3 Cheers for our good ally Israel!

I hope they avail themselves of their Second Amendment rights and defend themselves from these Nazi punks.

But no sorrow for raped Palestinian prisoners? Sad.

Hate speech is ugly but I would rather someone write a murderous slogan on a fence about me than bomb my house or throw me in jail.
Gaza update:

Now Hamas kills the old men.

6 more Jewish hostages were murdered by the savages. Here are photos of some of the murdered hostages:


"...he died "after enduring months of physical and mental torture."




Gaza update:

Now Hamas kills the old men.

6 more Jewish hostages were murdered by the savages. Here are photos of some of the murdered hostages:

View attachment 10540
"...he died "after enduring months of physical and mental torture."
View attachment 10542
View attachment 10543
View attachment 10544
View attachment 10541

This is unbelievably horrible and sad, but it doesn't mean that one side is justified to use unlimited violence.

Both sides use the deaths of their people as propaganda to justify more violence against the other side's civilians. I think the poll I showed above proves the point. Both sides hate each other and kill each other with no remorse. The only way to stop that is to pierce threw the propaganda to see that there are innocents on both sides and they should all be protected.
Trump says: "Never forget!"

View attachment 10545

This is treason about the United States if he is really saying something like this.

An American political leader who rules for the benefit of another country is illegitimate and should be rejected. They are harming you. Of course Trump isn't the only one. There are many Rs and Ds who care more about Israel or Palestine than they do America. We have horrible problems here at home that our leaders need to give 100% attention to.
He was being very respectful, and very human. Nothing remotely treasonable there.

And concerning Trump wearing the yarmulke, Trump's extended family is about half Jewish, you know....

We do help, and cheer on, our allies you know...
And they do the same for us.
"Never forget" for an ally is rather extreme to classify as treason.

It isn't just that it is demonstrating obeisance to a foreign state.

Tell you what if Netanyahu comes to America and makes a vow to protect Americans and send billions of dollars in aid to us while placing his hand on a Bible and holding a cross in the other hand, I'll change my mind.
Yeah. I know. He's bowing the knee to a foreign state.
No he's not. When our Presidents go and lay a wreath at a monument for the war dead of Britain, that's called showing respect and honoring an ally. This sort of thing happens frequently.

If you had your way, we would have no allies and everyone would gang up on us.
No he's not. When our Presidents go and lay a wreath at a monument for the war dead of Britain, that's called showing respect and honoring an ally. This sort of thing happens frequently.

It would be okay if he attended a memorial ceremony in Israel or gave a token gift like a wreath to participate. These are different things.

If you had your way, we would have no allies and everyone would gang up on us.

If I had my way the US would have allies that would help protect our interests and would not continually rely on our money and weapons to engage in offensive wars. I'm not just talking about Israel either.

Also, we would have a government that protected Americans and would rule in a way that builds our own country up instead of the constant thievery, lies, and subjugation.
Adding words ???
An Amercan President making Any statement about a massacre that included Americans is not being treasonous
And You know it
Adding words ???
An Amercan President making Any statement about a massacre that included Americans is not being treasonous
And You know it

You said that Trump did this in 2017, so that it is not about Oct 7. So what are you saying Trump said this about?

I don't fault Trump for saying anything. I fault him for visually bowing the knee to a foreign government. It is treason, at least to me. Should be to people who care that our political leaders have us as the absolute priority. From Merriam's:
: the betrayal of a trust : treachery
Article III, Section 3, Clause 1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.
The West Wall is also a religious place. So if Trump goes to Vatican City and participates in a Mass, you'd call him treasonous?
Article III, Section 3, Clause 1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

Yeah. I already showed what I meant by the word. This isn't it.
The West Wall is also a religious place. So if Trump goes to Vatican City and participates in a Mass, you'd call him treasonous?

Yes. The Vatican is a sovereign state. That is why Americans were very suspicious of a Catholic President back in the day. They were smart.
I went back and reread your posts. Am I understanding that you think Trump visiting the Western Wall was treasonous?
BTW I can't find where Trump said Never Forget in reference to Oct 7 massacre.
I went back and reread your posts. Am I understanding that you think Trump visiting the Western Wall was treasonous?
BTW I can't find where Trump said Never Forget in reference to Oct 7 massacre.

"Visiting"? Let's think about what that ritual means. If a civilian does that on his own that is on them. But when a head of state does that it is an act of visual subservience. When a foreign head of state, like Netanyahu or Zelensky, comes to the US our politicians honor them. Think of all the flag waving and standing ovations when foreign heads of state spoke in the our Capitol. When a President or governor goes to Israel they show honor to the Israel. They take a stance of submission to them. So either way the US politicians take subservient positions whether in the US or abroad. I think that is a betrayal of their position as supposed leaders of the American people.
We will just disagree on that. To most Americans who even know what the Western Wall is it is an historical remnant from thousands of years ago during Jesus time.People visit and honor it like they do other historical sites
AFAIK it is not directly connected to the Israeli Government.
Since Trump visited there in 2017 early in his admin what did he do during his term that in your view showed Trump showed subservience to Israel that betrayed the American trust?

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