3 Cheers for our good ally Israel!

Remember those reports that the UNRWA was infiltrated by Hamas supporters? It was incorrect war propaganda. Throw it on top of the growing pile.

In case anybody is curious about the credibility of this Owen Jones guy, this is from his profile on Twitter/X ("He/him" is pretty much the profile of the sort that supports Hamas/"Palestinians"):

Owen Jones

Socialist, antifascist, writer in various places, geriatric millennial, GQ's 9th Worst Dressed Man in 2016. He/him. YouTube channel http://bit.ly/33iARb3


(from Owen Jones' Twitter/X)
The UN is such garbage. We should stop funding them.

"U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres has attempted to paint a picture of a few bad apples, saying on Sunday that nine of the 12 staff members had been terminated, one was dead and the identities of the other two were being clarified.

However, The Wall Street Journal subsequently reported that one in 10 UNRWA employees is either an active member or has ties to Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

“Just a few bad apples?” tweeted UN Watch Executive Director Hillel Neuer on Jan. 28. “There are 249,000 messages, replete with celebrations of Hamas terrorism,” referring to his group’s new report.

The report, “UNRWA’s Terrorgram,” details how UNRWA teachers “cheered and celebrated” the Oct. 7 massacre in a 3,000-member UNRWA staff Telegram group."
“The time has come to recognize the United Nations for the anti-American, anti-freedom organization that it has become. The time has come for us to cut off all financial help, withdraw as a member, and ask the United Nations to find headquarters location outside the United States that is.”
Barry M. Goldwater

The Case Against UNRWA - UN Watch

"Notwithstanding the repeated denials by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and its insistence that it has zero tolerance for hatred and antisemitism, UN Watch continues to find abhorrent antisemitism and support for jihadi terrorism by UNRWA staff on social media. This report details how UNRWA teachers in a 3,000-member UNRWA staff Telegram group cheered and celebrated Hamas’s October 7th massacre while at the same time asking when their UNRWA salaries will be paid. The UNRWA staff in the group shared photos and video footage of those events and prayed for the terrorists’ success and for Israel’s destruction, in clear violation of UN rules."
To view more profiles of UNRWA employees who cheer on the Hamas terrorists and the October 7 massacres (and there are many, many more such UNRWA employees besides just these), click link below:

Exposed UNRWA Employees - UN Watch

So basically, people like Owen Jones are full of Malarkey. But, as usual, don't let the facts get in the way of your pet narrative..........

Defund the UN!
In case anybody is curious about the credibility of this Owen Jones guy, this is from his profile on Twitter/X ("He/him" is pretty much the profile of the sort that supports Hamas/"Palestinians"):

Owen Jones

Socialist, antifascist, writer in various places, geriatric millennial, GQ's 9th Worst Dressed Man in 2016. He/him. YouTube channel http://bit.ly/33iARb3


(from Owen Jones' Twitter/X)

Chop, there are tons of articles out there from mainstream news sources in England and France. Pick any one of the dozens out there. All this stupid socialist was doing was taking one of those reports and posting it on his Twitter. There are video interviews with UNRWA executives. They all say that there are doing their own investigation but Israel is withholding alleged evidence of their claims. I followed up by stating that I think these claims will end up the same as the other crazy claims Israel has made to justify their actions, because it follows the same pattern and follows the news that South Africa started a law suit against them.

For the record I am no fan of South Africa either. They being absolute hypocrites in the matter.
The UN is such garbage. We should stop funding them.

"U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres has attempted to paint a picture of a few bad apples, saying on Sunday that nine of the 12 staff members had been terminated, one was dead and the identities of the other two were being clarified.

However, The Wall Street Journal subsequently reported that one in 10 UNRWA employees is either an active member or has ties to Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

“Just a few bad apples?” tweeted UN Watch Executive Director Hillel Neuer on Jan. 28. “There are 249,000 messages, replete with celebrations of Hamas terrorism,” referring to his group’s new report.

The report, “UNRWA’s Terrorgram,” details how UNRWA teachers “cheered and celebrated” the Oct. 7 massacre in a 3,000-member UNRWA staff Telegram group."

This is strange this guy is now claiming there are 10% of UNRWA members supporting Hamas, which is hundreds or thousands? Then why did the Israeli intelligence only claim 12? This is what I am talking about. It's shoddy reporting, look at the comments.

"either an active member OR has ties to Hamas OR Palestinian Islamic Jihad" but he never defines what "has ties" means? That could mean anything. They use weasel words to inflate their case beyond what is real.

He claims celebrations of Hamas terrorism. I don't like terrorism either but does he quote any of these 249,000 messages, so we can get a sense of exactly what they are saying and why? Sounds bad I admit, but I am not going to believe anything without good evidence.

Ok. Here is the evidence I was asking for. Anyone cheering on Hamas like this is a problem. I don't like UN anyway. Only benefit of UNRWA was that they are providing help to Palestinians who need charity to survive. Hate to see that help go away but that should through other channels.

What is strange is that the Juliette Touma of UNRWA said they weren't given Israel's evidence but now it looks very public. The name looks Syrian. So maybe that is what is going on. The communications director is biased to one side of the conflict. The director of UNRWA is Swiss so he sounds like a more unbiased person. The leader of UN Watch is Hillel Neuer who is Jewish and has worked for a pro-Israel thinktank and for the Israeli government in the past. He is not unbiased either.

But evidence speaks for itself. Regardless of who is providing the evidence we need to think about what the evidence itself says.

Good thing is that UNRWA fired the 12 people that Israel said were working with Hamas.
I won't argue against the report because I don't know anything about it.

But I will caution people because many of the tunnels in Gaza were dug by the IDF at some point. That has been reported as well. That doesn't mean that IDF dug the tunnels under UNRWA but the situation could be a little like a who smelt it dealt it kind of situation. We'll see.
A Palestinian supporter terrorist entered a large church in Houston (Joel Osteen's church) with her 5 or 7 year old son, and a rifle with a "Palestine" sticker on the stock. She started shooting, injuring 2, including her son. "...antisemitic writings have been recovered." Apparently, her ex-husband's family is largely Jewish, and he was at that church (Joel Osteen's church). Off duty police officers killed her on the spot.

'Antisemitic writings' found in search of Joel Osteen megachurch shooter's items
The shooter was carrying an assault style-type rifle with the word “Palestine” written on it...

(par for the course)

For another twist, the shooter "previously went by multiple aliases, including using both male and female names." She was apparently not educated on what Palestinians do to people who are gender confused.


Lakewood Church shooting: AR-15 had 'Palestine' sticker, antisemitic writings recovered, police say

'Antisemitic writings' found in search of Joel Osteen megachurch shooter's items
Last edited:
A Palestinian supporter terrorist entered a large church in Houston (Joel Osteen's church) with her 7 year old son, and a rifle with a "Palestine" sticker on the stock. She started shooting, injuring 2, including her son. "...antisemitic writings have been recovered." Apparently, her ex-husband's family is largely Jewish, and he was at that church (Joel Osteen's church). Off duty police officers killed her on the spot.

'Antisemitic writings' found in search of Joel Osteen megachurch shooter's items
The shooter was carrying an assault style-type rifle with the word “Palestine” written on it...

(par for the course)

For another twist, the shooter "previously went by multiple aliases, including using both male and female names." She was apparently not educated on what Palestinians do to people who are gender confused.


Lakewood Church shooting: AR-15 had 'Palestine' sticker, antisemitic writings recovered, police say

'Antisemitic writings' found in search of Joel Osteen megachurch shooter's items
A Palestinian supporter terrorist entered a large church in Houston (Joel Osteen's church) with her 5 or 7 year old son, and a rifle with a "Palestine" sticker on the stock. She started shooting, injuring 2, including her son. "...antisemitic writings have been recovered." Apparently, her ex-husband's family is largely Jewish, and he was at that church (Joel Osteen's church). Off duty police officers killed her on the spot.

'Antisemitic writings' found in search of Joel Osteen megachurch shooter's items
The shooter was carrying an assault style-type rifle with the word “Palestine” written on it...

(par for the course)

For another twist, the shooter "previously went by multiple aliases, including using both male and female names." She was apparently not educated on what Palestinians do to people who are gender confused.


Lakewood Church shooting: AR-15 had 'Palestine' sticker, antisemitic writings recovered, police say

'Antisemitic writings' found in search of Joel Osteen megachurch shooter's items

Pronouns: was / were
His/her poor kid. The child is in critical care and may not survive.

Moms--if you're going to shoot the joint up, don't bring your young child to the shootout.

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Sat, Oct 19 • 6:30 PM on ABC

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