. I can't say this would drive cost up but it would make it easier for someone to keep their bad habits since they know the have medical coverage.
It is pointless to try to say people will sign up so they won't get hit with huge hospital costs. If you want to really make people sign up before something happens, bankruptcy laws would need to be changed so you could never get rid of medical bills through bankruptcy. Tell 'em the govt. will be able to confiscate their cars, homes, cell phones, computers etc. and you might scare them into signing up.
I agree, but it is a slippery slope. If you incentivize based on outcomes, you must be control discrimination and prevent false diagnosis.

If I know two patients both at early stages of heart disease, would I choose the younger slimmer, non-smoker over the overweight smoker?

Also, you could have cases of physicians making/ finding a diagnosis that provides better reimbursement. I know you cannot necessarily control people from committing crime/fraud, but you should also avoid incentivizing it.
Wow, what a past few weeks. As expected, most of the folks who signed up have been either sick or medicare/aid recipients. Not many young, healthy folks. On top of the obvious issues with Obamacare that will cause healthy folks to opt out such as higher premiums and the elimination of the pre-existing condition discrimination, the complete disaster of the website has probably turned off healthy folks for a while. Obamacare is headed for a death spiral.

If this administration had more than half a brain cell, they would shut down the website and relaunch after all the bugs are worked out. Luckily, this is the most incompetent administration of our lifetime so they will just plunge into oblivion while they blame someone else.

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