3 Cheers for our good ally Israel!

And no one is listening yet today especially all the "learned" professors who are protestors insulting Jewish students attacking police and causing disruption and destruction.
Pirate nation Iran agrees to release the Indian crew of a Portuguese Merchantman that it illegally seized around the time of its missile and drone strikes on Israel.

I cringed last week when these campus "protests" found its way to UT. Can't say I'm surprised, but hopefully none of our athletic recruits got to see the bad side of Austin.
Our justice system was long ago hijacked by the socialists and Marxists who found their way into government and the judiciary. In states like Texas its time we bring back some old time Western justice. I would start with simple things like water canons and german shepherds and continue working your way through the toolkit. 25% of the protestors are on the payroll, 50-60% are stupid college students who have been indoctrinated to hate America and the rest actually believe that Hamas is innocent of any of their alleged behaviors and of course Israel are the perpetrators.

If anyone is into eschatology you would agree that we are clearly in end times. Israel will not be backed into the corner and if necessary will deploy the Samson option.
Saw footage from my parents Alma mater- U of Illinois, main campus (Champaign). Protestors were kettling the campus cops. This WILL have a Kent State outcome if the 'leaders' in DC don't get a grip on these terrorist simps.

Also saw a post claiming Vanderbilt has a month-long encampment, yet we don't hear about issues there. Are they just better behaved or is it a media bias at play?

These ones taking over buildings and impeding Jewish students are getting the airplay...but are there really some truly doing a peaceful protest?
Having lived through that time I too worry about a Kent state type event when I hear national guard being called in. But order must be maintained and jail is totally called for when protesting is not sanctioned.
I have heard of people after a stroke or brain event being able for first time to speak a foreign language.
I think Fetterman is able for first time to see reality. I like this side of him.
I have to be honest that I thought it was a travesty that he won the election. I have to reconcile liking what he says to day with my disgust at the wholly political decision to ignore what I considered him unfit for office.

As for the pup tent comment; it is helping Hamas. They are being legitimized. At the same time, if these people are an incubator for future terrorism, then they are identifying themselves as sympathizers.

Egging people on was one of the main accusations laid on Trump for Jan 6th. What are these people doing? Nutjobs will see the protests and interpret it to mean they are seeking action.
I have heard of people after a stroke or brain event being able for first time to speak a foreign language.
I think Fetterman is able for first time to see reality. I like this side of him.

I don't think it's the stroke. I think it's being cured of the mental illness.
I never thought if it that way but I can see your point. I don't think Fetterman meant it that way though.

I've been thinking about it. I believe the more they chant for Hamas, the more normalized it gets. That's the big lie theory; repeat it often enough and it becomes the truth.

This is Hamas:

I see DPS is working with Austin police to contain azzhole anti Israel protesters at UT
Police are arresting and Troopers are containing
Will be interesting to see how Columbia acts as their deadline approaches.
I don't worry about a Kent State redux. There are professional muckrakers who foment this ****, and they deserve to be shot for their efforts.
My deceased wife was a first generation Ukrainian Jew. I’m so furious that I can barely contain myself.

These protesters hate whites…and it’s ironic that one third of the Jewish population within Israel are ethnically Arabic. They look nothing like what these agitators perceive.

Having been driven out of their home country for being Jewish they literally have no other place to go.

Another third are Jews from Russia. They are tough and all about Real Politics, not like westerners, who have an idealistic and unrealistic approach to this existential threat. They recognize that they are about to be eliminated and solidly support the destruction of Hamas and any other threat. They are realist not racist.

And the final third are Western European Jews who are very liberal and ideologically just like the agitators on our campus. The concert that was attacked by hang-gliding, machine gunners was a concert for peace with ultra liberal attendees. They were slaughtered by the very people they tried to support, love and accept.

But in the protestor’s minds this is another case of white supremacy of course. Notice they chant Austin Police are KKK. Most are anarchist and or losers who miss the BLM fun and want to tear down all of our institutions..like law and order. Without our institutions we fall.

Anyone against any part of the leftist ideology..even the smallest deviance..is KKK today.

We should all go to Austin and sing the Star Spangled Banner in their faces.
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Pleased with Abbott &
Hartzell recent actions, with TEXAS leadership to assert, control, manage and arrest fully advised protestors on the UT campus of the consequences if they do not comply / ignore the ground rules.
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Sadly, I was 16 and remember Kent State May 1970 far too well. CSN&Y recorded a song about it.

Anyway, too much recent turmoil, anger and violence on campuses over all this BS.

Biden admin has MUCH blood their hands from Oct. 7 and on. Lifting sanctions, giving / unfeezing BILLIONS in aid/funds to Iran to pay Hamas and Hezbollah to carry out terror!!

Sorry protesting students. No sympathy for your lame: "death to Israel and America". You young, ignorant and lazy losers! Calling Isreal / Jews / supporters of Israel - "Nazi's"? - really?

You really hate America!? Some of your relatives or friends grandparents DIED in Europe, North Africa or the North Atlanitic Ocean fighting against evil Nazis.

This shows total absurdity and your personal stupidity of history. There needs to be a solution but terror and violence is not the path.

Unfortunately, before it is over, some students / outside agitators I suspect will be severely injured / die during this episode.

On your watch Joe.
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Hartzell ... you and Abbott ROCK!

Protesters can be vocal, but law enforcement will not allow them to prevent other students going to class, block streets, take over campus buildings or build campouts on campus!

IF you do not comply with police orders while protesting, we remove you, we arrest your *** under duress and take you to jail! You may get released by liberal Austin Judge in time but you are off the scene and significantly hassled!
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I wake up this morning, in these calamitous times we live, and it feels like the day you realize that your dog has come to the end of her life. There’s nothing else that can be done…just a heartbreaking decline remains.
I wake up this morning, in these calamitous times we live, and it feels like the day you realize that your dog has come to the end of her life. There’s nothing else that can be done…just a heartbreaking decline remains.
Don't worry too much. It may just be part of a cycle.
I don't disagree it may be part of a cycle, however my fear is it doesn't come around until well after I'm gone. The retirement move out of the U.S. my wife and I have been discussing for years is looking better and better, albeit for some new and different reasons.

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