3 Cheers for our ally Israel!

The rest of the Arab World has utterly rejected these so-called "Palestinians." Watch the short video to find out why.

The rest of the Arab World has utterly rejected these so-called "Palestinians." Watch the short video to find out why.

The Marxist-Leninist Palestinians started civil wars in Jordan and Lebanon, and stabbed the Kuwaitis in the back in their time of need (for which some 300,000 of them were summarily booted out of Kuwait). They basically ruined Lebanon--once the gem of the Near East. Egypt can't stand them either.

If anything, Israel has been the kindest nation to them, at least until they started a war on October 7 through terrorism, rape, etc. So many of them are like the guy who repeatedly accepts Jewish charity then goes out and becomes a Nazi. And they keep voting in a terrorist organization as their government. Who could be expected to take them?
Any Arabian history experts out there---

Was "Qatar" the same as "Kedar"/"Ketar"--one of the 12 Princes of Ismail? Is the land of the nation of Qatar his descendants' land?
You mess with the bull, you get the horns.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


According to you bullies should always get their way because if you push back against them you deserve getting beat up by them. Were you a bully in middle school or do you just identify with them now?
The rest of the Arab World has utterly rejected these so-called "Palestinians." Watch the short video to find out why.

Really? Yemen attacks US ships because of our involvement in Israel.

The more honest answer is that every other country than the US pursues things that benefit their own citizens. The US doesn't. Our government pursues policies that hurt us. Arab countries don't do things to hurt their own people. It doesn't help Egypt or Jordan to admit immigrants, so they don't do it. The US government forces immigrants in to weaken and destroy our own civilization. What is the best approach?
The Marxist-Leninist Palestinians started civil wars in Jordan and Lebanon, and stabbed the Kuwaitis in the back in their time of need (for which some 300,000 of them were summarily booted out of Kuwait). They basically ruined Lebanon--once the gem of the Near East. Egypt can't stand them either.

If anything, Israel has been the kindest nation to them, at least until they started a war on October 7 through terrorism, rape, etc. So many of them are like the guy who repeatedly accepts Jewish charity then goes out and becomes a Nazi. And they keep voting in a terrorist organization as their government. Who could be expected to take them?

Do you have any understanding of history? Israel was built on kibbutzim which is the Hebrew word for soviets. The state of Israel is based on East European communism.

Palestine didn't ruin Lebanon. Israel are the ones who attacked Lebanon and fought a secret war against them.

Israel has been slowly and now quickly ethnically cleansing Palestinians from the land. You guys really haven't read up on the history of the last 150 years. Israel isn't kind in any way. They built a wall around Gaza, set up cameras all around, and shoot anyone who gets close, not terrorists but old people in wheel chairs.

They don't "keep" voting for Hamas. They voting for then once 18 years ago. Why can't you at least get the facts right?
Any Arabian history experts out there---

Was "Qatar" the same as "Kedar"/"Ketar"--one of the 12 Princes of Ismail? Is the land of the nation of Qatar his descendants' land?

How about the fact that Ashkenazi Jews are more than 50% European and Turkic. The Palestinians are much more close genetically to ancient Hebrews from the Biblical era.
According to you bullies should always get their way because if you push back against them you deserve getting beat up by them. Were you a bully in middle school or do you just identify with them now?

Bullies start ****. Tough guys finish fights.

Who started this war?
Who is determined to finish it?
Bullies start ****. Tough guys finish fights.

Who started this war?
Who is determined to finish it?

What Mona doesn't understand Israel has been doing what he suggests for years and where did it get them? It got them October 7th. This leftist ******** to handling wars has caused Israel nothing but hardship.
Palestine didn't ruin Lebanon. Israel are the ones who attacked Lebanon and fought a secret war against them.
A few generations ago, Lebanon was ruled by a powerful Christian family (the Gemayels, pronounced like "Jamail" I believe). Beirut was the gem of the Middle East. Their fault was they were over-the-line hard right wing, modeling their rule after Spain's Franco and resembling some of the hard right Latin American regimes of that era. But, as long as you weren't into criticizing their government, Lebanon was apparently a really good place back then, and was flooded with tourists.

Then, in come hordes of the "Palestinians", along with some radical Syrian Muslims, and a civil war starts--the Christians vs the Muslims, in particular the PLO/radical Muslims. Things started going very poorly for the Christians, so Gemayel and his crowd requested help from the Jews--who obliged and aided the Christians. Muslim terrorists kept flooding in there--especially Palestinian PLO types. As everyone knows, Lebanon is now completely ruined. Watch the video.

What Mona doesn't understand Israel has been doing what he suggests for years and where did it get them? It got them October 7th. This leftist ******** to handling wars has caused Israel nothing but hardship.

No they haven't. They have been slowly but surely taking land from Palestinians by force and herding them into smaller and smaller areas. Even when Palestinians have tried non-violent protest, Israel shoots them by the dozens. They have created a pressure cooker that boils over occasionally. They are in complete control of the area and we should expect them to act humanely.
Ever heard of Syria?

Yeah. That's the country that attacked by Obama's creation, ISIS. He armed Al Qaeda groups in Western Iraq and they went and attacked Syria. Assad protected the religious minorities of the country and as the Syrian army took back Eastern Syria the people celebrated. Syria in this war protected their own citizens from a foreign invader that was funded and armed by the CIA.
A few generations ago, Lebanon was ruled by a powerful Christian family (the Gemayels, pronounced like "Jamail" I believe). Beirut was the gem of the Middle East. Their fault was they were over-the-line hard right wing, modeling their rule after Spain's Franco and resembling some of the hard right Latin American regimes of that era. But, as long as you weren't into criticizing their government, Lebanon was apparently a really good place back then, and was flooded with tourists.

Then, in come hordes of the "Palestinians", along with some radical Syrian Muslims, and a civil war starts--the Christians vs the Muslims, in particular the PLO/radical Muslims. Things started going very poorly for the Christians, so Gemayel and his crowd requested help from the Jews--who obliged and aided the Christians. Muslim terrorists kept flooding in there--especially Palestinian PLO types. As everyone knows, Lebanon is now completely ruined. Watch the video.

I more or less agree but the problem is that you or the video conflate terrorist organizations like the PLO or Hamas with all Palestinians. When you allow a terrorist organization to conduct operations in your country it will cause massive problems for you. But that doesn't mean any Palestinian immigration will cause a problem. It would be like the difference letting Mexican cartels operate through out Texas versus allowing Mexicans to immigrate into Texas for economic reasons.
How many times does Hamas get to exceed expectations before Israel has the right to root plow the serpent’s nest?

the US has been guarantor of Israeli right to exist since 1948 and the effect of inching back would be a collapse of our collective security agreements in places like Taiwan and Russia’s borders. Watch what Venezuela is up to on it’s border with an oil rich but militarily weak neighbor
What countries would allow Palestinians to migrate there?
Certainly as Nash points out no Arab countries will take them which is strange considering they share religion and in most cases language or close to it.
Absolutely not USA.
How many times does Hamas get to exceed expectations before Israel has the right to root plow the serpent’s nest?

the US has been guarantor of Israeli right to exist since 1948 and the effect of inching back would be a collapse of our collective security agreements in places like Taiwan and Russia’s borders. Watch what Venezuela is up to on it’s border with an oil rich but militarily weak neighbor

Never pegged you for someone who would have this opinion.

By your logic the US has to fight just about every war in the world or somehow the whole world turns against us. But doesn't fighting wars turn countries against us?

I for one think it is the responsibility for each country to protect themselves. With the current system the American taxpayer pays for military action all over the world for other people. It is a perverse system.
Am I missing something here because the Arab countries seem to think it would cause a problem.

The Arab countries know that admitting any large group of poor migrants is going to be a drain on their economies and social systems. It is a lesson we Americans should learn.

I don't think these countries never allow any Palestinians, though I could be wrong. I think they are against mass immigration and making deals to absorb all Gaza or all of those purged from the West Bank. I see examples of Palestinians moving to other countries for school and careers. Those are two separate issues.
No they haven't. They have been slowly but surely taking land from Palestinians by force and herding them into smaller and smaller areas. Even when Palestinians have tried non-violent protest, Israel shoots them by the dozens. They have created a pressure cooker that boils over occasionally. They are in complete control of the area and we should expect them to act humanely.

What part of this received 2 disagreements? What isn't factually correct?

1. Jews have been pushing Palestinians off of land since the early 20th Century. It ramped up some in the 20s and then moreso after 1948. It continues today in the West Bank.

2. There was a non-violent protest some years ago in Gaza. The Israelis responded by shooting people.

3. Israel is in control of Gaza. They dictate everything that goes on in there. They built a wall. They put cameras all around it. They restrict access in and out. They cut off water and electricity when they want. They bomb it when they want. Yes in response to violent acts from Hamas, but that isn't the point I am making. The only point is the level of control.

What part of this incorrect?
What part of this received 2 disagreements? What isn't factually correct?

1. Jews have been pushing Palestinians off of land since the early 20th Century. It ramped up some in the 20s and then moreso after 1948. It continues today in the West Bank.

2. There was a non-violent protest some years ago in Gaza. The Israelis responded by shooting people.

3. Israel is in control of Gaza. They dictate everything that goes on in there. They built a wall. They put cameras all around it. They restrict access in and out. They cut off water and electricity when they want. They bomb it when they want. Yes in response to violent acts from Hamas, but that isn't the point I am making. The only point is the level of control.

What part of this incorrect?

Incorrect by omission - Jews were kicked out by Arabs prior to the 20th century.
Incorrect by omission - Jews were kicked out by Arabs prior to the 20th century.

What specific events are you referring to? There were some persecutions in the Roman period and some in the Muslim take over era. But after things settled down before 1000AD I haven't heard about anything else.

The Palestinian "Arabs" actually share more dna with ancient Jews than the Ashkenazis that come from Eastern Europe as a part of the Zionist movement.
Interesting that AFAIK none of the 22 Arab countries have offered to take Palis. 1 million spread among 22 countries is doable.
Leaders of Egypt and Jordan said no.
Even Syria(which for a long time Palestinians insisted they were part of not separate but part of Syria) isn't leaving the light on for them
What specific events are you referring to? There were some persecutions in the Roman period and some in the Muslim take over era. But after things settled down before 1000AD I haven't heard about anything else.

The Palestinian "Arabs" actually share more dna with ancient Jews than the Ashkenazis that come from Eastern Europe as a part of the Zionist movement.

That's it!
That's it!

Of course in the 7th Century Arab Muslims conquered the area and the persecuted Christians and Jews. They didn't remove either from the area by policy.
How about the fact that Ashkenazi Jews are more than 50% European and Turkic. The Palestinians are much more close genetically to ancient Hebrews from the Biblical era.

Someone disagreed with this. Sorry. But I have seen the data of the various ethnic groups involved. If not that I have read summary reports on the data. It's scientific fact.
The Zionists started the whole situation. This war goes back to at least the 1920s.
The whole situation?

like the whole Middle East was an oasis of peace before that? Lions and lambs laying side by side?

I don’t think so

any line of thought which attributes all fault to one factor should be treated with caution. That includes all of mine. Though my lines of thought can more accurately be described as waves as opposed to lines
The whole situation?

like the whole Middle East was an oasis of peace before that? Lions and lambs laying side by side?

I don’t think so

any line of thought which attributes all fault to one factor should be treated with caution. That includes all of mine. Though my lines of thought can more accurately be described as waves as opposed to lines

The area had been in a condition of equilibrium and relative peace for a couple hundred years. I wouldn't say it was a great place to live or anything under the Ottomans.

Who said anything about lions and lambs. That is a strawman.

I have never said only one side is at fault. Both sides have done and are currently doing very bad things to the other side.

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