3 Cheers for our good ally Israel!

tail wagging dog as usual. Hope you guys enjoy the next war.

The US has been advising Israel to quit building settlements on land taken from Palestinians fifty years ago-----for fifty years.

Israel just keeps right on building. Hold my beer and send more missiles; I am running short.

Hope all the Ivy League geniuses in DC know what they are doing.

They know how to start wars and use them to steal money from the rest of us. Other than that they know nothing.

Apparently every Republican in Congress (except) has an AIPAC rep assigned to them so that they know exactly what the state of Israel wants the federal state of the US to do on their behalf.

If you go against them they send millions to your primary opponent who is then beholden to the interests of the state of Israel. It's really sick.
So have they killed that red cow yet?

There isn't a temple yet, why would they?

Plus one red heifer doesn't purify the temple in the Bible. Thousands of animals do. So I am not sure why they are putting such importance on this.
Top Photo from Oct 7 below. Hamas "Palestinians" supporters gleefully cheer in Gaza after a murdered Jew is paraded on the back of a motorcycle.


Bottom photo: Western Red Cross workers aid Jews attacked in Bialystok, Poland by thuggish undisciplined soldiers of the incompetent Tsar's army. What came after the Tsars turned out to be even worse, but life under the Tsars was no picnic--even for "pure" ethnic Russians.

Amin al-Husseini, grand mufti of Jerusalem, salutes Waffen SS troops in Bosnia, where he launched Muslim division of Nazi forces. Husseini worked closely with Egypt-based Muslim Brotherhood, from which Hamas emerged in 1987 as armed wing in Gaza. Their common goal? Exterminate the Jews.
It's 60 percent white but D+30. Way too much self-righteous, white, liberal guilt to oust a female Muslim incumbent. Hope I'm wrong, but I'll be really surprised if I am.
There's some sort of weird hive-mind mentality in that State. I don't see it in the surrounding states.

Aside from the rather odd character of the people up there.......
Way up North they have the boundary waters. It's worth a canoe trip there at least once in a life for those who love the outdoors. There's countless scattered little lakes and ponds, mostly connected by creeks and rivers, so you can often canoe across dozens of lakes with just one, two, or even no portages. You can catch small mouth bass all day. With a little skill, and a little luck, you can land some Walleyes, Northern Pike, or even a Muskie (don't count on it).
You know how Notre Dame frequently gets amazing lucky breaks in football--Israel seems to get them in warfare...
Not bashing or anything derogatory here just trying to point something out.

There is no luck involved. The Bible clearly provides why Israel is "lucky" at warfare. They are God's choosen people and are protected by Him.
Not bashing or anything derogatory here just trying to point something out.

There is no luck involved. The Bible clearly provides why Israel is "lucky" at warfare. They are God's choosen people and are protected by Him.
looks like you could be onto something there...
There is no luck involved. The Bible clearly provides why Israel is "lucky" at warfare. They are God's choosen people and are protected by Him.

God both blessed and cursed Israel through its existence. When Israel obeys His commands, He blesses. When Israel disobeys His commands, He curses. The vast majority of Israeli citizens are atheist communists. They don't even believe He exists.

I suspect He will continue doing the same since His character never changes.
Not bashing or anything derogatory here just trying to point something out.

There is no luck involved. The Bible clearly provides why Israel is "lucky" at warfare. They are God's choosen people and are protected by Him.

Does God support Israel when some in the IDF rape prisoners and then the Knesset protests holding those soldiers accountable for the abuse? Or does He hold Jews accountable to His moral law like He does everyone other people group?
Not bashing or anything derogatory here just trying to point something out.

There is no luck involved. The Bible clearly provides why Israel is "lucky" at warfare. They are God's choosen people and are protected by Him.
Agreed. I'm no Deist.

G_d still operates and His Providence often makes the victory.

Just my opinion follows--surely His Hand was with our boys at Midway--no way we should have won that one.
Does God support Israel when some in the IDF rape prisoners and then the Knesset protests holding those soldiers accountable for the abuse? Or does He hold Jews accountable to His moral law like He does everyone other people group?
Not sure what your point is but, support and protection of a nation and people are two separate things.

God absolutely protects the nation of Israel and the Jewish community. If you read the bible you would know that He does not support any sin no matter who is committing it but He will definitely accept anyone who repents with the acceptance of Jesus Christ as their savior.

He will hold everyone on this earth accountable when His judgement comes including His chosen people.
Not sure what your point is but, support and protection of a nation and people are two separate things.

My point is that God does not excuse sin, ever. God doesn't blindly give Israel victory and Israel isn't always the "good guy."
God does protect Israel, sometimes. The whole book of Esther is about that. Ezra. Nehemiah. All through different parts of the OT.

God absolutely protects the nation of Israel and the Jewish community.

You need to read the end of 2 Chronicles, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and the beginning of Daniel. Even Moses predicted that God would judge Israel. Read 2 Chronicles 36 and 2 Kings 24 and 25. God isn't giving them victory or even protecting or supporting them. He is wiping them out. He doesn't "absolutely protects the nation of Israel". He protects them when they obey Him. The state of Israel which was created in 1948 was a socialist, atheist state. They can't obey Him because they don't even believe He exists.

If you read the bible you would know that He does not support any sin no matter who is committing it but He will definitely accept anyone who repents with the acceptance of Jesus Christ as their savior.

He will hold everyone on this earth accountable when His judgement comes including His chosen people.

I completely agree. Do you believe God will hold the Israeli military and government accountable for any sins they have committed against Gazans? Do you think the citizens of Israel who are secular or follow Judaism will be in heaven?
Do you believe God will hold the Israeli military and government accountable for any sins they have committed against Gazans?
No, he will hold the people that make up the military and government accountable.

I believe I covered this above when I stated he will hold every person on the planet accountable. Not sure how God would hold an institution accountable when people make up the organization.

Do you think the citizens of Israel who are secular or follow Judaism will be in heaven?
Only if they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior.

What is your real point here?

Seems like you want me to condemn Isreal for taking action against Gazans?
No, he will hold the people that make up the military and government accountable.

I believe I covered this above when I stated he will hold every person on the planet accountable. Not sure how God would hold an institution accountable when people make up the organization.

Sounds like your answer should have started with "yes". You basically restated my question in your answer.

Only if they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior.

What is your real point here?

You didn't understand my question I guess. If a person is a secular Jew or follows Judaism, they have not accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. If they did they would no longer be secular or follow Judaism. They would be Christians.

Seems like you want me to condemn Isreal for taking action against Gazans?

"Taking action"... How about killing 10s of thousands of civilians and destroying half of the city? How about the Knesset supporting the raping of Gazan prisoners by the IDF? Why would you not condemn such evil actions?
If you want to claim collateral damage you need to consider that estimates are that the level of collateral damage inflicted on Gaza is 10 times what the US military was responsible for in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am not saying 0 collateral damage is possible, but people need to be clear on the comparisons others are making.
I agree Mona but it is astonishing just how many times the Israelites were guilty of killing off entire populations of men women and children in the OT under God’s instruction no less.
I agree Mona but it is astonishing just how many times the Israelites were guilty of killing off entire populations of men women and children in the OT under God’s instruction no less.

It happened once though. God commanded Israel to wipe out all the Canaanite tribes as they came into the land. The "how many times" comes into play because were many different Canaanite tribes and cities that had to be captured.

Plus God specifically commanded Israel to kill all the Canaanites because they were abominably wicked in God's eyes. He gave them 400 years to repent and they didn't, they got worse. God hasn't spoken to Netanyahu or other Israeli government officials telling them to kill all the Gazans. So there really isn't a comparison.

Next, think about the sins Canaan was guilty of that caused God to want to eliminate them. They were into sexual immorality of every kind. Temple prostitution was celebrated. Bestiality was common. Pedophilia was accepted. Then to eliminate the outcome of that they established Moloch worship who was worshipped by murdering newborn babies.

Which group of people in the area today more closely follows that behavior today? Palestinian Christians and Muslims? Or atheistic, secular Jews?
Next, think about the sins Canaan was guilty of that caused God to want to eliminate them. They were into sexual immorality of every kind. Temple prostitution was celebrated. Bestiality was common. Pedophilia was accepted. Then to eliminate the outcome of that they established Moloch worship who was worshipped by murdering newborn babies.

Which group of people in the area today more closely follows that behavior today? Palestinian Christians and Muslims? Or atheistic, secular Jews?
I'm going with none of the above, and writing in American Democrats. Final answer.
I was trying to come up with a socially acceptable way to say the same Sangre but wanted to aim at Planed Parenthood more directly.
I guess I did not realize the total Canaanite connection because I know there were numerous instances, so much so I believed it to be more peoples. All I can say is there were lots of horrible slaughters between the often quoted 40 years of peace back in the day. And I am not trying to draw any modern day comparisons either physically or morally. I’m just expressing astonishment at the Lords justice.

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