3 Cheers for our good ally Israel!

I'm starting to wonder if the biggest idiots here are the rioters or the pathetic university and local "leaders" who don't stop it.


While I am not happy about the debacle and stupidity of the people gathered on our campus, I am encouraged by the response of the current administration. Previous administrations in Austin have blindly allowed the faculty to be infiltrated by terrorists (not protestors) for several decades.
I don't disagree it may be part of a cycle, however my fear is it doesn't come around until well after I'm gone. The retirement move out of the U.S. my wife and I have been discussing for years is looking better and better, albeit for some new and different reasons.
May I suggest Uruguay if you haven’t chosen already..happiest place ever and it’s easy to immigrate there. W bought a ranch several years ago. Stable democracy.

While I am not happy about the debacle and stupidity of the people gathered on our campus, I am encouraged by the response of the current administration. Previous administrations in Austin have blindly allowed the faculty to be infiltrated by terrorists (not protestors) for several decades.
Very encouraging. But our border is the only 3rd world/ first world border in the world. If Texas turns blue then the Reconquista will end us. After our border falls then Canada’s will collapse shortly thereafter. Both political parties in Mexico support the Reconquista. They agree on nothing else whatsoever
A friend of mine from my political days moved to Belize. He says it's great - beautiful location, pretty free, low cost of living, nice people, largely English speaking.
A friend of mine from my political days moved to Belize. He says it's great - beautiful location, pretty free, low cost of living, nice people, largely English speaking.
And some of the clearest water for scuba diving along the world’s second largest coral reef. In the event of very hard times however Uruguay might be more than substantially safer.
We had a few spots in mind and hadn't really narrowed the list until we visited some dear friends last summer who moved to the southeast coast of Spain about five years ago. Once we spent a few days there we're 90% sold and leaning a lot harder toward pulling the trigger in the next couple years. Current events move the needle even further.
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A friend of mine from my political days moved to Belize. He says it's great - beautiful location, pretty free, low cost of living, nice people, largely English speaking.
Belize is one of my favorites especially San Pedro. Friendly, safe low cost and beautiful water.
The thing about all this that is the supreme irony are the calls for their 1st Amendment rights! But these are the people (Liberals) who gave us PCness and the cancel culture which are absolutely used as political tools to stifle dissent, which by extension is an attack on our 1st Amendment rights. But what is the difference? In the former (PCness), you have the sensitivity tool (micro-aggressions, symptomatic of racism), while in the latter, it's a matter of trespassing and other violations of just laws (a just law is one that applies to everyone equally). But they don't care about that. They want to make their point and force change, so they have seized the "moral superiority" and believe that it suspends all laws; all policies.
I would prefer Belize, but Uruguay has lots of agriculture meaning not independent on imports for food, etc. Drawback is one family bought about half the country, although none of them live there now. They are still prepared if they need a "landing place" when the **** hits the fan.
Personally, I'm a cold weather guy. I want snow, mountains, and beer more than I want heat, beaches, and piña coladas. Austria would be my dream location, but if the US falls to the left, it likely will too. Accordingly, if **** falls apart, I'll probably try to get to Poland, the Czech Republic, or Slovakia. I'm going to Bulgaria in August. Maybe that'll get on my list too. Places that got screwed by communism in recent history are usually good options.
Personally, I'm a cold weather guy. I want snow, mountains, and beer more than I want heat, beaches, and piña coladas. Austria would be my dream location, but if the US falls to the left, it likely will too. Accordingly, if **** falls apart, I'll probably try to get to Poland, the Czech Republic, or Slovakia. I'm going to Bulgaria in August. Maybe that'll get on my list too. Places that got screwed by communism in recent history are usually good options.
Hungary should be on your list. Old school.
Half the UT campus protesters are not students or faculty. It's probably similar elsewhere. They should protest somewhere like the capital and see how it goes.
"“Why should the university be obligated to provide food to people who’ve taken over a building?” the reporter asked.

The leader’s response was a mix of entitlement and confusion, first asserting an obligation due to paid meal plans, then scrambling to clarify the nature of their requests for “basic humanitarian aid.”

The conversation became increasingly muddled as the reporter pointed out the self-inflicted nature of the situation, with the protest leader contradicting earlier statements by saying they were not asking for direct provision but rather non-interference with outside aid – a commitment they sought from the university."
"“Why should the university be obligated to provide food to people who’ve taken over a building?” the reporter asked.

The leader’s response was a mix of entitlement and confusion, first asserting an obligation due to paid meal plans, then scrambling to clarify the nature of their requests for “basic humanitarian aid.”

The conversation became increasingly muddled as the reporter pointed out the self-inflicted nature of the situation, with the protest leader contradicting earlier statements by saying they were not asking for direct provision but rather non-interference with outside aid – a commitment they sought from the university."

Logic | Department of Philosophy

These knuckleheads need to get some tutoring from the head of the Logic sub-department, of the department of philosophy, at Columbia U. This is her below:

(she also makes independent films about cowboys, struggling farmers, and Alaskan whale hunters -- one interesting cat...)
Logic | Department of Philosophy

These knuckleheads need to get some tutoring from the head of the Logic sub-department, of the department of philosophy, at Columbia U. This is her below:

(she also makes independent films about cowboys, struggling farmers, and Alaskan whale hunters -- one interesting cat...)
Uh-oh. I looked it up. This Logic professor and documenter of modern cowboys, farmers, and whale hunters ("Tamar Lando") has a given name that is nearly exclusively used by the target group of these radicals' burning hatred...

She could tell them: If a>b, and b>c, then a>c, and they would probably deny it, scream at her, and push her out of her classroom. They're immune from Logic.

"Tamar"s in the Bible:
1. a daughter of King David, and
2. the widowed daughter-in-law of Judah. When Judah stalled her marriage to his youngest son, Tamar tricked Judah into sleeping with her in order to conceive a child. :confused::confused::confused:

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