3 Cheers for our ally Israel!

The UN believes saying Israel has the right to defend themselves is akin to punching someone in the nose, then complaining that you have the right to defend yourself when the person hits you back.

If the stipulation is that Israel does not exist (the Zionist entity; the occupier), then self-defense does not exist. It's a cancer that needs to be cut out.
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I'm not sure what can be done. Here are the options:

1) All Jews pack their bags and leave.
2) Israel completely destroys Gaza.
3) Israel forgives Hamas and does nothing.
4) Israel stops their attacks and sits at the table with Hamas to negotiate.
5) Israel gives Hamas 48 hours to surrender or it destroys Gaza.

Who here believes Hamas will ever concede Israel's right to exist, even at the 1948 borders?

Who here believes Israel should pack their bags and leave?

The only thing I can think of is that Israel somehow swallows it's anger and allows the UN/US/Arab nations negotiate with Hamas, with an ultimatum kicker that is announced to the world:

Announce that Israel has the right to exist and we will begin negotiations at the 1948 borders.
Spot on. Hamas will never go for allowing Israel to exist. Even if cooler heads prevail, Hamas will continue with terrorist events. So will Hezbollah.

Israel has no choice but to destroy Hamas even if that means total destruction of Gaza.

One day it will happen to America too. Idiots here supporting Palestine and Hamas don't realize these cultures want the elimination of America too. And the democrats are setting that up with open borders.
1) All Jews pack their bags and leave. - Never going to happen. Too many people already there and too much history.
2) Israel completely destroys Gaza. - Could happen. But it invites Arabs and other Muslim countries to attack. Likely to start WW3 and could be nuclear. Plus it involves committing way more injustice than Hamas is guilty of.
3) Israel forgives Hamas and does nothing. - Never going to happen. Israelis will get rid of politicians that do that. Also can't let injustice go unresolved.
4) Israel stops their attacks and sits at the table with Hamas to negotiate. - Result would be 3)
5) Israel gives Hamas 48 hours to surrender or it destroys Gaza. - Would end up being 2)

The fact is there is no good outcome. All that is missing from Armageddon is the existence of the 3rd Jewish Temple on Mt. Zion.

I have also heard of the options of giving Palestinians their own state or making Palestinians full Israeli citizens. Neither is really possible either for multiple reasons.
1) All Jews pack their bags and leave. - Never going to happen. Too many people already there and too much history.
2) Israel completely destroys Gaza. - Could happen. But it invites Arabs and other Muslim countries to attack. Likely to start WW3 and could be nuclear. Plus it involves committing way more injustice than Hamas is guilty of.
3) Israel forgives Hamas and does nothing. - Never going to happen. Israelis will get rid of politicians that do that. Also can't let injustice go unresolved.
4) Israel stops their attacks and sits at the table with Hamas to negotiate. - Result would be 3)
5) Israel gives Hamas 48 hours to surrender or it destroys Gaza. - Would end up being 2)

The fact is there is no good outcome. All that is missing from Armageddon is the existence of the 3rd Jewish Temple on Mt. Zion.

I have also heard of the options of giving Palestinians their own state or making Palestinians full Israeli citizens. Neither is really possible either for multiple reasons.

The Zionists (and probably other Jewish people beyond that designation) have two non-negotiable points:

1) A majority Jewish voting population
2) In Palestine at the 1948 borders at a minimum.

I've read the population demographic is roughly 76% Jewish (6.8M) and 24% Arab (2.1M). Of the Arab population, 82% is Sunni, which means they are not necessarily Persian sympathizers on that basis.

There are 2 million Arabs living in Gaza. They are also predominantly Sunni. Add in the Gaza Arabs and the mix becomes 62% Jewish and 38% Arab. So the Jewish majority is still a large majority but it becomes quite diluted. Plus, can you expect the Gaza Arabs to settle down, mingle and not kill people?
I don't think the demographics are that much in the Jews favor. I think it started out that way but it is closer now, I think. But even with that demographics are changing. It projections show a majority Arab at any point in the next 50 years it is a no go for the Israeli government.
I don't think the demographics are that much in the Jews favor. I think it started out that way but it is closer now, I think. But even with that demographics are changing. It projections show a majority Arab at any point in the next 50 years it is a no go for the Israeli government.

Basically, their clear majority is pretty much holy ground. After the Holocaust, it was, "Never again." And never again, means absolute power.
In recent years the West Bank Arabs have seemed downright reasonable when compared with their Gaza brethren.

Hamas=Gaza. Fatah (PLO)=West Bank

In recent years, the PLO has taken after the IRA in Ireland. Terrorists that settled down and became just another political party. Let’s hope that part holds up. (It may or may not; Fatah/PLO could turn back into bloodthirsty terrorists at any point...)

Gaza, on the other hand is run by a bunch of lunatics and bloodthirsty murderers.
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And whatever happened to the maxim that Sunnis and Shiites hate each other even more than they hate Jews and Christians. That doesn’t seem to be the case with Hezbollah.
1) All Jews pack their bags and leave. - Never going to happen. Too many people already there and too much history.
2) Israel completely destroys Gaza. - Could happen. But it invites Arabs and other Muslim countries to attack. Likely to start WW3 and could be nuclear. Plus it involves committing way more injustice than Hamas is guilty of.
3) Israel forgives Hamas and does nothing. - Never going to happen. Israelis will get rid of politicians that do that. Also can't let injustice go unresolved.
4) Israel stops their attacks and sits at the table with Hamas to negotiate. - Result would be 3)
5) Israel gives Hamas 48 hours to surrender or it destroys Gaza. - Would end up being 2)

The fact is there is no good outcome. All that is missing from Armageddon is the existence of the 3rd Jewish Temple on Mt. Zion.

I have also heard of the options of giving Palestinians their own state or making Palestinians full Israeli citizens. Neither is really possible either for multiple reasons.

1. The day after the attack and we find US citizens were taken hostage, potus says "hamas has until Thursday to return each of our hostages. No exceptions. If they aren't returned Thursday, you won't like Friday. Invasion, break everything in sight. The Muslim nations can deal with mess or Israel takes over the land. Israel's choice

There's no 2nd option
Greta Thunberg

The pathology of the Liberal mind includes the stipulation of inerrancy and complete moral supremacy, to the point that it justifies the murder of the great satan; i.e. anyone who even dares to venture forth with the nuance that murdering babies might cross the line.

Of course, aborting a viable baby in the womb is a moral imperative too, so living and dying is a matter of judgment and Liberal judgment is not to be questioned.
Europe f@cked itself for 500 years by killing off a lot of its smartest people and causing many great scientists to permanently go into exile. Dumbest thing the Continent has ever done.
Here’s some interesting and seemingly random facts:

Lebanon/Hezbollah—to the North of Israel

Turkey—to the North of Israel

Iran—to the North/Northeast of Israel

Syria—to the North of Israel

Russia—to the far North of Israel

1) All Jews pack their bags and leave. - Never going to happen. Too many people already there and too much history.
2) Israel completely destroys Gaza. - Could happen. But it invites Arabs and other Muslim countries to attack. Likely to start WW3 and could be nuclear. Plus it involves committing way more injustice than Hamas is guilty of.
3) Israel forgives Hamas and does nothing. - Never going to happen. Israelis will get rid of politicians that do that. Also can't let injustice go unresolved.
4) Israel stops their attacks and sits at the table with Hamas to negotiate. - Result would be 3)
5) Israel gives Hamas 48 hours to surrender or it destroys Gaza. - Would end up being 2)

The fact is there is no good outcome. All that is missing from Armageddon is the existence of the 3rd Jewish Temple on Mt. Zion.

I have also heard of the options of giving Palestinians their own state or making Palestinians full Israeli citizens. Neither is really possible either for multiple reasons.
Doesn't have to be "destroy Gaza". It would take longer but a progressive blockade would eventually accomplish this as well. and without the mass destruction and significant bloodshed.

1. Gaza is 25 miles long and average about 5 miles wide. Yes, large and quite dense, but manageable as long as you use the resource of time.
2. Provide a path out for those willing to leave voluntarily.
3. Start cutting power and water one mile at a time working your way north to south.
4. Set up blockades to allow movement south but nothing to come back north
5. Eventually you will have some militant holdouts that you will have to go house-to-house to eradicate. But the collateral damage will be substantially less and you will have the "we gave them a month to vacate" to fall back on.
6. If you can't clear out house ,then level it
7. Obviously there will be some loss of life and some destruction, but much less than an immediate "level Gaza" approach
Doesn't have to be "destroy Gaza". It would take longer but a progressive blockade would eventually accomplish this as well. and without the mass destruction and significant bloodshed.

1. Gaza is 25 miles long and average about 5 miles wide. Yes, large and quite dense, but manageable as long as you use the resource of time.
2. Provide a path out for those willing to leave voluntarily.
3. Start cutting power and water one mile at a time working your way north to south.
4. Set up blockades to allow movement south but nothing to come back north
5. Eventually you will have some militant holdouts that you will have to go house-to-house to eradicate. But the collateral damage will be substantially less and you will have the "we gave them a month to vacate" to fall back on.
6. If you can't clear out house ,then level it
7. Obviously there will be some loss of life and some destruction, but much less than an immediate "level Gaza" approach

2. is impossible in the current situation. Israel will not allow them in other regions of their country and Egypt won't let them entire their country.
3. Will kill people from lack of water or exposure to the elements
4. Egypt won't let them go South.
5, 6, 7. Will mean house to urban warfare. It will kill hundreds of thousands of people who aren't in Hamas. But the IDF will also sustain very heavy casualties. They tried this with Hezbollah in Lebanon years ago. The effort didn't last long. The destruction will be the same long term because there is no where for the Palestinians to go.

Now if Egypt or Jordan or Syria changed their minds on accepting mass Palestinian immigration or any other country for that matter it could give a release valve for some of the violence.
1. Gaza is 25 miles long and average about 5 miles wide. Yes, large and quite dense, but manageable as long as you use the resource of time.

This made me think of Manhattan island.

13 miles long and 2.3 miles wide (at it's widest point). 1.7 million people (2020 census).

Big difference eh in modernization and ability to care for itself. Of course, it's part of New York state and our nation, but it shows that density is not a guaranteed 3rd world country.
This made me think of Manhattan island.

13 miles long and 2.3 miles wide (at it's widest point). 1.7 million people (2020 census).

Big difference eh in modernization and ability to care for itself. Of course, it's part of New York state and our nation, but it shows that density is not a guaranteed 3rd world country.

It has nothing to do with being 3rd world but if you put walls around Manhattan and turned off their electricity and water bad stuff would happen. As long as the people have access to technology of all kinds, no problem. Me. I would tell all of them to cram into Central Park so I could bomb all their houses. He he. I mean they are commies, right?
Sad to hear brothers and sisters in Christ were killed in this violence. Churches are supposed to be asylums of safety right?


Some sources are reporting the rift between the PLO and Hamas has evolved into an open civil war - a shooting war inside Gaza.


Too good to be true?

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