The difficulty is that you both explicitly say and strongly imply some opinions that are dubious at best, or flatly wrong, with the added attitude of certainty, but then run away and say “now I’m done talking about it.”
I won’t even bother to look it up, but I believe that in his last year here, Vince had the highest passer rating in the nation. In addition to being probably the best RB in the country. He completed game winning or clutch passes against Ohio State, OU, USC, and many others. His running talent gave him more space and extended plays, and his threat to run took a DB out of coverage, so his windows were wider, but with Vince we had a very good passing game. So, not any QB ever at the college level was 10x as good as Vince as a passer. As a pro, he was OROY, pro bowl, took a team to the playoffs, and won 30 NFL games to about 17 losses or so. Without looking, I suspect his pro career far surpassed Colt McCoy’s, even though it fell far, far short of his potential. Nothing about Vince is what is, or was, wrong with our program.
Okay, now we can be done talking about Vince Young.