3 Cheers for our ally Israel!

You seem to have followed this more closely so you may know more
But according to many other reports the crazed woman who took the gun to Lakewood Harris County reported she had a criminal record since 2005
This from cnn
"Records from the Texas Department of Public Safety show Moreno had a string of arrests for minor offenses over the last two decades, including possession of marijuana,an assault, illegal possession of a weapon,
Shooter had lengthy criminal history including weapons charges, police say | CNN
and this
"Prior to her attack, Moreno had been arrested at least six times since 2005, her charges including unlawful carrying of a weapon, assault of a public servant, assault causing bodily injury, forgery, theft and marijuana possession, according to records obtained by KXAN.
What I don't know is is just being arrested for unlawful carrying a weapon and other arrests enough to prevent buying a gun.
seems like it should be
Full article

Pull quote:
Key questions remained Tuesday about Genesse Moreno’s motive in the shooting, and police have given no details about where and how she obtained the rifle in December. The shooting joins others in Texas and elsewhere that have involved shooters who legally obtained guns despite criminal history and mental health problems.
I don't like the message. I don't even like protests, of any kind really. But the tweet says this is aggression. Is it? Is the right now saying that speech is violence?

There's a little bit of context that isn't clear from that tweet. I think she's referring not just to the message but to the angry Islamic mobs that have been freaking out in nearby Parliament Square.
There's a little bit of context that isn't clear from that tweet. I think she's referring not just to the message but to the angry Islamic mobs that have been freaking out in nearby Parliament Square.

I am for siccing the police on disruptive mobs no matter what they are trying to accomplish. The Canadian trucker protest was an exception in my mind. My comment was based on the video which just showed the words on the tower. Bad message and shouldn't be flashed up on the tower, but didn't see anyone freaking out. But like I said, I am for jailing protesters that sit in streets, threaten the safety of passersby, or even get unruly.

I asked the question because I am trying to accurately understand the criticisms of the pro-Palestinian things going on. I think people should be able to communicate concerns they have with the situation, but with recent history I would have little to no patience with disorderly conduct.
I am for siccing the police on disruptive mobs no matter what they are trying to accomplish. The Canadian trucker protest was an exception in my mind. My comment was based on the video which just showed the words on the tower. Bad message and shouldn't be flashed up on the tower, but didn't see anyone freaking out. But like I said, I am for jailing protesters that sit in streets, threaten the safety of passersby, or even get unruly.

I asked the question because I am trying to accurately understand the criticisms of the pro-Palestinian things going on. I think people should be able to communicate concerns they have with the situation, but with recent history I would have little to no patience with disorderly conduct.

The main area where protesters (of all types) tend to go isn't by Big Ben. It's also one of the busiest streets in the world, so you wouldn't necessarily see or hear them in the video. It's in the park area where the statues are.

Screenshot_20240223-114634 (1).png

The criticisms of the Palestinian protests focus on what gets said and how easily many of the protesters will get violent. They're not Antifa rioters burning down city blocks, but if they see someone who disagrees or is Jewish, they'll shove, throw punches, etc. They'll also say things that are more openly genocidal than "from the river to the sea." That's actually pretty tame.

Of course, I'm a free speech libertarian. If you want to call for genocide but aren't an imminent threat to commit genocide, I think you have the right as disgusting as that is. But this isn't the US. It's the UK where they have hate speech laws and where people who "misgender" people on Twitter have been arrested. But of course, the London police largely turn a blind eye to all of it.

I will say this. I'm not a huge Bella Wallersteiner fan. I agree with her on Israel, but she's also a big open borders, pro-EU type of Tory. The UK is having these angry mobs because people like her have been listened too by policymakers, so it's weird to see her horrified by it.
The criticisms of the Palestinian protests focus on what gets said and how easily many of the protesters will get violent. They're not Antifa rioters burning down city blocks, but if they see someone who disagrees or is Jewish, they'll shove, throw punches, etc. They'll also say things that are more openly genocidal than "from the river to the sea." That's actually pretty tame.

My hope is with some police action the protestors violence can be curtailed. Of course it can escalate to broader violence too. But in this case if it escalates, then arrest and jail is just response. Hopefully most will disperse. If that situation is repeated hopefully less and less protest.

Of course, I'm a free speech libertarian. If you want to call for genocide but aren't an imminent threat to commit genocide, I think you have the right as disgusting as that is. But this isn't the US. It's the UK where they have hate speech laws and where people who "misgender" people on Twitter have been arrested. But of course, the London police largely turn a blind eye to all of it.

Shows you what the UK government supports and what they don't. Leftist viewpoints are privileged over others. They and we arrest anti-abortionists praying in public.

I will say this. I'm not a huge Bella Wallersteiner fan. I agree with her on Israel, but she's also a big open borders, pro-EU type of Tory. The UK is having these angry mobs because people like her have been listened too by policymakers, so it's weird to see her horrified by it.

Pro-Israel, open borders, and globalism. She is Jewish so it makes sense. There is a background belief system that leads them to favor all those things. We have also seen the ADL in the US scream about anti-Semitism any time anyone criticizes Israel's action in Gaza. Reagan would have been called an anti-Semite in 2024 for the things he said to them back in the 80s.
What I don't know is is just being arrested for unlawful carrying a weapon and other arrests enough to prevent buying a gun.
seems like it should be
UCW is not a disqualifying offense. In some instances, prior to Constitutional carry, all it required was having a gun in the car...it is NOT the same as Felon in Possession of a Firearm.
Ok I am stupid but common sense seems to me to be if you are guilty of Unlawfully as in not lawfully carrying a weapon htf can you lawfully then buy a weapon ?
When the NRA lobbyists are rewriting the gun laws, you are surprised that people who formerly disqualified from owning weapons can buy the now? The NRA ads make them look like advocates for a family of hunters..people who in today's political climate are in no danger of losing rights to gun ownership. The people who really "benefit "from easy weapons access are youthful gang bangers and the sort of idiots that caused carnage in Kansas City who thought their weapons could extricate themselves from fights they provoked only to find the idiots they encountered could spray bullets just as fast.
Ok I am stupid but common sense seems to me to be if you are guilty of Unlawfully as in not lawfully carrying a weapon htf can you lawfully then buy a weapon ?
Let's say you go to the range and your gun was on the back seat. Do you REALLY think that should be a disqualifier? Under older versions of the law, that could be enough...
This guy just got elected to Parliament in a special election. Not just pro-Palestine or pro-ceasefire. Not just pro-Hamas. Openly pro 10/7 attacks. Rochdale is in the Manchester area and is about 34 percent Muslim. He won a plurality with about 40 percent.

A somewhat odd thing (a silver lining in a way) is that he's actually good on some social issues - doesn't want the trans agenda in schools and things like that.

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The big problem is both sides are super blood thirsty and wildly emotional about the violence in Gaza. Both sides are justifying killing civilians. Journalists are being killed on purpose now. It is a horrible mess.

My only position is that I wish there was a ceasefire that both sides would respect and there were negotiations to free the hostages.

This guy just got elected to Parliament in a special election. Not just pro-Palestine or pro-ceasefire. Not just pro-Hamas. Openly pro 10/7 attacks. Rochdale is in the Manchester area and is about 34 percent Muslim. He won a plurality with about 40 percent.

A somewhat odd thing (a silver lining in a way) is that he's actually good on some social issues - doesn't want the trans agenda in schools and things like that.

It’s getting to be about time for the “Lord Mayor of the City of London”, the Bank of England, and their crowd to put these jackwagons in their places. Their predecessors have bailed out English Kings and Parliaments before. And now large numbers of supporters of the annihilation of Jews from the Earth walk around openly proclaiming their venom on English soil,,,?!?!? WTF

Is England now 1930s Germany, or 1890s Russia?

Decent people should not be ok with this.
Decent people shouldn't be ok with the dest

Decent people should also not be ok with the destruction of Gaza.

I have no idea what the answer is, but if Israel stopped all aggression right now the fine folks in Gaza would go in and continue to massacre as many people in Israel as they could. The leadership has said they wouldn't stop until Israel doesn't exist so what exactly are they supposed to do?

I'm not saying the non stop killing is right, because the whole thing is senseless to me.
I have no idea what the answer is, but if Israel stopped all aggression right now the fine folks in Gaza would go in and continue to massacre as many people in Israel as they could. The leadership has said they wouldn't stop until Israel doesn't exist so what exactly are they supposed to do?

I'm not saying the non stop killing is right, because the whole thing is senseless to me.

This is retarded. Israel can defend themselves with deadly force without committing aggression. What Gaza did on 10/7 was like a hail mary that was actually caught. They have very little ability to harm Israel and exceeded everybody's expectations in what they did. All Israel has to do is watch the perimeter that is surrounded with a huge wall with cameras all over it.

While you say that Hamas would continue until Israel doesn't exist. Israel is methodically removing all Palestinians from the land they have lived in for a thousand years.

This is the problem with this issue. Left and right ONLY look at one side of the issue. Then the US government gives Israel our money and weapons while we have record inflation, a mountain of debt, censorship on a massive scale, and conservatives getting thrown in jail for speech. It is a psyop on a continental scale and it is aimed at Republican voters.

The US federal government steals out of our pockets every second of every day and Republicans are more concerned with supporting Israel's bombing of Gaza. I will tell you one thing. Israelis don't give a half a s--- about our immigration problems, transgenderism pushing, and demonizing of white Christian males. Every other country in the world cares about what is going on in their own country. But not Americans, we want to give away everything we have for other countries to fight wars.

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