3 Cheers for our ally Israel!

I questioned why WE would send Navy close to the area.
Now I get it
"The USS Carney shot down 15 drones and four cruise missiles on Thursday in the span of 9 hours, a U.S. defense official tells Fox News.

Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder said yesterday during a press briefing that several drones and three cruise missiles were shot down. Officials told Fox News that this was true at the time since the briefing took place while the drones and missiles were being shot down.

The cruise missiles and drones were shot down with M-2 surface-to-air missiles with U.S. officials saying the rockets were headed for Israel.

The USS Carney was heading south through the Suez Canal on Wednesday and was in the Northern Red Sea on Thursday when the drones and missiles were shot down, the official said.
Hamas releases two American hostages, a mother and daughter, as Israel continues Gaza bombardment
"The USS Carney shot down 15 drones and four cruise missiles on Thursday in the span of 9 hours, a U.S. defense official tells Fox News.

I hope that DoD recognizes what the Ship and Crew did. Too often, it's "Well that's their job, mentality." I've seen that in the Military and Civilian sectors. Their actions probably saved lives and should be acknowledged.
Hamas is making crafty moves. Released 2 women hostages
And now announced will release 2 more.
Released the women's names and "IDNumbers".ID numbers for Jews wonder where they got that idea.
As long as they keep releasing hostages the world will demand Israel not attack Hamas in Gaza.
Hamas is making crafty moves. Released 2 women hostages
And now announced will release 2 more.
Released the women's names and "IDNumbers".ID numbers for Jews wonder where they got that idea.
As long as they keep releasing hostages the world will demand Israel not attack Hamas in Gaza.

So what's the end-game then? Destroy everything until, theoretically, the entire leadership of Hamas?
Whose end game? It seems like Hamas after that murderous evil attack on innocent Israeli citizens is trying to get world opinion on their side. Making it seem as if IDF in wanting to destroy the ones who attacked them is in the wrong.
Do you think if left to exist Hamas would never attack innocent Israeli civilians again?
Whose end game? It seems like Hamas after that murderous evil attack on innocent Israeli citizens is trying to get world opinion on their side. Making it seem as if IDF in wanting to destroy the ones who attacked them is in the wrong.
Do you think if left to exist Hamas would never attack innocent Israeli civilians again?

Israel's end-game. That's what I'm asking.
Israel is in a tough tough spot. In trying to give Pali Civilians time to move out of the north they played into Hamas and Israel haters.
What do you think Israel should do?
Israel is in a tough tough spot. In trying to give Pali Civilians time to move out of the north they played into Hamas and Israel haters.
What do you think Israel should do?

Well, that's a tough one. There is no good answer.

Backing up a bit, away from the Hamas atrocity, it's been clear to me, for years, that we are dealing with fanatics on both sides. The zeal over the holy land is something that far beyond my own way of thinking. I don't think God needs me to kill for him, you know?

Look at the skin in the game for Israel, Netanyahu's brother was killed during the Entebbe Raid. Netanyahu will never give in for that reason alone (my opinion). Then you the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin by a rabid Israeli. It reminds of Gandhi being assassinated by a Hindu for giving too much away to the Muslims.

Fanatics all.

Somehow, the Palestinian people must be made to understand the problems caused by fanatical terrorists. Of course, they have to accept that Israel will never retreat beyond the 1948 borders (just picking a starting point here).

I wish all the Arabs in Palestine (including the Golan Heights, the West Bank and Gaza) could live peacefully as a minority in a greater Israel, with all the rights as a citizen and full access to and respect for their holy sites.

But that doesn't really answer it does it? In a scenario where violence is necessary, it has to be a surgical attack against Hamas. And the Palestinian people must understand it's either Hamas or them who survives this mess. We can't allow carpet bombing and a massively disproportional response.

"Let's skip the news boy, I'll make some tea
The Arabs and the Jews boy, too much for me
They get me confused boy, puts me off to sleep
And the thing I hate, oh Lord
Is staying up late, to watch some debate on some nation's fate"

Blood on the Rooftops
Genesis (1976)
Surely this isn't the extent of her answer.

I think the Jewish Americans are having to make a huge decision about the next election. This type of answer is not comforting to them. The Left is just so locked-in on protecting people of color (including Muslims) that they can't see the forest for the trees.
It is interesting that Netanyahu has given more money to help the Arab citizens living in Israel than any other. Arabs living in Israel are citizens can vote can serve in the military but are not required to. And have representatives in the Knesset.
Has Israel ever without provocation attacked and murdered Pali civilians?
The only way to prevent Hamas from attacking innocent Israeli women and children is to destroy Hamas.
The calls for ceasefire now are bs.
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Are they "protecting" people of color
Or Using them?

Malcolm X would say using them. I am very cynical. I believe there are some good faith Liberals out there, but my feeling is that the Liberal elite is very ruthless and they will say or do anything to get their way. It's not a matter of caring; it's a matter of coveting. Coveting power.
It is interesting that Netanyahu has given more money to help the Arab citizens living in Israel than any other. Arabs living in Israel are citizens can vote can serve in the military but are not required to. And have representatives in the Knesset.
Has Israel ever without provocation attacked and murdered Pali civilians?
The only way to prevent Hamas from attacking innocent Israeli women and children is to destroy Hamas.
The calls for ceasefire now are bs.

Anyone over here calling for a cease-fire should be forced to live on the Gaza border for about a year after the cease-fire takes place. Then get back to us.
Anyone over here calling for a cease-fire should be forced to live on the Gaza border for about a year after the cease-fire takes place. Then get back to us.

Yeah. Who cares about Christians being killed in churches. Eff those people. Am I doing it right?

Do you think IDF targeted a Christian church?
You do know Hamas puts military next to civilian buildings.
Do you think Hamas targeted innocent civilians?
Yeah. Who cares about Christians being killed in churches. Eff those people. Am I doing it right?

I'm not going to get into an argument about who fired which shot or killed the most people or who did it in self-defense or who should just pack their bags and leave. The cease-fire talks imply Hamas lives to fight another day. That is what I'm talking about. I have zero sympathy for them.
Do you think IDF targeted a Christian church?
You do know Hamas puts military next to civilian buildings.
Do you think Hamas targeted innocent civilians?

I thought Israel had pin point accuracy? And who really cares? If an army killed your family would you care?

I do think Hamas targeted civilians they are an evil terrorist organization.
I'm not going to get into an argument about who fired which shot or killed the most people or who did it in self-defense or who should just pack their bags and leave. The cease-fire talks imply Hamas lives to fight another day. That is what I'm talking about. I have zero sympathy for them.

I'm not talking about Hamas. I am talking about people hiding out in a church getting killed.
Difficult horrid situation. Is that church near a Hamas military area?
You do know Hamas places their military assets near civilian areas?????

btw The Church disputes this. Who knows?
Dr. Scott Stripling

My wife and I checked out a different church in the area, lucked out by having this guy as a guest "speaker". I like sermons but this was worth the time.

He'd been in Israel as an archeologist for several yrs, was confronted by hamas terrorists on one occasion (Israeli ex military took care of business). Without going on and on, a 2 state solution is not workable, yes Palestinians do deal with inconveniences that any one of us would be upset with, yes Israelites are in danger on a somewhat regular basis. That much we knew but by going into detail we learned quite a bit about the situation

If this guy is speaking in your area, it's a good idea to spend an hour listening. No political talk, just the reality over there
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Difficult horrid situation. Is that church near a Hamas military area?
You do know Hamas places their military assets near civilian areas?????

btw The Church disputes this. Who knows?

Go back and look through the tweet. It explains the reality with pictures. The person tweeting is an American who has lost family members due to the bombing. He verified by following up with people living there.

You can believe Justin Amash who was a Republican Senator or you can believe left wing MSN.
Serious question
MSN is quoting the leaders of the church.
Do you think the elders of the Church lied?
At this point there are still questions.

Amash? Might he have an agenda?
Something strange is going on within the Israeli Defense Minustry. Hamas keeps rippling off waves of rockets. However Israel completely controls the sky and has assets in the sky at all times. Yet the multiple launches continue. One would think after the third launch, there would be bombs and rockets all over that site.

The launchers are the key. Hamas might have thousands of rockets, but they don't have thousands of launchers.

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