3 Cheers for our good ally Israel!

WHY are we there?

Yes. Why is the US government putting our sons in danger by placing them in Jordan? They are sitting ducks for any loony government who has a bone to pick with us. They are an easy target. The answer is, only place our military in places where they can defend themselves and are in place to defend America.
Video of Iranian man throwing yoghurt on women who aren't wearing their head scarves.


"Growing numbers of women have defied authorities by discarding their veils after nationwide protests that followed the death in September of a 22-year-old Iranian Kurdish woman in the custody of the morality police for allegedly violating hijab rules. Security forces violently put down the revolt."

Iran is an ACTUAL RIGHT WING society.
Video of Iranian man throwing yoghurt on women who aren't wearing their head scarves.


"Growing numbers of women have defied authorities by discarding their veils after nationwide protests that followed the death in September of a 22-year-old Iranian Kurdish woman in the custody of the morality police for allegedly violating hijab rules. Security forces violently put down the revolt."

Iran is an ACTUAL RIGHT WING society.
"Judiciary chief Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei earlier threatened to prosecute “without mercy” women who appear in public unveiled..."
The UN is 98% garbage.

We should stop funding it.

Like the League of Nations, the UN was never particularly useful. It was always weak, inept, and corrupt to varying degrees. Once the European colonial empires collapsed, and the resulting independent nations joined the UN, it became evil, militantly antisemitic, anti-Western, and even more corrupt. No use for it anymore.
Here's who the decent human world is dealing with:

Why Do the Arabs Hate the Palestinians?

On a political level, the Palestinians have managed to arouse the hatred of many of their Arab brethren. In 1990, Arafat supported Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. In revenge, Kuwait, once it was freed of the Iraqi conquest, expelled some 400,000 Palestinians, most of whom had been living in the emirate for decades, leaving them destitute overnight. This led to an economic crisis for their families in the West Bank and Gaza, who had been receiving regular stipends from their relatives in Kuwait.

Much of the Arab and Muslim world is convinced that the “Palestinians” do not in fact want a state of their own. After all, if that state were established, the world would cease its steady donations of enormous sums. There would be no more “refugees,” and Palestinian Arabs would have to work just like everyone else. How can they, when they are addicted to handouts that come with no strings attached?

One can say with assurance that 70 years after the creation of the “Palestinian problem,” the Arab world has realized that no solution will satisfy those who have turned “refugee-ism” into a profession. The “Palestinian problem” has become an emotional and financial scam that only serves to enrich the corrupt leaders of Ramallah and Gaza.
One can say with assurance that 70 years after the creation of the “Palestinian problem,” the Arab world has realized that no solution will satisfy those who have turned “refugee-ism” into a profession. The “Palestinian problem” has become an emotional and financial scam that only serves to enrich the corrupt leaders of Ramallah and Gaza.
There are a lot of parallels to the perpetual welfare state that has been set up right here at home.
Why Do the Arabs Hate the Palestinians?

On a political level, the Palestinians have managed to arouse the hatred of many of their Arab brethren. In 1990, Arafat supported Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. In revenge, Kuwait, once it was freed of the Iraqi conquest, expelled some 400,000 Palestinians, most of whom had been living in the emirate for decades, leaving them destitute overnight. This led to an economic crisis for their families in the West Bank and Gaza, who had been receiving regular stipends from their relatives in Kuwait.

Much of the Arab and Muslim world is convinced that the “Palestinians” do not in fact want a state of their own. After all, if that state were established, the world would cease its steady donations of enormous sums. There would be no more “refugees,” and Palestinian Arabs would have to work just like everyone else. How can they, when they are addicted to handouts that come with no strings attached?

One can say with assurance that 70 years after the creation of the “Palestinian problem,” the Arab world has realized that no solution will satisfy those who have turned “refugee-ism” into a profession. The “Palestinian problem” has become an emotional and financial scam that only serves to enrich the corrupt leaders of Ramallah and Gaza.

And this is part of the myth of the "innocent Palestinians." Obviously we're generalzing (which means there are a lot of exceptions), but by and large, they're a bunch of bums, freeloaders, and by polling data, terror supporters. The main people in the world who think they're useful are dumbass, woke white people. Arabs side with them mainly because Jews are on the other end.
Why Do the Arabs Hate the Palestinians?

On a political level, the Palestinians have managed to arouse the hatred of many of their Arab brethren. In 1990, Arafat supported Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. In revenge, Kuwait, once it was freed of the Iraqi conquest, expelled some 400,000 Palestinians, most of whom had been living in the emirate for decades, leaving them destitute overnight. This led to an economic crisis for their families in the West Bank and Gaza, who had been receiving regular stipends from their relatives in Kuwait.

Much of the Arab and Muslim world is convinced that the “Palestinians” do not in fact want a state of their own. After all, if that state were established, the world would cease its steady donations of enormous sums. There would be no more “refugees,” and Palestinian Arabs would have to work just like everyone else. How can they, when they are addicted to handouts that come with no strings attached?

One can say with assurance that 70 years after the creation of the “Palestinian problem,” the Arab world has realized that no solution will satisfy those who have turned “refugee-ism” into a profession. The “Palestinian problem” has become an emotional and financial scam that only serves to enrich the corrupt leaders of Ramallah and Gaza.

I don't know one way or another about the Palestinians but this author doesn't either. It also makes the grave mistake of equating normal people to their political leaders. The normal Palestinians are the poorest of the poor they aren't receiving much of this aid. It is lining the pockets of evil men running Hamas.

Do you want people to equate you with Joe Biden and Anthony Blinken?
And this is part of the myth of the "innocent Palestinians." Obviously we're generalzing (which means there are a lot of exceptions), but by and large, they're a bunch of bums, freeloaders, and by polling data, terror supporters. The main people in the world who think they're useful are dumbass, woke white people. Arabs side with them mainly because Jews are on the other end.

So them being bums or free loaders makes them not innocent?

Gazans only support Hamas by 38% which is a number lower than from before 10/7. Support for Hamas in the West Bank went up. But Hamas doesn't have any power in the West Bank and they are being bombed as a result of Hamas's actions. This is a surface number that doesn't really explain facts on the ground.

The article also flies in the face of West Bank Palestinians having their farms destroyed or taken over by Jewish settlers. Those guys are freeloaders. But they may be now because they were forced to.
How about the thousands of "guilty" infants, one year olds, and two year olds. They are such freeloading bums! They have never done anything for anybody! Good riddance, who is with me?

Direct your sanctimony to the ones guilty Hamas.
EVERY ONE here and pro Israel people decry any loss of innocent lives.
What would give weight to posts like these is if there had been an outcry on Oct 6 by Palis etc against innocent babies being murdered.
Direct your sanctimony to the ones guilty Hamas.
EVERY ONE here and pro Israel people decry any loss of innocent lives.
What would give weight to posts like these is if there had been an outcry on Oct 6 by Palis etc against innocent babies being murdered.

No one on here is mourning the loss of innocent lives. I just responded to an article meant to once again dehumanize Palestinians.

I have said it before but I have no problem saying it again. Hamas is a criminal organization. I want them to be brought to justice for their crimes. They killed hundreds of innocent Israelis on 10/7 and took more in hostages.

At the same time Israel themselves killed more than a hundred of their own citizens on 10/7. They are killing their own citizens now who are hostages. They have killed 30,000 plus Palestinians. More than half are women and children. Many of the people killed will never be counted because they are buried in rubble and will never be dug up.

And we have people on this board copying articles talking about how great the real estate deals will be after this disaster. It's sick and distasteful. I probably wouldn't care as much as I do but the US government is giving Israel money, weapons, and now we are bombing other countries in the ME on their behalf. They are putting our citizens in the military at risk. For what? Just so they can remove Palestinians out of the Gaza strip. My money that they stole from me is going to this abomination. I can't stand it.
For some deeper thoughts, ponder this:

Japheth is destined to dwell in the tents of Shem.

(I'm not sure what it means myself...)
For some deeper thoughts, ponder this:

Japheth is destined to dwell in the tents of Shem.

(I'm not sure what it means myself...)

The Palestinians, Jordanians, Syrians, Iraqis, and other Arabs are all Shemites just like the Israelis. God also commands Israel, "thou shall not kill", "thou shall not steal", "thou shall not covet".
So them being bums or free loaders makes them not innocent?

It doesn't help.

Gazans only support Hamas by 38% which is a number lower than from before 10/7. Support for Hamas in the West Bank went up. But Hamas doesn't have any power in the West Bank and they are being bombed as a result of Hamas's actions. This is a surface number that doesn't really explain facts on the ground.

The article also flies in the face of West Bank Palestinians having their farms destroyed or taken over by Jewish settlers. Those guys are freeloaders. But they may be now because they were forced to.

The figures I've seen is that 57 percent of Gazans and 82 percent of West Bankers support the 10/7 attack. 65 percent supported the 9/11 attacks. Again, there are exceptions, but by and large, these people are neither good nor innocent. Does it mean they should be summarily murdered without cause? No, but it does mean they don't deserve sympathy. They either ****** around or supported someone ******* around, and now they're finding out and deservedly and justifiably so.

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