3 Cheers for our ally Israel!

What if Biden said that OU sucks?

I'd take a step back and think about it. Then I would wince at the fact that we agree on something.

I sure as hell wouldn't celebrate his statement on Hornfans or anywhere else as proof of anything. That would be shameful.

What do they think happens to gays over there? Or, rape victims? Abortion? And oh my, trans people, what torture would they dream up for them? Ladies, you wouldn't be allowed to attend college, and, protesters, well they would probably kill you, too.

How do they not know these things? Forget college, or high schools, do any of them have a smidgen of intellectual curiosity about other cultures, or read articles about how life is in Palestine, or some of the other countries close by?

What do they think happens to gays over there? Or, rape victims? Abortion? And oh my, trans people, what torture would they dream up for them? Ladies, you wouldn't be allowed to attend college, and, protesters, well they would probably kill you, too.

How do they not know these things? Forget college, or high schools, do any of them have a smidgen of intellectual curiosity about other cultures, or read articles about how life is in Palestine, or some of the other countries close by?

They see that they have a common enemy, and that's enough. They read the Bin Laden letter from 2001, and they hear almost the same rhetoric they hear from the modern woke. There's no intellectual curiosity. It's just anti-Westernism.
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They see that they have a common enemy, and that's enough. They read the Bin Laden letter from 2001, and they hear almost the same rhetoric they hear from the modern woke. There's no intellectual curiosity. It's just anti-Westerners.
With the possible exception of a handful of Buddhist-majority countries where anything goes sexually, Western Civilization may be the only place where these oddballs could peaceably live, and not be flayed alive, stoned to death, thrown off buildings, raped to death with sharp objects, burned at the stake, etc.

And in this very thread, there were some arguments questioning whether Assad is really so bad…

Now, at the time, the Leftists were torn between supporting Assad as a big anti-Western and anti-Jewish guy (two groups the Leftists HATE—the West and the Jews) on the one hand, and opposing Assad because he’s a Putin ally and they tied Putin and Trump together.
ProHamas/Pali protestors shut down the bay Bridge going into San Fransisco causing shipments of organs to SF Hospital to be delayed for hours. These evil people must be stopped
OUTRAGE: Anti-Israel Protesters Who Shut Down the Bay Bridge Prevented Couriers From Delivering Organs for Transplant Surgeries | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

"It wasn’t just commuters stuck in traffic. UCSF tells ABC7 News that three couriers trying to deliver organs for transplants were also caught in the delays. At least one surgery was canceled.

“We expect there will be more problems with patients in the afternoon who are trying to arrive now for surgery,” explains Garrett Roll, Associate Professor of Transplant Surgery at UCSF."
And in this very thread, there were some arguments questioning whether Assad is really so bad…

Now, at the time, the Leftists were torn between supporting Assad as a big anti-Western and anti-Jewish guy (two groups the Leftists HATE—the West and the Jews) on the one hand, and opposing Assad because he’s a Putin ally and they tied Putin and Trump together.

Regardless of anything else you say the people of Syria preferred Assad to ISIS. That doesn't mean Assad is great. It means he is less bad than ISIS. If you can't calculate that then...
And in this very thread, there were some arguments questioning whether Assad is really so bad…

Now, at the time, the Leftists were torn between supporting Assad as a big anti-Western and anti-Jewish guy (two groups the Leftists HATE—the West and the Jews) on the one hand, and opposing Assad because he’s a Putin ally and they tied Putin and Trump together.

The Left opposed Assad, because he was aligned with Putin, whom they despise. He wasn't particularly anti-Western. He was no ally to the West, but by Islamic standards, he wasn't especially anti-Western - certain less so than who he was fighting. I'm not defending him. He was and is a bad hombre, but it wasn't a clear cut good guy - bad guy situation. It was largely a bad guy - bad guy situation.
Tactical idea “way outside the box”.

Get scores upon scores of pipefitters to rapidly build a small pipeline a mile or two inland from the sea, complete with powerful pumps. Flood the tunnel system with seawater.
Tactical idea “way outside the box”.

Get scores upon scores of pipefitters to rapidly build a small pipeline a mile or two inland from the sea, complete with powerful pumps. Flood the tunnel system with seawater.
No, it could destabilize the foundations for the buildings.
Here is a video they took of themselves killing their own citizens. Good thing our rulers are giving them billions of dollars...

Tactical idea “way outside the box”.

Get scores upon scores of pipefitters to rapidly build a small pipeline a mile or two inland from the sea, complete with powerful pumps. Flood the tunnel system with seawater.
Garmel. This is from Ha'Eretz. This is Israel admitting to it. This is the source of all sources. My original tweet didn't come through. I'll try it again.

Second try is the video. The last tweet was me being skeptical not taking a report at face value. The question is about what they found in the tunnel? Was Hamas there? Computers? Files? Desks? Weapons? The video about the tunnel shows an empty tunnel it isn't proof Hamas was using it.

I find it strange how you automatically believe this story above even though they say it hasn't been confirmed but this story below you want proof.

You misunderstand. The second tweet with the video was shown with the caveat that it wasn't confirmed. Open up the tweet and you see he confirms in the comments. The first tweet is a confirmation report from the Israeli military itself. You don't believe the Israeli military when they admit what they did?
You don't believe the Israeli military when they admit what they did?

I'll believe it when I see it written in a news source in which I'm capable of reading, not from some X poster by the name of Megatron who seems to be a Hamas sympathizer.

There is a person who wrote on Community Notes who says "The source provided makes no mention of the poster’s (Megatron) claims." So i don't know.

Man, this Megatron guy seems to be bad news. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.
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