3 Cheers for our ally Israel!

Massive pro-Hamas march in London today (Armistice Day). Of course, the police allowed them to do almost whatever they wanted and threw the book at counter-protestors. Totally politicised institution.


This crap is why Americans must never give up their Second Amendment rights. Police in these woke jurisdictions will let left wing mobs run wild and then stand over you until you commit the most trivial offence and then throw the book at you. At least in the context of political violence, normal people are completely defenceless here.
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The UK's Home Secretary called for the London Police to be evenhanded during the pro-Hamas/anti-Jew rally. The Police weren't evenhanded. So the person who called for them to be evenhanded got canned.

Someone needs to show that Karen the news reports of Hamas trying to stop the IDF from evacuating civilians to safety in northern Gaza. Israelis trying to help Palis to safety and Hamas firing on them.

It's ashamed. Syria could be a really good place.

They'd be best off if they lopped off the Northwest corner that touches the Med (the best part--Mountains, forests, clear streams, etc., with lots of religious diversity), and made that it's own country. That's where Assad's tribe is from. They could call it Assadistan or something... But Assad wants to rule it all--with an iron fist! And he's full of that insane hatred of Jews and Israel.

The Syrians I've known personally have been some really smart people. 'Course half of them are doctors...
I think this is called progress.
Soldiers from the IDF's Golani Brigade were photographed today (Monday) in the Hamas parliament building in Gaza City, a symbol of the terrorist organization's rule over the Gaza Strip.


Slight tangent (like that's never happened on these boards before...)

Irony, going back to the Spanish Civil War (1930s):

- The Catholic side won, in large part, because of their Moroccan troops (mostly Muslim). Very fierce, highly disciplined, fanatically devoted, without mercy. They were under the command of, and personally loyal to, Franco himself. They won the critical early battles in the South and West and made a corridor to link up to the Northwest/West Central where the Catholics dominated the countryside and had some troops loyal to their Generals. From that point on, it was just a matter of time.

I don't know this, but I speculate that there was some sort of "gentlemens' agreement" between Franco and his Moroccan henchmen, that while Mainland Spain would be Catholic (and very traditional) after they won, Morocco could remain Muslim.

Personally, I don't care for either side in that war:

Reactionary, ultra-Catholic (with no tolerance for Protestants or Jews), fascist


Socialist or downright Communist, Moscow/Stalin-driven, incompetent, with lots of anarchists too
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Historically in Christian Europe,

Spain was one defensive end.

Austria was the defensive end on the other side.

(and the Polish calvary saved the Austrians and all of Western Civilization at the battle of Vienna in Austria)
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I believe no man should be mocked for his beliefs in the after-life. But it saddens me to see the religious rhetoric ramping up. My children and I have been mentally abused by a fundamentalist (my ex-wife) and it is my opinion that a human being with a "religious mandate" is possibly the most dangerous person in the world.

Gandhi said, 'There are many causes I would die for. There is not a single cause I would kill for."
George Washington weighs in


“May the same wonder-working Deity, who long since delivered the Hebrews from their Egyptian oppressors, planted them in a promised land - whose providential agency has lately been conspicuous in establishing these United States as an independent nation - still continue to water them with the dews of heaven and make the inhabitants of every denomination participate in the temporal and spiritual blessings of that people whose God is Jehovah.”
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They would be better off to cease their cat-fighting and direct their aggression towards those set on the destruction of both of them.

I don't think that's going to happen. He's wildly pro-Israel, and she was never a good fit with his company.

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