2020 Senate & House

Funny Dems didn't complain about Soros dumping money into Virginia.

Do Republicans balk at Koch, Sheldon Anderson, or Mercer money?

Sawant isn't a Democrat but an actual Socialist. She belongs to the Socialist Aternative party. Centrist Progressives showed up to vote Sawant out in a bit of an upset. There was concern that the $1.5M Amazon put into Centrist candidates would backfire against them.

Being too harsh to the golden goose (Seattle's great businesses) can have repercussions.
Morrissey is a slimy piece of ****... the Virginia equivalent of Roy Moore. But he wasn't jailed for having sex with the 17-year-old (now his wife) because that's the VA age of consent... he was jailed because of the cell phone pics (anything under 18).

But, also similar to Moore, he comes across as a Bible-beating Baptist and goes to an evangelical church.
So he was jailed as a sex offender.

Sounds like a guy suburban "conservatives" should vote for. Much better than crass tweets. The Dems must really be communicating intelligently to No VA voters.
Deez. You are telling me that these urban professional people who are conservative are only voting for Dems because Trump is distasteful? But would totally vote for a sex offender?

Newly Elected Virginia Senator Had Been Jailed for Having Sex with Teenager

Don't really buy it. These are yellow dog Democrats who will vote for anyone with a D label.

Have you actually looked at the district in question, or are you talking out your ***? I think you're doing the latter, which is rare for you. The district is 52 percent black and overwhelmingly Democratic. This isn't the kind of district I'm talking about.

Nevertheless, according to you, Garmel, and mchammer, Trump is brining in a bunch of black voters. Shouldn't that be paying off? If you guys were right, Morrissey would have gotten his *** kicked with all those new Tea Party conservative black voters. What the hell went wrong???
Part of the problem with VA is that they didn't run Republicans in all the races to begin with. It is almost as if they are trying to lose.
Part of the problem with VA is that they didn't run Republicans in all the races to begin with. It is almost as if they are trying to lose.

That happens pretty routinely all over the country. It's hard to get candidates to commit time and money to run for office when they know they're going to lose by 40 points.

Before we told the suburbs to go screw themselves so we could high-five with Trump, Democrats frequently let suburban races go unchallenged.
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Part of me feels sorry for the guy. This looks like a cry for help. He mailed it from the airport where there's ton of video surveillance and used his leg. office stationary. That's about the surest way to get caught and for the package to be linked to him. Furthermore, instead of refusing to talk (which is the legally smart thing to do), he confessed guilt to the police and to the public. Nevarez is a lawyer. That doesn't mean he's wise. Obviously he's not, but it does mean he knew the consequences of what he did, the likelihood of getting caught, and the legal implications of what he said. I don't know what's going on in his personal life, but it sure sounds like he wanted to get caught. It's not a smart way to try to get help for grief and addiction, but it's better than suicide.
Part of me feels sorry for the guy. This looks like a cry for help. He mailed it from the airport where there's ton of video surveillance and used his leg. office stationary. That's about the surest way to get caught and for the package to be linked to him. Furthermore, instead of refusing to talk (which is the legally smart thing to do), he confessed guilt to the police and to the public. Nevarez is a lawyer. That doesn't mean he's wise. Obviously he's not, but it does mean he knew the consequences of what he did, the likelihood of getting caught, and the legal implications of what he said. I don't know what's going on in his personal life, but it sure sounds like he wanted to get caught. It's not a smart way to try to get help for grief and addiction, but it's better than suicide.
Or he was about to get caught otherwise, and this was better to get the news out?
Or he was about to get caught otherwise, and this was better to get the news out?

Maybe, but if he didn't want to get caught, there were far less risky ways to do this. He could have put the cocaine in an unmarked envelope with a false return address, and dropped it in a mailbox in a ******** town somewhere between Austin and Eagle Pass. If he did it right, it would have been damn near impossible for him to get caught.
It's true, right? I mean, unelect her but how many CongressMEN have acted similarly and not stepped down? That said, she chose to step down. Was she pressured? I don't know.

Let's be clear. She didn't step down because of what she did. She stepped down because she got caught and had no plausible deniability. I'm sure plenty of congressmen and women have banged members of their staffs and not resigned. However, I'm not aware of any who did so, created indisputable proof of it (which is the only reason she resigned), and didn't resign.
Let's be clear. She didn't step down because of what she did. She stepped down because she got caught and had no plausible deniability.,,,.

She stepped down to avoid the ethics inquiry - she clearly violated House rules
They tried to spin it as something else
She stepped down to avoid the ethics inquiry - she clearly violated House rules
They tried to spin it as something else

True, but had there been no verification (naked pictures), she would have denied everything, and the Ethics Committee would have likely given her the benefit of the doubt. It's like Clinton with the dress. Had there been no dress or if the DNA testing had come back inconclusive, he would have stood by "I was never alone with her."
Planned Parenthood is preparing to spend $40 Million to influence the 2020 elections

Tell me again why they get subsidies from the US taxpayer?
Jealousy can work politically in certain regions. Warren might have something with her idea if she were willing to drop the other nonsense, like all the transgender stuff (which weirds people out) and drop climate change stuff (which is overly controlling). But she won't, she can't.

Interesting that in all categories shown those without degrees profess less support for a wealth tax than those with degrees.
I can't set the GOP results

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